Neither is “marriage” period, but “individual rights and equal protection of the law” is mentioned and gay marriage is well covered by it.
But gay people are given the same individual rights as straight people, there is no discrimination against gays who want to marry, but marriage is defined as a union of a man and woman, and has nothing to do with gay or straight. So, no... gay marriage is certainly NOT covered, nor is there a provision which allows you to alter what things mean, in order to make something a right. If this is what you wish to do, you need to ratify an amendment to the Constitution.
Nobody’s attempting to “change what things mean.”
Marriage is simply a contract between agreeable adults.
NO IT'S NOT! This is what you WANT it to be, but it's the matrimonial joining of a male and female, regardless of sexuality.
The signatures of said adults affixed to said contracts are all that is necessary to make them legal because contracts between agreeing adults violates nobody’s rights and therefore are nobody’s business but the said agreeing adults, not governments at any level, not yours and not Sweet Sara’s. It’s called FREEDOM Goober!!!
But the constitution does not give us the freedom to enter into (or create) ANY contract, as long as we consent. We are confined by the laws and what is legally allowed. This is everybody's business, because we establish the laws. There is no such thing as unfettered freedom, we don't live in that world. We are a nation of laws, we have limits on what individuals can and can't do.
The States and the majority authoritarian mob therein have NO constitutional authority to violate the National Constitution Goober. America is not a mob rule “democracy,” America is a “CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC” Goober!!!
I've already shown you there is no violation of the Constitution in denying gay marriage. Last I checked, the 10th Amendment is still part of the Constitution, perhaps you should read it again? The States and People, respectively, have the ULTIMATE power to decide, on ANYTHING!
Marriage is simply a legal contract between agreeable adults Goober.
Marriage is simply NOT, Goober!
If it’s something more, prove it!!! Gay marriages are NOT I say again NOT my action. I have a free agreeable contract with a woman. I don’t give a flying fuck who gays want to marry because it effects my rights by a factor of ZERO. I simply defend the right of every agreeing adult to make agreeable contracts with whoever the fuck they want Goober.
But that isn't what marriage is. You can't redefine marriage to make it include something that isn't marriage, just because that's what you want, or because you don't give a fuck what people do. What if someone wants to change the meaning of "free speech" to include walking around naked, masturbating in public? Hell, strike down all laws against public indecency, they are unconstitutional! I don't give a fuck, it's not bothering me, they should be free to do as they please!
Now, "free speech" is a broad and diverse freedom which covers a lot of things, including pornography, and in some cases, even including public nudity, if the community has agreed on these standards. But it doesn't change the fact that most people don't consider public nudity and masturbation to be what is meant by "freedom of speech." The Constitution simply doesn't give you the authority to decide what is or isn't appropriate for everyone else, or change the definition of things to fit your actions.
I am the only person on this board to have offered a
solution to this issue, which basically gives every side exactly what they claim to want, and ends the entire debate forever. It is continually rejected by people who would rather keep the issue as a political bludgeoning device. Ironically, it is very much a Libertarian idea, and one that any respectful Libertarian would support.
We begin with the Libertarian philosophy of limited government, and we remove the government from recognizing ANY domestic partnership. What is the purpose of this? Why does government need to know who is living as a domestic partner with someone else? What makes this information of relevance to the government? Taxes, insurance, property? Let's resolve those entanglements, and either divorce government from having to sanction any kind of partnership, or in such rare cases where that may be needed, adopt a generic civil union contract, available to any two consenting adults, regardless of sexuality or anything else. The word "marriage" simply disappears from the lexicon, there is no more government recognition made on this basis. This ends the debate, it protects religious sanctity of traditional marriage, it gives homosexual couples every advantage of married couples, and dis-involves government from sanctioning religion
or sexual behaviors.