I debunked everything, it's in that "yada yada" part you glossed over.
No it doesn't, it only seems evident to idiot morons like you, who can't grasp the enormous differences. Most non-morons can comprehend the systemic racism of prohibiting interracial marriages, when the only marriages prohibited were between black and white people. Most non-morons can also grasp that homosexuals aren't being prohibited from anything others are allowed to do. People who aren't total fucking retards, understand there are major fundamental differences between racial discrimination and opposition to changing the definition of traditional marriage to include homosexual behavior. And most people are not so devoid of character and actually have enough intellectual honesty, not to try and make such a comparison. Then, there is YOU!
No, I'm sorry, but you are again confusing the word "marriage" for something that is not "marriage." Gay people are not prohibited from marrying! There is not one probate judge in the country who asks anyone if they are gay or straight, when issuing marriage licenses. You want to have marriage licensing for same-sex couples, but that isn't marriage. Prohibition of "gay marriage" prevents ALL men and women from making free and agreeable marriage contracts with people of the same sex, because that isn't marriage.
But that's not what you claimed. You said we have the Constitutional right to marry whoever we please. Now you come back with a prerequisite that must be met, in order for our "right" to be realized. Do we have the "right" to marry whomever we please, or not? I argue, we DO NOT have the right to marry whomever we please, and I have proven I am correct, I am not married to Christie Brinkley. We certainly don't have the right to do something that is not marriage and simply redefine marriage to include what we want to do. The Constitution doesn't give us permission to do that, unless a new Constitutional amendment is ratified by the people.