Not So Junior Member
A lot of liberals watch thing like the BIll O'Reilly show just because they disagree with it.
Conservatives are not so open-minded.
Keep telling yourself that.

A lot of liberals watch thing like the BIll O'Reilly show just because they disagree with it.
Conservatives are not so open-minded.
The only political stuff I watch is on PBS.
Admittedly, I enjoyed the historical feature they ran on LBJ last week, but on principle I still have to say that PBS should not exist. There's still the Hitler Channel for stuff like that, even if they pander to Asshate far too often with their crap about UFOs, USO's, Bigfoot, Crop Circles, etc.
Solitary, you amaze me. You have been an Obama cheerleader this entire campaign, railing on Conservatives, railing on Republicans, carrying the water for outright Liberal Socialism and Communism, and chastising anyone who dares to contradict you.... now you are suddenly troubled by this? What exactly did you expect? These people want to squelch any voice of dissent, to silence any critic of Socialist Reform, they will probably start capturing 'political prisoners' by this time next year. You wanted this shit, now you've gotten your wish! I hope you are happy with yourself. Remember that people tried like hell to warn you, we tried with all our might to help you see the light, and you staunchly refused to listen, so be it! You get exactly what you deserve buddy! You all do!
I've noticed that for a couple years now. I really loved History Channel way back when. Then they went for the conspiracy and revisionist stuff, too bad.
I will vote against any senate or house member who votes for the fairness doctrine regardless of any of there other stances.
Where will you run to, racist pigs? South Africa won't let you in.
Hope you have all your money taken for repartations!
Who cares? I can spell C H A N G E and your racist Rebuttlickins are going down!!
Yes the history channel is crap compared to what it used to be.
So can Obama. However, McCain can't. He's forgotten what it looks like.I can spell C A S H which is even better!
Alright Mr K.
Nice to see you again in internet word form.
Now i don't know much about this Fairness Doctrine but i'll admit it sounds like a terrible idea. Having had the pleasure of watching some of your network news broadcasts, on our new-fangled space satellite television box, i'm more of the opinion that what you need is less government diktat and more people complaining about the shoddy journalistic standards on display.
Last night i was unfortunate enough to watch this fat-faced Hannitys chap delivering "10 reasons not to vote for Barack Obamas", which was essentially a very long party ad for the McCains. You just wouldn't get anything like that on British tv news.
Can't you just get rid of these make-up plastered charlatans shouting over their "guests" and return to the good old days of proper journalists questioning policy and exposing political lies, using facts rather than crude opinionated innuendo and half-truths filtered through some warped political sieve?
Well....yea.....I guess we could......but wouldn't that be like banging your sister with a jimmy hat?
I haven't got a sister.![]()