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Well you have a jimmy hat don't you?

Of course.

With super majoritys in Congress Obama will sign the Fairness Doctrine to shut up RepubliKKKans like Shwan Hannity and Rush Limpballs. No opossition to Supreme Court picks!
Taking the country from the Rich!!!!

Hey asshole, ever heard of the 1st Amendment?

Bush has been slandered more than any President in history, but you don't see him trying to crack down on it. That's because, in spite of his many flaws, he believes in freedom of thought/expression - something you clearly know nothing about. You know nothing of freedom or hard work or anything else that made this country great.

But, at least you're honest about being a fascist thug. Now go choke on a cock and die, you worthless piece of garbage.

Fuck you.
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Fairness doctrine is bullshit plain and simple. Ideas compete in the Marketplace. If your ideas don't sell then find another way to package them. But requiring that a radio station carry your particular brand of political speech to their economic detrement is authoritarian. I can't believe none of you liberals can see that. Over and over and over hear liberal talk about the Fairness doctrine as if you can force people to stay on the radio when something comes on they don't like. Is that what happens to you lefties? When Rush comes on are you captive to his broadcast? No. Change the fucking channel and quit whining. This is what has given the democratic party its limp image. All this whining about people not being able to listen to their ideas when the truth is you want people FORCED to carry your ideas.
But requiring that a radio station carry your particular brand of political speech to their economic detrement is authoritarian. I can't believe none of you liberals can see that. Over and over and over hear liberal talk about the Fairness doctrine as if you can force people to stay on the radio when something comes on they don't like. Is that what happens to you lefties? When Rush comes on are you captive to his broadcast? No. Change the fucking channel and quit whining. This is what has given the democratic party its limp image. All this whining about people not being able to listen to their ideas when the truth is you want people FORCED to carry your ideas.

From this, it is clear that you don't even have a smidgen of an idea what the fairness doctrine is, retard.