The apostles all denied Christ at the end.
Cats like to chase mice.
Crowley has nothing to do with Wicca.
Alister Crowley and Rasmussen brought the occult to pop culture. It was absolutely these frauds who sensationalized the occult to the post-victorian women of London and New York.
Wiccans are widely diverse in their practices and beliefs. They are also the smallest religion in modern times.
I have no desire to "Prove" to anyone here I am a good Christian, as was attempted to be used by a Leftie, in defense of Carter, which started this discussion on religion.
I've said nothing about Christian beliefs.
Wicca is a made up religion invented in the 1960's. That has nothing to do with Christianity.
I don't need to defend my belief in Christ as my savior, it is in my heart, and he already knows.
Wiccans, like many native American Tribal religions, is a belief filled with many Gods and Demigods, with a foundational belief in Christ.
Nonsense. Wicca is occultism and a rejection of the Christian faith. It was invented as rebellion against the societal norms of Western Christian culture. Wicca is an expression of the counterculture and arose along side the Hippie movement.
But by strict definitions, we are a poly-theist religion, which makes our members under threat of extinction by torture, by the world's largest religion, Radical Islam.
Islam is indeed radical. And polytheists are Kafir - initially pointed at the Hindus. But in later Hadiths expanded to all idolitors and polytheists.
"Slay the Kafir where ye find them, pursue them and destroy them using all strategy of war." - Surah 9
Jews are Dhimmi in Islam, but fare no better, as we saw on 10-7.
Some of my best friends are Moderate Muslims. They too are under great threat of violence by the Radical Muslims. There is no one on earth more likely to be killed by the Radical Muslims, than the Moderate Muslims. But Wiccans are not far behind them.
There are two paths in Islam, Sunni and Shi'ia. Sunni is more violent based on the Hadiths recognized.
But what all must understand is that there are no gradients of radicalism - simply the level of obedience to the Koran and Hadiths. All Muslims profess that the Koran is infallible and the literal word of their god. All Muslims are commanded by Muhammad to kill idolitors. All Muslims, Sunni and Shi'ite believe this to be a literal command from Allah through Muhammad. The only question is who will pick up a sword and obey the scriptures. Your friends commit a "Shirk," a blasphemous sin by not killing you.
Every Muslim makes as confession of faith that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet. There is no wiggle room. Islam is absolute.
Wiccans are a small people, humble, curious, quiet, helpful, and we make great neighbors.
I laugh at Wicca - an invented religion for bored housewives.
It does me no harm and I have no real objection - but it is fully laughable.
At least, I think so...
Wicca had a peak in the 90's. The Boomers who still claim it will be the last of the fabricated religion.