Pentagon considered building a "Gay" bomb...

sentence as I was are correct I do not follow the 'Pot Party' give it a rest Sgt...demoted to Cpl...for this comment...I am a registered 'American Independent' party member...nice Liberal try though...and by the way how is your agriculture crop...Oregon is well known for the I may be back later if I get everything done...

Ohh how grand of you. You mean you may be back later if you don't get too drunk ?

Ohh how grand of you. You mean you may be back later if you don't get too drunk ?

and what did cippie and darla promise you for your support with the "Canned" lib attack???...anyone who disagrees with them is a "Drunk" how original you are...I had thought better of you...but the coolaid is way too'
and what did cippie and darla promise you for your support with the "Canned" lib attack???...anyone who disagrees with them is a "Drunk" how original you are...I had thought better of you...but the coolaid is way too'

Now that is a good one. You had thought better of me ? You have a perverted way of showing it then.

Besides I don't give a rats ass what you think of me.
Getting promoted by a turd, how exciting....

YOu don't know how badly I have wanted to come on as Bottleborne and imitate this guy. This guy was made for satire, and it has been tempting. It would be hysterical.'s against Damo's rules to troll another poster and since he can see who you are when you sign up, I wouldn't be able to deny it convincingly.
Yep the Bottlebore ID would be in violation of Damos rules...alas....
I liked my Dicksee and toebee trolls and even my danodemento one :)
But that was on another board.
Yep the Bottlebore ID would be in violation of Damos rules...alas....
I liked my Dicksee and toebee trolls and even my danodemento one :)
But that was on another board.

I understand the rule, because I've seen it used very maliciously. But, sometimes it's used in a very funny way, like the ones you mention. Sorry I missed those!
These kids dressed this way when we were not at war. They look like the flower children did in the '60's. This is the Bay Area after all, home to the hippy movement. Is refering to them as part of the 'counter-culture' more appropriate? I'm referring strictly to these kids/young adults working on Telegraph Ave in Berkely.

Yeah, I look at them and don't understand what they are doing. I'm sure they look at me and feel the same way. That's cool, to each his own.

I'm sure they look at me and feel the same way. That's cool, to each his own

Why? Do you walk in there in an expensive suit and rayban sunglasses?

Telegraph Avenue is the bomb, cawacko. Admit it - it's an interesting place. Sounds like you've been there more than once: do you secretly love the place? ;)
I'm sure they look at me and feel the same way. That's cool, to each his own

Why? Do you walk in there in an expensive suit and rayban sunglasses?

Telegraph Avenue is the bomb, cawacko. Admit it - it's an interesting place. Sounds like you've been there more than once: do you secretly love the place? ;)

I've probably been there 500 times which is 500 times to many in my book. :) That place is a bunch of dirty smelly hippies hanging out and begging for change on the street corners. My biggest complaint is there are no chicks.

I used to love Telegraph Ave. when I was in high school. I thought it was the coolest place. It's gotten worse recently as more retail stores have closed on Telegraph and Durant and more people are living on the streets and panhandling.

They do have the cool guy who sells bumper stickers across the street from Blondie's Pizza with the Palastinian flag hanging high and every anti-U.S. and Isreal slogan or quote imaginable. A lot of good anti-Bush and Republican stickers too.
It's gotten worse recently as more retail stores have closed on Telegraph and Durant and more people are living on the streets and panhandling.

Amazing how people will see the results of it all around them and never put two and two together.
Well Damn...

How did I miss this posting...y'all ...Darla et al want to immitate the one and only 'Battleborne' that is a compliment to say the least..then again...I think down deep 'Darla' is looking for a real guy who really likes girls...I could be wrong...cause' the left are still searching for the

Yep the Bottlebore ID would be in violation of Damos rules...alas....
I liked my Dicksee and toebee trolls and even my danodemento one :)
But that was on another board.

Sgt..who gave up because he screwed up...from the mouths of babes or