Sir Evil
Megalocon, The Evil Dick
Look....we "warned" Kim Jong Il to not test any missiles...we talked tough and we rattled our sabres...but ON THE FOURTH OF JULY FOR CRISSAKES, that little prick fired his missiles ...that was specifically designed to be a slap on the face of America and we did not have not and are not doing anything about it except let ourselves get slapped like some girlieman.... Kim Jong Il knows that Iraq has hobbled us in more ways than one... so does Iran... so does the rest of the world.
Unfortunately the only thing that has hobbled us is the same shit you type right here only it has been spoken outloud by your beloved party because they are still stewing over elections, and wanting to use the whole bush lied bullshit to their advatage!
Why did we go into irag during the first bush administration, why was billy putzing around in there?
So because you say it was just little arms being sold to iraq it therefore makes sanction working wonderfully?
iraq was a long overdue, now because you assume that their was absolutely no plan in place because you smarter then the miliatry generals, leaders and advisors on the situation that the world is unstable, iran is running wild, nk is slapping us in the face. Gee, who would of ever gave such considerations? it was something that any sane person could of called, the biggest mistake was expecting anything more than a fart out of the UN, and not forseeing the idiocy of the left in such instances of making a mountain out torture issues, but it's ok for the bad guys, calling our marines murderers, but seeking the benfit of the geneva convention for the bad guys, and the shit goes on and on...