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Villified User
Aug 6, 7:44 PM EDT

Will Bush Keep Pledge to Rebuild Bridge?

Associated Press Writer

NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- For New Orleans residents, the scene was all too familiar: President Bush, touring the site of the collapsed I-35W bridge in Minneapolis, promising to cut red tape and rebuild as quickly as possible.

Nearly two years ago, with parts of New Orleans still under water after Hurricane Katrina, Bush made similar declarations in the French Quarter. The president's promise was all Melanie Thompson needed to hear to bring back her family of five and begin work on their flooded home.

But today Thompson's family is still living in a cramped trailer and awaiting aid to rebuild. Her hope and faith in government have faded and she worries for the people of Minneapolis.

"I just hope to God they come to their rescue a lot quicker than they did ours," she said.

The scope of the two disasters is far different. Katrina killed more than 1,400 in Louisiana, and the storm and catastrophic failure of levees submerged most of New Orleans. Some neighborhoods remain in ruins.

By contrast, last week's bridge collapse caused five confirmed deaths and injured about 100. And most commuters were still able to get to work smoothly without using the freeway closed by the accident.

In both cases, Bush promised swift federal action. In Minneapolis, the president gave no timeline for rebuilding the bridge but said he would work to cut the bureaucratic red tape that could delay the project.

In his French Quarter speech, Bush said the government would "stay as long as it takes, to help citizens rebuild their communities and their lives."
You actually made a good point.

Plus, there a highly endangered Minnesota GOP senator - Norm Coleman - up for reelection in 2008

Oh, they are going to be stepping in high cotton in Minnesota then. Just like florida was after their hurricane, and Jebbie was up for reelection. Good times.
The Libs are going to try to make another Katrina out of this, I saw how they were already trying to spin it on CNN, while questioning some bridge experts, practically putting words in their mouths? Somehow, they will blame the Republican Governor? I am ready for their strategery as Rush Limbaugh puts it, we are in a media war with the Libs who are trying to control the minds of the American people, and sending out their one-liner usc, to propagandize, butt, not while I am here? Another cyber-skewering, thank you.
I thought it interesting that the govt representatives quoted in the article spoke of repairing the bridge...Umm looks like a replacement is in order to me.
Thanks for the info Damo, we dont really get news out here.

Who would honestly trust the federal government to take care of them quickly? We dont EVER do anything quickly.
i have a question: How in God's name can you post on this site and still not know what has happened in Minneapolis? "Tunnel Vision???

Give him a break, dude.

He's in a country 7000 miles away, pulling foot patrol duty and dodging IEDs. He's not in a position to keep up with the latest domestic news.
i have a question: How in God's name can you post on this site and still not know what has happened in Minneapolis? "Tunnel Vision???

Donny you call yourself the preeminent bush-basher, butt, I have not seen you bash even the lowest poster on the totem poll, SuperFreak, who I cyber-skewed personally yesterday, and who has not been seen since, never mind the President?
I thought it interesting that the govt representatives quoted in the article spoke of repairing the bridge...Umm looks like a replacement is in order to me.
They were in the process of repairing the bridge. when it collapsed.
Donny you call yourself the preeminent bush-basher, butt, I have not seen you bash even the lowest poster on the totem poll, SuperFreak, who I cyber-skewed personally yesterday, and who has not been seen since, never mind the President?

What a f'ing idiot. I'm going to IA this guy.
Thanks for the info Damo, we dont really get news out here.

Who would honestly trust the federal government to take care of them quickly? We dont EVER do anything quickly.
I don't trust the Feds to tie their shoes without getting the strings knotted up.