People are finally catching on

The fool has become so excited by the idea of making a name for himself by latching onto my star, that he has now answered me three times? Did an AARP tour bus drive through here, stop for a bathroom break, and Donny forgot to get back on?
Yes. and now I have aswered you four time. I don't suppose in your mind it matters that only one was a near duplicate. and I notice you haven't responded to any of the points except by attempted insult (you couldn't even do a good job of that.)

As for taking me on. Well GO FOR It. It has been tried before, and from what I have seen thus far from you, you couldn't even hold a candle to Battleborne (who ended up as a laughingstock-and apparenetly is no longer with us.)
Yes. and now I have aswered you four time. I don't suppose in your mind it matters that only one was a near duplicate. and I notice you haven't responded to any of the points except by attempted insult (you couldn't even do a good job of that.)

As for taking me on. Well GO FOR It. It has been tried before, and from what I have seen thus far from you, you couldn't even hold a candle to Battleborne (who ended up as a laughingstock-and apparenetly is no longer with us.)

The fool has double-posted again? Follks, this shows how really retarded Donny is, as well as being a dumb sheet..LOL..I hate to laugh at the ignorant fool, but he should have Left well enough alone? Don't ever be so uppity as to try to critisize me again Donny, you are lucky that I even lower myself to chat with you, with that pin head of yours?

I think it is time for Damocles to call the AARP and tell them to send the bus back, they are missing something?
I don't recall that. Got a link?

Another lefty looking to move up the posting hierarchy by taking on yours truly? Every board I go to, the leftys line up to challange me, in the hopes, that they will get some attention, since they are usually one-line pinheads like usc or yourself here and are generally ignored, even by their own liberal cabalistas? Bring it on, I am not scared, I can take on 20 lefties with one leg tied behind me, and still win an ass-kicking contest to boot, no pun intended? LOL, TOUCHE MF.
Tunnel vision? No, just a lack of news. We get internet out at every FOB, COP, and real base, but cable television not so much. We have it in the MWR here but I dont go there often. Internet is important to maintain communication between bases and units.
Another lefty looking to move up the posting hierarchy by taking on yours truly? Every board I go to, the leftys line up to challange me, in the hopes, that they will get some attention, since they are usually one-line pinheads like usc or yourself here and are generally ignored, even by their own liberal cabalistas? Bring it on, I am not scared, I can take on 20 lefties with one leg tied behind me, and still win an ass-kicking contest to boot, no pun intended? LOL, TOUCHE MF.

i'm not a lefty. I'm an actual freedom first conservative, not an internationalist fascist who values gdp growth over the actual long term well being of people. Let's go, party boy.:cool:
AHZ with RJS if you are not with him/her you are a lefty liberal.
He / she has a very binary problem solving mindset.
I often wonder why people like RJS get such enjoyment out of being irritating. It isn't within human nature to want people to dislike you, so why is that people like him decide to create an internet persona giving off an abrasive personality. Has anyone figured out if they trained monkeys to type yet? It just doesn't make sense that a human could be that way.
Tunnel vision? No, just a lack of news. We get internet out at every FOB, COP, and real base, but cable television not so much. We have it in the MWR here but I dont go there often. Internet is important to maintain communication between bases and units.
Well, I am glad you have it, for one.
That's fine I try not to make a BIG deal out of it, mostly because I aint doin shit. But I digress...

As for the bridge seems like a tragedy, how did it collapse?
That's fine I try not to make a BIG deal out of it, mostly because I aint doin shit. But I digress...

As for the bridge seems like a tragedy, how did it collapse?

Not sure yet, apparently it was wobbly and they were in the process of resurfacing it.
Not sure what the resurfacing was going to do for the wobble though.
That's fine I try not to make a BIG deal out of it, mostly because I aint doin shit. But I digress...

As for the bridge seems like a tragedy, how did it collapse?
Seems the south end started to to shimmy and shake, (some weeks earlier as noted by the workmen repairing the surface. )then suddenly the south section tilted to one side, disjointing the section, and then each next section in turn came down like dominoes.

Tho it is a bridge, most of it was over dry land, or there would have been many more missing.

I have a lady friend, (mentioned before) who was a 18 wheeler driver, and she has told me how many times she had driven over that bridge. There are still some puzzling aspects to the situation tho.
The fool has double-posted again? Follks, this shows how really retarded Donny is, as well as being a dumb sheet..LOL..I hate to laugh at the ignorant fool, but he should have Left well enough alone? Don't ever be so uppity as to try to critisize me again Donny, you are lucky that I even lower myself to chat with you, with that pin head of yours?

I think it is time for Damocles to call the AARP and tell them to send the bus back, they are missing something?
Insults will get you nowhere jerky. if you want to take me on, do so with some substance instead of cheap poorly aimed shots. You are lowereing youself even in my estimation. of you.
Another lefty looking to move up the posting hierarchy by taking on yours truly? Every board I go to, the leftys line up to challange me, in the hopes, that they will get some attention, since they are usually one-line pinheads like usc or yourself here and are generally ignored, even by their own liberal cabalistas? Bring it on, I am not scared, I can take on 20 lefties with one leg tied behind me, and still win an ass-kicking contest to boot, no pun intended? LOL, TOUCHE MF.
If that is true, Tell me kindly, where have you been during the time I have been on this board. I would quess it was ambling around to different sites where you hadn't already worn out your welcome. It appears you were here is the past, and that that is exactly what happened. you have not exactly been welcomed back with open arms.
Insults will get you nowhere jerky. if you want to take me on, do so with some substance instead of cheap poorly aimed shots. You are lowereing youself even in my estimation. of you.

Folks, I am starting to think that it was no accident, that Donny's AARP tour bus, left him here? Think about it? It could be that Donny was complaining during the whole trip about his hemorrhoids acting up, and driving the other oldsters crazy, to the point that their hearing aids started buzzing? It could be the oldsters got together and planned a "Donny coup", by, telling him that they were going to stop off at JPP and he could get out for a walk about, butt, they would wait for him, and then as soon as he was out of site, they snuck off, lauging? This would not be out of character, since, we all know some old people, and though they are not fast they are sneaky, and most apt to be the one who farted at the dinner table, butt, they will sit there with those angelic, almost child-like in their stupidity, looks on their faces, and are not above trying to blame it on the dog, or, an innocent toddler?

If I am right, it means there is no bus coming back for Donny, and we are stuck with him meandering about the JPP board, and bumping into the cyber walls...thank you, I do not know how I figure these things out, it is just a talent of mine?
If that is true, Tell me kindly, where have you been during the time I have been on this board. I would quess it was ambling around to different sites where you hadn't already worn out your welcome. It appears you were here is the past, and that that is exactly what happened. you have not exactly been welcomed back with open arms.

I am beginning to feel sorry for you, with the ruthless cyber-skewerings you have taken, and you are still looking for more? Since RJS has now decoded that there is no bus coming back for you, and you were dumped here like the family dog that the family no longer wants, I have figured out that your depends have not been changed since the bus coup? You must be getting some rash, and as it gets even more pricklish (LOL) you are bound to get only more cranky, and confused? If you beg me, I will assign my Man Friday and personal servant, AssHat to diaper duty, and he will cream your prickly ass and rediaper it, and maybe you will feel some relief?
I am beginning to feel sorry for you, with the ruthless cyber-skewerings you have taken, and you are still looking for more? Since RJS has now decoded that there is no bus coming back for you, and you were dumped here like the family dog that the family no longer wants, I have figured out that your depends have not been changed since the bus coup? You must be getting some rash, and as it gets even more pricklish (LOL) you are bound to get only more cranky, and confused? If you beg me, I will assign my Man Friday and personal servant, AssHat to diaper duty, and he will cream your prickly ass and rediaper it, and maybe you will feel some relief?
Do you ever have an opinion on an issue, or do you just like to mske noise.
That's fine I try not to make a BIG deal out of it, mostly because I aint doin shit. But I digress...

As for the bridge seems like a tragedy, how did it collapse?

No finaL WORD yet but it looks like a combo of age , deicing chems and lack of redundancy