People are finally catching on

What a f'ing idiot. I'm going to IA this guy.

Sorry, butt, I do not believe you have IA'd me, for one minute? You lefty babes are always claiming you have IA'd me, on many different boards, butt, I know that you cannot help reading me? This is just a big show to impress your leftie men, so they do not get like the jealous babies they are, and want to know why you are reading RJS? Thank you.
They were in the process of repairing the bridge. when it collapsed.

Yeah i know it is the typical of govt repair jobs to end this way, since Bush fixed everything.
But it seemed to me they were speaking of fixing the bridge in the future tense.
Donny you call yourself the preeminent bush-basher, butt, I have not seen you bash even the lowest poster on the totem poll, SuperFreak, who I cyber-skewed personally yesterday, and who has not been seen since, never mind the President?

well, what can I say... your "skewering" me just hurt so bad, I had to run away and recover. Please oh please oh mighty RJS... please don't "skewer" me today.
Yeah i know it is the typical of govt repair jobs to end this way, since Bush fixed everything.
But it seemed to me they were speaking of fixing the bridge in the future tense.
I don't think they are going to put humpty dumpty back together, by "fixing" I believe they mean replacing.
Hmm , time to bring up the study showing that whiney children grow up to be Republicans ?

Oh yeah, that's a great study. I laughed so hard when I read that, and it's just so right. You can just see those whiny little bastards growing up into republicans.
Oh yeah, that's a great study. I laughed so hard when I read that, and it's just so right. You can just see those whiny little bastards growing up into republicans.

yeah and really hillarious them running around like chicken little crying mushroom clouds and such. Too bad it had such a bad result, but it is entertaining.
well, what can I say... your "skewering" me just hurt so bad, I had to run away and recover. Please oh please oh mighty RJS... please don't "skewer" me today.

You did not have to openly beg me, I do not see how you can recover from this, it is worse than a woman's performance? If you can try to be serious and quit trying to compete with me in the posting cleverness department, I might take it easy on you? You will never win, everyone on this Board knows about my unique humorous posting style, so forget about? Butt, this crawling performance of yours, where you beg me to leave you alone, will live in cyber infamy, especially, with my fans? Sorry.
You did not have to openly beg me, I do not see how you can recover from this, it is worse than a woman's performance? If you can try to be serious and quit trying to compete with me in the posting cleverness department, I might take it easy on you? You will never win, everyone on this Board knows about my unique humorous posting style, so forget about? Butt, this crawling performance of yours, where you beg me to leave you alone, will live in cyber infamy, especially, with my fans? Sorry.


You are certainly a master of humor. Funny lil fucker.
Donny you call yourself the preeminent bush-basher, butt, I have not seen you bash even the lowest poster on the totem poll, SuperFreak, who I cyber-skewed personally yesterday, and who has not been seen since, never mind the President?
First of all, I have no Idea who you are. untol the past week, I don't recall even seing you tag here. obvoiusly you have been her in the past. HOWEVER.

1. Yes, I an a Bush-basher, when it is appropriate (IMHO). but I don;'t bash others just because they agree with him. Many are trully Dumb, and others are simply brainwashed. so I don't pick on them.

2. I don't make a point of didagrreing with every stupod thing some other poster says (I pick and choose) such as in this case:

3. You say you have just cyber-skewed Superfreak yesterday. --When??? Where? on you imagination? --(My, what an ego, Just like ASSHAT.) I never try to destroy someone on the site. only disagree with them. It is my opinion or their opinion. and in that I DON't debate., that is sufficient for me.
First of all, I have no Idea who you are. untol the past week, I don't recall even seing you tag here. obvoiusly you have been her in the past. HOWEVER.

1. Yes, I an a Bush-basher, when it is appropriate (IMHO). but I don;'t bash others just because they agree with him. Many are trully Dumb, and others are simply brainwashed. so I don't pick on them.

2. I don't make a point of didagrreing with every stupod thing some other poster says (I pick and choose) such as in this case:

3. You say you have just cyber-skewed Superfreak yesterday. --When??? Where? on you imagination? --(My, what an ego, Just like ASSHAT.) I never try to destroy someone on the site. only disagree with them. It is my opinion or their opinion. and in that I DON't debate., that is sufficient for me.

God I hope "just like asshat" becomes a common phrase. Please Oh Lord of Zion, instructor of the jews on how to build cool tents and carry them around and stuff, please grant me this wish.
God I hope "just like asshat" becomes a common phrase. Please Oh Lord of Zion, instructor of the jews on how to build cool tents and carry them around and stuff, please grant me this wish.

This from the guy that got BADLY cyber-skewered by RJS yesterday.
You did not have to openly beg me, I do not see how you can recover from this, it is worse than a woman's performance? If you can try to be serious and quit trying to compete with me in the posting cleverness department, I might take it easy on you? You will never win, everyone on this Board knows about my unique humorous posting style, so forget about? Butt, this crawling performance of yours, where you beg me to leave you alone, will live in cyber infamy, especially, with my fans? Sorry.

OK OK OK you are wrong on several fronts.

1. I am on this board, and have yet to experience you so-called Unique humo

2. and if you are too dumb to realize his "Crawling was sarcastic. then you don't belong on this or any othe forum.

3. What fans, I have yet to see anyone defending you or even on your side.

4. and if this is an example of your "Unique"humerous style Then it went over like a lead balloon
Up until a week ago I don't recall seing your tag, however you must have been posting here in the past I don't know you, but you have given me some insight with this post.

1. Yes, I an a Bush-basher, but only when I feal it is deserved, and that does not include those Simpletons who have been brainwashed into beleiving his malarky, or may truely beleive in this war, etc. It is their opinion -vs-my opinion. With them Iwill just agrue, or state my position. I never try to destroy another poster.

2. MY MY MY, what an Ego. You have now cyber-skewed Superfreak yesterday? Where? How? in your imagination. You sound just like the ASS Himself who even makes that a part of his moniker.

Did everyone see how this Donny had to answer me twice, and does not even remember his first answer, becoming confused in mid-stream? Even RJS would not want to cyber-skew a mutton like you, I am moore into the leftie lambs, butt, if you attempt to make a name for yourself by taking me on, I will have no choice but to skewer your butt, distastful as it might be?
OK OK OK you are wrong on several fronts.

1. I am on this board, and have yet to experience you so-called Unique humo

2. and if you are too dumb to realize his "Crawling was sarcastic. then you don't belong on this or any othe forum.

3. What fans, I have yet to see anyone defending you or even on your side.

4. and if this is an example of your "Unique"humerous style Then it went over like a lead balloon

The fool has become so excited by the idea of making a name for himself by latching onto my star, that he has now answered me three times? Did an AARP tour bus drive through here, stop for a bathroom break, and Donny forgot to get back on?
Did everyone see how this Donny had to answer me twice, and does not even remember his first answer, becoming confused in mid-stream? Even RJS would not want to cyber-skew a mutton like you, I am moore into the leftie lambs, butt, if you attempt to make a name for yourself by taking me on, I will have no choice but to skewer your butt, distastful as it might be?
Yup, I posted it twice because as often happens a post doesn't show up, and often it never shows up, so I reposted. Yes, I remenbered it, Tho I don't think it have to be a vebatem duplicate to be effective or reasonably accurate.
Yup, I posted it twice because as often happens a post doesn't show up, and often it never shows up, so I reposted. Yes, I remenbered it, Tho I don't think it have to be a vebatem duplicate to be effective or reasonably accurate.

A post not showing up, never happens, butt, let's let this go, I am soft-hearted with oldsters, and do not wish to continue this cyber-skewering of you? Why are you poking me, hoping to move up the posting hierachy, through some RJS reflected glory?
The fool has become so excited by the idea of making a name for himself by latching onto my star, that he has now answered me three times? Did an AARP tour bus drive through here, stop for a bathroom break, and Donny forgot to get back on?
Yes. and now I have aswered you four times. I don't suppose in your mind it matters that only one was a near duplicate. and I notice you haven't responded to any of the points except by attempted insult (you couldn't even do a good job of that.)

As for taking me on. Well GO FOR It. Amongst others, Battleborne tried it, It has been Battleborne (who ended up as a laighingstock-and apparenetly is no longer with us.)
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