people that need to come back and start posting

Arguing against borderline retarded people who think that Obama wants to euthanize old people isn't that fun.
It's really hell raisers like Dixie and thoughtfull pundits like the Bare Knuckled Pundit and Midcan that attract new blood. A big part of the problem is that, politically speaking, there's not a whole lot going on.

Maybe this is a comment on Obama's brief tenure in that there's not been a whole lot really to argue about. TARP and UHC have been about it. With Bush hardly a week went by where his administration didn't create some asinine controversy, which sure makes life a lot more interesting in this place.

In other words, there's not a whole lot to argue about right now with out making shit up.
She, Desh and the other ladies, just has to handle you like the Columbine, trench coat mafia wannabe that you are, pretty much fart in your direction and imitate what I do to you, ignore you rants or give it back in good fun.

People have to realize that your words in no way define them. You remind me of the four year old who loves to say "poop" for the shock value.

I don't allow myself to be shocked by people's behavior, anymore.
Oh Poop!
It's really hell raisers like Dixie and thoughtfull pundits like the Bare Knuckled Pundit and Midcan that attract new blood. A big part of the problem is that, politically speaking, there's not a whole lot going on.

Maybe this is a comment on Obama's brief tenure in that there's not been a whole lot really to argue about. TARP and UHC have been about it. With Bush hardly a week went by where his administration didn't create some asinine controversy, which sure makes life a lot more interesting in this place.

In other words, there's not a whole lot to argue about right now with out making shit up.

Au contrare my friend.
There is lots to be concerned about, we are just being led around it.
:D Dang, how do you fake your death on a message board?

Never mind, I read further on about the wife or daughter...
The member he's talkinga bout was a Dentist from North Carolina who claimed he leukemia. Info came back to us "allegedly" from his wife that he has passed from the Leukemia. There's no way to verify this but Stories4u doesn't post here anymore. He was one of the few articulate conservatives I've ever seen post on a message board. He was informed, intelligent, not an ideologue and didn't rant like Dixie and Meme. I miss the challenge of debating Stories. He had a formidable intellect.
I don't think Stories4U faked it.
I don't either. I talked with him on a number of occassions about his leukemia. He was to well informed about the little things about cancer. Like how chemotherapy targeting large cells causes you to lose your hair and sense of taste. Toby on the other hand I believe was faking cancer, though we don't hear from him either.
Right. Label and dismiss. Never think.

You pseudointellectual lib broad types are the worst brainwashed amongst us.

Sure. dehumanize babies. Discriminate against white men , your own sons even, so you can feel just.

Your eyes glaze over with reason and logic. You just took your worldview from some cute male libbed out idiot professor in college. Tiger Beat for the mind. Nihilistic Bimbos of the New World Order. A mind is a terrible thing to lose.
MAn, your a real bitch today! What's the matter? Did you run out of pudding or did you break your plastic spoon? :pke:
Isn't that better then being stuck right in the middle of the shit like we were with Bush?

Ohh having Obama is better than Bush. But we as a nation are ignoring many important issues.

Both Iraq and afganistan are on the back burner.
We have done zilch to prevent a repeat finicncial meltdown.
Our educations system sucks.
Corporate lobbyst interests run our government.
We still have not gotten our voting system straightened out.
We have shipped out too many jobs to continue our lifestyles.

and on and on.
Right. Label and dismiss. Never think.

You pseudointellectual lib broad types are the worst brainwashed amongst us.

Sure. dehumanize babies. Discriminate against white men , your own sons even, so you can feel just.

Your eyes glaze over with reason and logic. You just took your worldview from some cute male libbed out idiot professor in college. Tiger Beat for the mind. Nihilistic Bimbos of the New World Order. A mind is a terrible thing to lose.

Right, "label and dismiss" that's exactly what I got from you.

Remember these "labels" used by YOU to "dehumanize" another?

AssHat: "eat shit, dicksnacker." "You are a hateful racist cunt"

But at least you've got a bit more imaginiation than ID and disloyal.

Help out an old man, what's the word for a person who wants to get away with what he doesn't want others doing to him personally?
Right, "label and dismiss" that's exactly what I got from you.

Remember these "labels" used by YOU to "dehumanize" another?

AssHat: "eat shit, dicksnacker." "You are a hateful racist cunt"

But at least you've got a bit more imaginiation than ID and disloyal.

Help out an old man, what's the word for a person who wants to get away with what he doesn't want others doing to him personally?
Ass is quite a guy. He reminds me of my three year old granddaughter. She does things which she thinks garner her attention.
Ohh having Obama is better than Bush. But we as a nation are ignoring many important issues.

Both Iraq and afganistan are on the back burner.
We have done zilch to prevent a repeat finicncial meltdown.
Our educations system sucks.
Corporate lobbyst interests run our government.
We still have not gotten our voting system straightened out.
We have shipped out too many jobs to continue our lifestyles.

and on and on.

A journey of one thousand Li starts with a single step.