People's Republic of Berkeley

you see, the smiley allows him to backpeddle and say he was "tricked" or "kidding".... similar to how his beloved Dem leaders can vote for a war and then claim to have been "tricked"

Yep Yep. Like when the whole poll controversy came about. He voted that he supports Bush and then claimed he was dicking around, which is fine, except for the fact that he posted something to the effect of "Here you go all you closet Bush supporters! You can now anonymously show your support!"

Then in the very next post, Watermark revealed that it was an open poll and his whole schtick changed after that.

Disingenuity brought to a whole new level.

I think the tax paying citizens of the city made the decision. Republicans are some trigger happy mother fuckers.

Yes, republicans do want to take over the world, but that doesn't change the fact that the people in the Bay Area are primarily orangutan shit.
Also, by your reasoning, towns with conservative majorities should have every right to make liberal groups unwelcome, correct??? Just create an atmosphere where the majority can make the lives of the minority a living hell? Non-stop harassment? Disrupt all of their businesses because the majority doesn't approve of them? Is that the country you envision toppy?

Yep run the strip , porn clubs and likker stores out ?
What is next Mcdonalds for serving unhealthy food ?

I grew up in a dry county no booze stores or beer. Strange how the bootleggers and churches joined up to keep it that way until about 15 years ago.
Of course none of the counties are allowed to keep out gambling since the lottery got established.

I used to drive quite a ways to buy booze, can't people wanting to jion up drive a little ways or should it be a spur of the moment decision ? Like candy and gossip mags in the checkout isle ?
Yep Yep. Like when the whole poll controversy came about. He voted that he supports Bush and then claimed he was dicking around, which is fine, except for the fact that he posted something to the effect of "Here you go all you closet Bush supporters! You can now anonymously show your support!"

Then in the very next post, Watermark revealed that it was an open poll and his whole schtick changed after that.

Disingenuity brought to a whole new level.

Yes, republicans do want to take over the world, but that doesn't change the fact that the people in the Bay Area are primarily orangutan shit.

Hmmm... i must have missed that one. But it really doesn't shock me to find out he is that moronic.... he is after all our very own resident idiot. Villages all over are pissed that we have the biggest idiot of them all.
Hmmm... i must have missed that one. But it really doesn't shock me to find out he is that moronic.... he is after all our very own resident idiot. Villages all over are pissed that we have the biggest idiot of them all.

Dano got real excited by it and spazzed out enough that is became a big deal.

You should take Cypress off IA. Its good entertainment.

In fact I'll start a poll to see if the board agrees.
Dano got real excited by it and spazzed out enough that is became a big deal.

You should take Cypress off IA. Its good entertainment.

In fact I'll start a poll to see if the board agrees.

you, like Tiana, are a trouble maker. Regardless of the poll, the resident idiot remains on IA with the nuisance that is CK. They belong together. Kind of like salt and pepper... just isn't good to split them up.
I am going anti war you retard lemmings can dig up all the ancient history you want. Suck Nixons cock while your there freak that's what you dream about.
Berkeley will never disappoint...

Berkeley council tells Marines to leave
By Doug Oakley

Hey-hey, ho-ho, the Marines in Berkeley have got to go.

That's the message from the Berkeley City Council, which voted 6-3 Tuesday night to tell the U.S. Marines that its Shattuck Avenue recruiting station "is not welcome in the city, and if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome intruders."

In addition, the council voted to explore enforcing its law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation against the Marines because of the military's don't ask, don't tell policy. And it officially encouraged the women's peace group Code Pink to impede the work of the Marines in the city by protesting in front of the station.

In a separate item, the council voted 8-1 to give Code Pink a designated parking space in front of the recruiting station once a week for six months and a free sound permit for protesting once a week from noon to 4 p.m.

Councilman Gordon Wozniak opposed both items.

The Marines have been in Berkeley for a little more than a year, having moved from Alameda in December of 2006. For about the past four months, Code Pink has been protesting in front of the station.

"I believe in the Code Pink cause. The Marines don't belong here, they shouldn't have come here, and they should leave," said Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates after votes were cast.

A Marines representative did not respond to requests for comment.

The resolution telling the Marines they are unwelcome and directing the city attorney to explore
issues of sexual orientation discrimination was brought to the council by the city's Peace and Justice commission.
The recommendation to give Code Pink a parking space for protesting and a free sound permit was brought by council members Linda Maio and Max Anderson.

Code Pink on Wednesday started circulating petitions to put a measure on the November ballot in Berkeley that would make it more difficult to open military recruiting offices near homes, parks, schools, churches libraries or health clinics. The group needs 5,000 signatures to make the ballot.

Even though the council items passed, not everyone is happy with the work of Code Pink. Some employees and owners of businesses near the Marines office have had enough of the group and its protests.

"My husband's business is right upstairs, and this (protesting) is bordering on harassment," Dori Schmidt told the council. "I hope this stops."

An employee of a nearby business who asked not to be identified said Wednesday the elderly Code Pink protesters are aggressive, take up parking spaces, block the sidewalk with their yoga moves, smoke in the doorways, and are noisy.

"Most of the people around here think they're a joke," the woman said.

Wozniak said he was opposed to giving Code Pink a parking space because it favors free speech rights of one group over another.

"There's a line between protesting and harassing, and that concerns me," Wozniak said. "It looks like we are showing favoritism. We have to respect the other side, and not abuse their rights. This is not good policy."

Ninety-year-old Fran Rachel, a Code Pink protester who spoke at the council meeting, said the group's request for a parking space and noise permit was especially important because the Marines are recruiting soldiers who may die in an unjust war.

"This is very serious," Rachel said. "This isn't a game; it's mass murder. There's a sickness of silence of people not speaking out against the war. We have to do this."

Anderson, a former Marine who said he was "drummed out" of the corps when he took a stand against the Vietnam War, said he'd love to see the Marines high tale it out of town.

"We are confronted with an organization that can spend billions of dollars on propaganda," Anderson said. "This is not Okinawa here; we're involved in a naked act of aggression. If we can provide a space for ordinary people to express themselves against this kind of barbarity, then we should be doing it."

The most American city.

God bless them, true patriots every one.
Holy crap!

Military recruiters - denied special permission to annoy everyone in Berkley at all times?

Denied the ability discriminate against gays?!

What is the world coming to! Such harrasment.
Berkeley, supposedly the home of "free speech" in the '60's.

Well, the thing is...have you ever known anyone who signed their papers after being told no way were they going to Iraq, they were going to school, they were going here they were going there, and then they were of course, immediately deployed to Iraq?

Sorry. I forgot who I'm talking to. Of course you haven't known anyone like that. You don't bother to get to know these kids you just shoot off your big mouth because Berkely is filled with commies, and people who join the military are "studs".

But a lot of them are kids who are lied to by recruiters. And what people who do counter-recruiting try and accomplish is, to let these kids know one truth. Sign the papers, your ass will be in Iraq. You're not going to school, you're not becoming a chef. I've seen it over and over and over.

I do counter-recruiting. They go into low-income high schools as much as they can, and so do we. We do our own career days, to try and steer these kids who think they have no future into something else. And we tell them, sign and you're going to Iraq.

Because how is free speech the right to lie to high school kids in a life and death situation? And how can anyone be expected to make the right decision without the actual facts?

But keep talking out your butts on this thread.
I am going anti war you retard lemmings can dig up all the ancient history you want. Suck Nixons cock while your there freak that's what you dream about.

How do you like it Top? It's easier to kick turbo libs around over economics isn't it?

Talking to these fucking war supporters is like talking to a retarded wall. Fun isn't it?

But you know what? It's good to see you trying for once. I don't really blame you for not doing it at other times. The only thing you accomplish is driving yourself crazy.
By the way Cawacko...very few schools will let us in. They all let the military recruiters in..well they have to or they lose federal funding. But very few let us in. We usually have to stand outside. Some Superintendents, God bless them, buck the system, and they let us in to set up right next to the recruiters on career days. But most don't.

Are you worried about our right to free speech Cawacko? Are you crying about that Cawacko?

Allowing high school students to be lied to, is a big free speech issue, yeah. And not allowing anyone in who will tell them the truth, that's not a free speech issue.

Yeah, this is a big first amendent issue for you. Mmm hmm.
Darla, I come off as a hater on dems because of exactly what you just said. I usually don't bother with the boot strappers. I'm soo anti war I think they are all SS types and I would seriously want to cause them bodily harm in a face to face debate. They (not freak and cawacko) are often uneducated bubba types who are pleased to send someone else's kids to die.
I rag on dems cause I think I have much more chance to change educated open mided people to embrace business and econmics or at least not trash it than I do of changing a NASCAR loving racist/sexist SS type to be open minded.
Darla, I come off as a hater on dems because of exactly what you just said. I usually don't bother with the boot strappers. I'm soo anti war I think they are all SS types and I would seriously want to cause them bodily harm in a face to face debate. They (not freak and cawacko) are often uneducated bubba types who are pleased to send someone else's kids to die.
I rag on dems cause I think I have much more chance to change educated open mided people to embrace business and econmics or at least not trash it than I do of changing a NASCAR loving racist/sexist SS type to be open minded.

Yeah I get that, I'm going to take a big break from this shit myself. But, since Cawacko and SF aren't uneducated bubba types, what's their excuse? They're certainly gleefully ignorant.

And they're still sending other people's kids to die. You don't think Cawacko's kids are ever going, or SF's kids are ever going to war? LOL. And their kids won't have recruiters preying on them either.

If you want to join fine (before anyone starts their own twist of what I am saying). But no one should be TRICKED into it. And the kids who are tricked into it don't come from Cawacko or SF's socio-economic group. So I wish they would just shut up.
do they have kids, I use to be in their mix.
The lure of low taxes, and tough guys.
Have a couple boy's a let a decade or two of nothing being more important to you then them. This can change a person believing the rhetoric to setting ones own priorities.
I would do everything including to keep my boys out of the war machine. I'd fight if someone invaded us, but before them.
do they have kids, I use to be in their mix.
The lure of low taxes, and tough guys.
Have a couple boy's a let a decade or two of nothing being more important to you then them. This can change a person believing the rhetoric to setting ones own priorities.
I would do everything including to keep my boys out of the war machine. I'd fight if someone invaded us, but before them.

Aww. You're a good dad Top.
Yeah I get that, I'm going to take a big break from this shit myself. But, since Cawacko and SF aren't uneducated bubba types, what's their excuse? They're certainly gleefully ignorant.

And they're still sending other people's kids to die. You don't think Cawacko's kids are ever going, or SF's kids are ever going to war? LOL. And their kids won't have recruiters preying on them either.

If you want to join fine (before anyone starts their own twist of what I am saying). But no one should be TRICKED into it. And the kids who are tricked into it don't come from Cawacko or SF's socio-economic group. So I wish they would just shut up.

I'd probably join the military if we weren't in Iraq right now. Good pay and I need a job.

Ah, hell. I'll join the coast guard.