Yeah I get that, I'm going to take a big break from this shit myself. But, since Cawacko and SF aren't uneducated bubba types, what's their excuse? They're certainly gleefully ignorant.
And they're still sending other people's kids to die. You don't think Cawacko's kids are ever going, or SF's kids are ever going to war? LOL. And their kids won't have recruiters preying on them either.
If you want to join fine (before anyone starts their own twist of what I am saying). But no one should be TRICKED into it. And the kids who are tricked into it don't come from Cawacko or SF's socio-economic group. So I wish they would just shut up.
I know Capt Jack was augmented from a non-combat role to military police just before he went into Iraq. I hope they don't have him guarding convoys.
That's really the one big thing that the military does... they call military police "non-combat" duty, but our military police do far more combat related work than any other military police in the world.