Perfect description of Trump

A very good and short read....

It's one of the few reasons I have found that begin to explain how someone as fucked up as Trump could have so many devout followers. The other classic and master gaslighter in history was Adolph Hitler. Someone capable of making people with weak minds question reality to then exert power or control over them.

Trump is not a socialist. Try again.
There are so many weak minded folks in America and the majority of them live in a red state. I think it has a lot to do with education. Many of the red states have low rankings in education. Jim Jones was able to convince people to hand over their money to him. Charlie Manson was able to control his followers to murder for him. And think of all the folks who give money to preachers and make them wealthy because they preach the bible.... a sucker is born every minute. Trump supporters hate facts and love conspiracy theories. That's about all they are good for.

Holy Words won't help you.
I agree to some extent. We DO fear a would-be dictator who would wipe the floor with the Constitution if there was something in it for him. All freedom-loving people rightfully fear fascism and those who would exploit it. Obviously that doesn't include you Cultists.

I recall many of your ilk predicting that Obama would not leave the WH after his second term was up. He would manufacture some crisis (usually involving BLM and social justice riots), declare martial law, and stay in power until the "crisis" was over. Your RWNJ talking heads brought this up many times, as did RWNJs on forums and social media. Imagine if Obama had done what #TRE45ON has done in order to stay in power. Would you be defending him?

Obama didn't leave the White House, effectively. He is running a third term using Chief Puppet Biden.
All of us, you included, have seen media coverage of the nation's chief attention whore -- #TRE45ON -- for literally decades. The smarter ones of us citizens figured out long ago what would happen if the sleazebag grifter ever made it into public office.

Turns out, we were right all along. YOU, on the other hand, were the suckers that P.T. Barnum famously said (according to myth) are born every minute.

You are describing Biden.
Yep, there are a lot of those gas lighters here on JPP. Like the ones who claim Democrats are racist because 100 years ago Democrats in the south railed against school integration. We know what happened next, they all switched parties and became Republicans so they can be racist piles of shit like Republicans are now. That's the redneck classic gas light.

Racism. Bigotry. Go stuff your racism elsewhere, dude.
It's much easier to blame others for your failure and scapegoat like Republican Nazis do. It's a lot harder to do something about it and make America a better place like Democrats always try to do.
Stealing slogans isn't going to work, dude.
GOP's racist dickwad anti-woman, anti-LGBTQ agenda might be enough to do them in over the next 2 cycles.
The GOP is not anti-woman. It IS anti-LGBTQ (or whatever alphabet your sexual perversions are called these days).
A very good and short read....

It's one of the few reasons I have found that begin to explain how someone as fucked up as Trump could have so many devout followers. The other classic and master gaslighter in history was Adolph Hitler. Someone capable of making people with weak minds question reality to then exert power or control over them.

Another perfect description of this lawlessly hacked in creep and putz tRump who directed his repukes, brainwashed and lost cult followers who betrayed their God in favor of the devil and gutter media sources as some type of demonic army of the sewer to wage war on democracy and anything else of a civilized nature on Earth is 'shit on a shingle tRump'.
Obama didn't leave the White House, effectively. He is running a third term using Chief Puppet Biden.

Are you also claiming that trump was a puppet of Obama? That is the only way you could claim that Obama did not leave the White House.

In the real world, Obama left the White House on January 20th, 2017.
A very good and short read....

It's one of the few reasons I have found that begin to explain how someone as fucked up as Trump could have so many devout followers. The other classic and master gaslighter in history was Adolph Hitler. Someone capable of making people with weak minds question reality to then exert power or control over them.

Le Yawn, July 2022 and still with the TDS threads.
Another perfect description of this lawlessly hacked in creep and putz tRump who directed his repukes, brainwashed and lost cult followers who betrayed their God in favor of the devil and gutter media sources as some type of demonic army of the sewer to wage war on democracy and anything else of a civilized nature on Earth is 'shit on a shingle tRump'.

Wow. An entire post of Holy chants.