Personal notes

Time cannot be deliberately manipulated.

Not yet anyhow. But the EPR experiments have shown that it has loopholes that relativity cannot ascribe to. Time is an illusion, in the sense that past and future are not real. They're not physical constructs of this universe, they're only creations of the present time manufactured for understanding thisgs better.

Theoretically, time can be manipulated, but the energy associated with it is prohibitive.
So someone could go back in time (theoretically) but everything would be dead because living things are subject to time?
So someone could go back in time (theoretically) but everything would be dead because living things are subject to time?

Theoretically, its classically impossible to go back in time. Its only possible to slow time down from your perspective (or speed it up from another's perspective). But as a body starts to slow his own time down to a sufficient degree, the energy required to advance such a phenomenon becomes exponential, because it requires high velocities to do such, or intense gravitational fields. There is a cosmic speed limit, and infinity being unreachable, precludes one from reachin that limit.

But its also an interesting thought that one can get infinitely closer to the speed of light without reaching it, thus infinity becomes a mite subjective. This is a gross oversimplification, but a grand portion of Relativity. Everything is relative, even infinity, infinite energy, infinite mass.

To the observer travelling at close to te speed of light, he is travelling faster than the speed of light merely because his time has changed. So an observer can see him moving at 185,950 miles per second, but the dude in the space ship sees himself moving much faster than that because one of his seconse is like 10 of the observers minutes, and it gets infinitely longer the closer he gets to his speed limit.

But I digress.

In the qunatum mechanical world, particles don't really give a hoot as to what classical mechanics has been saying for the last 400 or so year, and particles will, and do, at a small scale, disregard time. In other words, they behave in ways that defy classical mechanics, and act as though time is spatial in the classical senst, to a small degree anyhow.
So I can't go back in time and kick my high school science teacher in the nuts? Fuck it, I hated the bastard.
So I can't go back in time and kick my high school science teacher in the nuts? Fuck it, I hated the bastard.

Well, you can kick him in the nuts now, and tomorrow, that will have been in the past. But that's the best modern physics can do.
Well, you can kick him in the nuts now, and tomorrow, that will have been in the past. But that's the best modern physics can do.

Can't. I'll have to either get all religious and ask for a Lazarus Effect or get onto George Romero for a zombie thing. I won't get religious and I don't have Romero's cell phone number handy.

Fuck science, it's so disappointing.
Can't. I'll have to either get all religious and ask for a Lazarus Effect or get onto George Romero for a zombie thing. I won't get religious and I don't have Romero's cell phone number handy.

Fuck science, it's so disappointing.

Blasphemy. Utter unholy blasphemy.
By travelling very fast a person can go forward in time but never backwards in time.

No, they can't go forward in time either, they can simply have a different perspective on time, and change their perception of it. But people aren't the entire universe either.

Richard Feynman and John Wheeler showed that subatomic particles and photons can indeed have a past that is influenced by its future, in other words, time is non linear to these particular building blocks.
God gives people hope. Control freaks hate hope, as it empowers people to defy them, even they may be in no position to do so, from a purely rational perspective. Control freaks will either use organized religions to their own purpose or be atheists, denying god, again for their own purposes.
God gives people hope. Control freaks hate hope, as it empowers people to defy them, even they may be in no position to do so, from a purely rational perspective. Control freaks will either use organized religions to their own purpose or be atheists, denying god, again for their own purposes.

Many Control Freaks use "God" to control others.