Personal plug

that's the point.

I'm double-majoring in English and Engineering though.

A C in Engineering, honeslty, looks better than an A in Poli Sci. If you don't make it into law school wiht Poli Sci you are basically fucked for life. I could get a job right now that pays as much as a poli sci degree would.
water, what kind of engineering
and why be a lawyer, you could prob make more as an engineer and not have to chase ambulances and crack dealers.
Abe Lincoln was a lawyer.

That was a different era. Now lawyers are mostly complete scumbags who are taught at school to hate america, white people, christians, and men. There are a few constitutional lawyers who do good, but most are scum, working for fascists to get their blood money.
Seriously watermark, lawyers are the scum of the earth. Don't be a lawyer.

Spoken like a person who will always be poor.

Water, you're doing the right thing. Double up in anything with Engineering and you'll be able to write your ticket. If you later on decide you don't want to practice law you'll be highly marketable and making 6 figures by your late 20s!
Spoken like a person who will always be poor.

Water, you're doing the right thing. Double up in anything with Engineering and you'll be able to write your ticket. If you later on decide you don't want to practice law you'll be highly marketable and making 6 figures by your late 20s!

For real. Having a techical degree is a great ticket to law school. And beyond.
For real. Having a techical degree is a great ticket to law school. And beyond.

Exactly. With an engineering degree you can pretty much go into any field you'd like to after college.

I thought about going back to law school now, but I'm too old and lazy.
I'm getting my degree in Software Engineering. But my dad told me it didn't really matter which kind, that engineers pretty much knew enough to move around any part of engineering they wanted. Is that true?
water, what kind of engineering
and why be a lawyer, you could prob make more as an engineer and not have to chase ambulances and crack dealers.

I dunno, engineering just doesn't sound very appealing.

And let's think about this. Two PHD's and a law degree just sounds impressive, doesn't it? I could run for state legislature!
I'm getting my degree in Software Engineering. But my dad told me it didn't really matter which kind, that engineers pretty much knew enough to move around any part of engineering they wanted. Is that true?

In my experience, there's a real grain of truth to that. It doesn't matter if your degree is civil, mechanical, or chemical engineering. I'm not too sure about software engineering. But, broadly speaking, There is a ton of cross-disciplinary career options for any type of engineering degee. And law schools love engineering and scientific degrees.
Spoken like a person who will always be poor.

Water, you're doing the right thing. Double up in anything with Engineering and you'll be able to write your ticket. If you later on decide you don't want to practice law you'll be highly marketable and making 6 figures by your late 20s!

Yes, that's kind of the point.

I often screw things up, so if I run yelling out of the office one day and I'm blackballed, I'll have another six-digit career to fall back on. I'm probably going to need more than two chances though. :/