Personal plug

I'm getting my degree in Software Engineering. But my dad told me it didn't really matter which kind, that engineers pretty much knew enough to move around any part of engineering they wanted. Is that true?


Well, I don't think it really matters if you're not going to be an engineer. That is probably true for junior people but the higher up you get the more specialized you're expected to be.
In my experience, there's a real grain of truth to that. It doesn't matter if your degree is civil, mechanical, or chemical engineering. I'm not too sure about software engineering. But, broadly speaking, There is a ton of cross-disciplinary career options for any type of engineering degee. And law schools love engineering and scientific degrees.

Software engineering is a relatively new field. I'm kind of worried that it's not going to be taught as a real "Engineering" and that people outside of the software field won't take me seriously. But there's still a lot of money to be made making software, nonetheless... starting salary of a software engineer is about $50,000.
I'm getting my degree in Software Engineering. But my dad told me it didn't really matter which kind, that engineers pretty much knew enough to move around any part of engineering they wanted. Is that true?


Well, I don't think it really matters if you're not going to be an engineer. That is probably true for junior people but the higher up you get the more specialized you're expected to be.

What kind of engineering degree do you have, then?
I mean, I may very well go into engineering. I could take a few years off before going to law school, or just decide about then not to even screw with law. The real reason I had always wanted to be a lawyer was to get established enough to run for state legislature, but I don't really care about that anymore. And Mississippi's just far too conservative for me. I'd have to be the cheapest liar out there.

I could always get my law degree at the university of Hawaii. But a real worry of mine is that they won't even accept me in. Engineering looks impressive on a law school application but it also makes a lot outside of law school, unlike English, which only looks good for applying to law school.
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I mean, I may very well go into engineering. I could take a few years off before going to law school, or just decide about then not to even screw with law. The real reason I had always wanted to be a lawyer was to get established enough to run for state legislature, but I don't really care about that anymore. And Mississippi's just far too conservative for me. I'd have to be the cheapest liar out there.

I could always get my law degree at the university of Hawaii. But a real worry of mine is that they won't even accept me in. Engineering looks impressive on a law school application but it also makes a lot outside of law school, unlike English, which only looks good for applying to law school.

I did Mechanic/Aerospace Engineering. After a few internships I realized I didn't want to do that, but my marketability was still high and I could literally go into any field I wanted to. My mom pressured me into engineering too. I originally wanted to just do bio like most premed students but getting the engineering degree was definitely the right move if you're not a 100% sure what you want to do or if you're not sure if you can do the work you want to do.
Oh, and if you want to get a law degree - go straight through, don't take any breaks. it only gets harder.
Oh, and if you want to get a law degree - go straight through, don't take any breaks. it only gets harder.


Could I just break for six months? Cus I KIND of want to travel the world at some point.

Or, I could break in between community college and transfer...
And I have a question. Is it better to get my associate's degree, or not get it and hope no one ever knows I spent time at this damnable community college?
I did Mechanic/Aerospace Engineering. After a few internships I realized I didn't want to do that, but my marketability was still high and I could literally go into any field I wanted to. My mom pressured me into engineering too. I originally wanted to just do bio like most premed students but getting the engineering degree was definitely the right move if you're not a 100% sure what you want to do or if you're not sure if you can do the work you want to do.

I did Mechanic/Aerospace Engineering

You're a god damned rocket scientist. Jesus. :clink:

WM, get your four year degree. If you want to be a professional. Don't dick around with associate degrees. And for god's sake, don't go to the university of hawaii law school. Beefy's not going to like this, but I suspect that's a crap law school.

And tiana's right. Don't take a bunch of time off before law school. Get it done.
And I have a question. Is it better to get my associate's degree, or not get it and hope no one ever knows I spent time at this damnable community college?

Dear lord no. My brother messed around with that stuff and long story short, he should have taken his behind to a 4 year college and just gotten his undergrad done with. As long as you have your undergrad, I don't think people will care about an "associate's degree" or how long you were at community college.

Yes, you can take a break. I'd recommend the summer between your senior year of college and your first year of law school. Otherwise, get cracking. Also if you want to rack up some traveling experience this is the perfect time to do it. Do what i did and look into your college's study abroad programs.
I did Mechanic/Aerospace Engineering

You're a god damned rocket scientist. Jesus. :clink:

WM, get your four year degree. If you want to be a professional. Don't dick around with associate degrees. And for god's sake, don't go to the university of hawaii law school. Beefy's not going to like this, but I suspect that's a crap law school.

And tiana's right. Don't take a bunch of time off before law school. Get it done.

If I complete enough classes I am naturally going to get an associates degree. I will also get my bachelors degree. I'm just wondering if the associates degree looks bad, even if coupled with higher up degrees (like bachelors and PHD).

If I don't get into Harvard the only way to practice law in Hawaii is to get a degree at the university of Hawaii.
trust us. NO ONE CARES about associate degrees. Especially for the kinds of jobs you're looking at.
mechanical and Petrolium engineers start at about 80,000 and I'll bet they get to 100,000 much quicker than the average lawyer.
I'm getting my degree in Software Engineering. But my dad told me it didn't really matter which kind, that engineers pretty much knew enough to move around any part of engineering they wanted. Is that true?

Not quite true. A software engineer is nothing like a mechanical engineer.
mechanical and Petrolium engineers start at about 80,000 and I'll bet they get to 100,000 much quicker than the average lawyer.

That must be industry specific to oil.

I think around here they only start off around $60k
Spoken like a person who will always be poor.

Water, you're doing the right thing. Double up in anything with Engineering and you'll be able to write your ticket. If you later on decide you don't want to practice law you'll be highly marketable and making 6 figures by your late 20s!

Im middle class. Lawyers are scum. they're taught to destroy our society through perversion of the law.