Personal plug

If I complete enough classes I am naturally going to get an associates degree. I will also get my bachelors degree. I'm just wondering if the associates degree looks bad, even if coupled with higher up degrees (like bachelors and PHD).

If I don't get into Harvard the only way to practice law in Hawaii is to get a degree at the university of Hawaii.

If you get an AS by default, that's fine. If you want a four year degree, the only thing you need to worry about is getting all your pre-requisites done: the classes that will transfer to a four year school, and count towards your bachelor's there.

Go to Duke if you want a good southern law school
Yep. UNC is the only southern school I'd consider. Chapel Hill is pretty liberal and pretty cool :)
If I went to UNC I'd have to practice law in North Carolina.

You pretty much have to practice law in the state you get your degree in unless you go to an Ivy-league.
Dear lord no. My brother messed around with that stuff and long story short, he should have taken his behind to a 4 year college and just gotten his undergrad done with. As long as you have your undergrad, I don't think people will care about an "associate's degree" or how long you were at community college.

Yes, you can take a break. I'd recommend the summer between your senior year of college and your first year of law school. Otherwise, get cracking. Also if you want to rack up some traveling experience this is the perfect time to do it. Do what i did and look into your college's study abroad programs.
Yes, that's the way to do it. Take a year between undergrad and grad school.
If you get an AS by default, that's fine. If you want a four year degree, the only thing you need to worry about is getting all your pre-requisites done: the classes that will transfer to a four year school, and count towards your bachelor's there.

Go to Duke if you want a good southern law school
UGA has a good school as well.
democrat lawyers do their fair shair.

Let's stop this whole FIXED IT FOR YA thing. Please. It's dumb and misleading.

I did not start it. but can quit, I have other ways of making my point. Might rent a blimp....Then everyone would love me and want to have sex with me....

well 3% would be more than I could handle anyway...