Pet peeves that annoy you?

Sun Devil

Death and Taxes
What are some pet peeves of other people that annoy you.

The biggest one I have is when people come into the hospital to look for a patient I ask them whether they were transported to our emergency room or in our main tower. I usually get:

"They came by Ambalamps!"

I'm like WTF is an ambalamps?

I hate when people use lazy English to pronounce ambulance.
people walking slowly

people standing in the middle of an area where there is foot traffic, or like in front of a door

chewing with your mouth open

people that put their seat back on airplanes. I WANT TO MURDER YOU IF YOU DO THIS


passive aggressiveness.

people that are literally mouth breathers.

people that stare into their phones when you are like at dinner or hanging out. tweeting people and texting when they have real people in front of them. fucking hate that too.

People who can't drive the speed limit

Bicyclists who REFUSE to use the sidewalk. I don't drive on that, so don't ride on MY road.

Even worse than the cyclists are the fucking JOGGERS. I swear if I see one more person jogging in the middle of the damned road I will run them over and wear their skin like a fucking coat.

People who brake long before they have to turn.

People who feel the need to comment on what I'm buying. Unless you're paying for it, shut the hell up.

FUDDS. Oh god, do I hate Fudds.

People who can't drive the speed limit

Bicyclists who REFUSE to use the sidewalk. I don't drive on that, so don't ride on MY road.

Even worse than the cyclists are the fucking JOGGERS. I swear if I see one more person jogging in the middle of the damned road I will run them over and wear their skin like a fucking coat.

People who brake long before they have to turn.

People who feel the need to comment on what I'm buying. Unless you're paying for it, shut the hell up.

FUDDS. Oh god, do I hate Fudds.

Here in California I believe it's against the law to use your bicycle on the sidewalk
Another thing that annoys me about people are those that cough without covering their mouth. Or when they cough, it's in your direction instead of away.

People that blow smoke in my face knowing I'm a non-smoker.

People constantly spit when smoking weed (yes I know they can't help it but too fucking bad).

Guys who fart and fanning it my way thinking its a cool thing to do.

People who talk too fast.
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What are some pet peeves of other people that annoy you.

The biggest one I have is when people come into the hospital to look for a patient I ask them whether they were transported to our emergency room or in our main tower. I usually get:

"They came by Ambalamps!"

I'm like WTF is an ambalamps?

I hate when people use lazy English to pronounce ambulance.
Would "big red truck" work?
What are some pet peeves of other people that annoy you.

The biggest one I have is when people come into the hospital to look for a patient I ask them whether they were transported to our emergency room or in our main tower. I usually get:

"They came by Ambalamps!"

I'm like WTF is an ambalamps?

I hate when people use lazy English to pronounce ambulance.
You know what I hate? It's when you take a big old knitting needle and you put it in your ear and start banging on it with a ball peen hammer. I hate it when that happens.

People who can't drive the speed limit

Bicyclists who REFUSE to use the sidewalk. I don't drive on that, so don't ride on MY road.

Even worse than the cyclists are the fucking JOGGERS. I swear if I see one more person jogging in the middle of the damned road I will run them over and wear their skin like a fucking coat.

People who brake long before they have to turn.

People who feel the need to comment on what I'm buying. Unless you're paying for it, shut the hell up.

FUDDS. Oh god, do I hate Fudds.
it's illegal to ride a bike on the sidewalk.