Pet peeves that annoy you?

Billy you're such a typical example of a knee-jerk neanderthal who speeds along roadways eating bananas enraged over cyclists for no reason. You don't own the fucking road, and cylcists pay taxes too, moron.

Smoking pot in your home is decriminalized in many states, but the bottom line is, it was always pretty safe to do. Breaking the law out in the open is another story. I don't walk along roadways puffing on joints either. But most importantly, it's simply unsafe for pedestrians to share the sidewalk with cyclists. Especially as many pedestrians are seniors. Around here they are. And strolling along like a snail is their only exercise. There are also many small children on sidewalks.

Bicycle paths are the obvious and civilized solution and more and more towns have them now. It will never satisfy overly and overtly aggressive males who see getting behind the wheel of their car as the world issuing a challenge to their manhood and drive to prove it.
Billy you're such a typical example of a knee-jerk neanderthal who speeds along roadways eating bananas enraged over cyclists for no reason. You don't own the fucking road, and cylcists pay taxes too, moron.

Smoking pot in your home is decriminalized in many states, but the bottom line is, it was always pretty safe to do. Breaking the law out in the open is another story. I don't walk along roadways puffing on joints either. But most importantly, it's simply unsafe for pedestrians to share the sidewalk with cyclists. Especially as many pedestrians are seniors. Around here they are. And strolling along like a snail is their only exercise. There are also many small children on sidewalks.

Bicycle paths are the obvious and civilized solution and more and more towns have them now. It will never satisfy overly and overtly aggressive males who see getting behind the wheel of their car as the world issuing a challenge to their manhood and drive to prove it.

mixing fast moving targets with slower moving targets in the same area definitely seems pretty dumb.

that's kinda why it's a dumb idea for them to be in the road.

they also never get the fuck over.

I have to say, I am always happy when I hear of a biker getting killed in traffic. One less biker. :)
Also, people who try to talk to me when I hate them. That's another thing that pisses me off. Not as much as fudds or cyclists, but still.
Not really because it's a pedestrian sidewalk. Cyclist can easily hit pedestrians.
Or they can easily avoid them.
Besides you can get a DUI on a bicycle or DWI on a bike.
You can get one on a horse too, or a skateboard. Doesn't mean either of those should be in the road either. If you want to travel on the road, pay your damned insurance, get tags and registration, and do THE MOTHER FUCKING SPEED LIMIT!
I almost hit one of those dumb cyclists about a year ago because he figured "Fuck the red light, I'm on a bike, that doesn't concern me and my cyclist mouth breathing ass". Except the intersection was a 50MPH one. And you know what would have happened if I hit and killed that stupid son of a bitch? I'D be at fault. Because he was on a bike. I should have buried him and sent the repair bill to his family pinned to his bloody corpse.
Have you EVER seen a cyclist do that? Ever? That wasn't in a race? My Marauder can get up to 140+, doesn't mean it ever has.

No I haven't. But I've seen kids with those carbon fiber bikes that put "peddle to the medal" on the street, so I can imagine an old lady who is slightly crippled not seeing one of them getting hit and seriously injured. There is a reason why cyclist must be in the street instead of sidewalks.
I almost hit one of those dumb cyclists about a year ago because he figured "Fuck the red light, I'm on a bike, that doesn't concern me and my cyclist mouth breathing ass". Except the intersection was a 50MPH one. And you know what would have happened if I hit and killed that stupid son of a bitch? I'D be at fault. Because he was on a bike. I should have buried him and sent the repair bill to his family pinned to his bloody corpse.

No I haven't. But I've seen kids with those carbon fiber bikes that put "peddle to the medal" on the street, so I can imagine an old lady who is slightly crippled not seeing one of them getting hit and seriously injured. There is a reason why cyclist must be in the street instead of sidewalks.
Children shouldn't be traveling except by foot anyways so fuck them.