Pet peeves that annoy you?

What are some pet peeves of other people that annoy you.

The biggest one I have is when people come into the hospital to look for a patient I ask them whether they were transported to our emergency room or in our main tower. I usually get:

"They came by Ambalamps!"

I'm like WTF is an ambalamps?

I hate when people use lazy English to pronounce ambulance.

In no particular order:

Bad spoken and written grammar; rudeness; drivers who fail to yield when entering the traffic stream via on-ramp.

Another one: people who do sloppy work, no matter what that work is.
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People who use the word irregardless. I fucking hate that.

People on airplanes who push their way from the back trying to get off first. Hey, we all have right connections asshat

People who use a relatives handicapped placard even though they are perfectly fine

I am sure there are more but these are the three that take me from 0 to 60
so you're the asshole that when the captain says like 5 fucking times to stay in your motherfucking seat because there are people in the back that NEED to get off, you just stand up anyway.
so you're the asshole that when the captain says like 5 fucking times to stay in your motherfucking seat because there are people in the back that NEED to get off, you just stand up anyway.

Yes especially if I knew it was you. But I always fly first class so you have to to wait you prole
In no particular order:

Bad spoken and written grammar; rudeness; drivers who fail to yield when entering the traffic stream via on-ramp.

Another one: people who do sloppy work, no matter what that work is.

There was a radio commentator who used to complain about WA because merging traffic here doesn't have the right-of-way, whereas apparently there's a requirement to yield and let them in down in CA.
There was a radio commentator who used to complain about WA because merging traffic here doesn't have the right-of-way, whereas apparently there's a requirement to yield and let them in down in CA.

It's the same in MI, as it should be.
Any post headed 'Obama...whatever'. The vacuous waste of space on racist drivel is irritating.
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mixing fast moving targets with slower moving targets in the same area definitely seems pretty dumb.

that's kinda why it's a dumb idea for them to be in the road.

they also never get the fuck over.

I have to say, I am always happy when I hear of a biker getting killed in traffic. One less biker. :)
Good thing for us then that you drive a Focus.
No doubt but you know what I really hate? It's when your playing "bobbing for french fries" and the grease splatters all over your hair. I hate it when that happens.

I have nerves of steel and very few pet peeves, but the things that drive me crazy are clicking your utensils against your teeth and chewing with your mouth open! When bad table manners ruin my meal, I will speak up! Lol
Have you EVER seen a cyclist do that? Ever? That wasn't in a race? My Marauder can get up to 140+, doesn't mean it ever has.
I've hit speeds in excess of 60 mph going down hill. I've done speeds up to 40 mph drafting trucks. During my racing days I could sprint on a flat road to speeds over 30 mph. Once road 100 miles in less that four hours (25+ mph) pacelining with four other riders.
Another pet peeve. Fat fucks in pickups, SUV's and Crown Vics who's wide asses won't fit into a normal vehicle who think their fat asses own the roads.