Pet peeves that annoy you?

Another thing that pisses me off is people who have no concept of time. When I say I'm going to be somewhere at a certain time, that means I'm going to be there early. So when you show up 10-20 minutes late, I have lost a lot of respect for you, especially if you don't let me know in advance.
My father taught me that 5 minutes early for a business appointment is "on time." and five minutes late for a social appointment is "on time."
People who ignore the signs that say "Right Lane Closed - 1 Mile"......"Right Lane Closed 1/2 Mile"...."Right Lane Closed 1500 Feet" and expect to merge at the last minute.

People who drive under the speed limit in the left lane on the interstate.

People who go to the express lane with a shopping cart full of crap.
Talking about people who take a full cart through the express lane...what abut those technophobe assholes who have to hold the line up by paying with a check and then stand there for 10 minutes balancing their check book.

It should be legal to just shoot them.
my worst one is having people too stupid to know how to use the computer on the internet, ending up full of virus and malware, then call me to fix it like it's an easy thing to do.
That really is awful. Just looking at the word spelled correctly, no way the second part translates to "-alamps."

Well I hear this shit all the time. It's annoying. Even a couple of my co-workers say it and I'm like, "It's not pronounced AMBALAMPS, it's pronounce Am-Bu-lance. I mean, I know what they mean by AMBALAMPS but I'm afraid if I correct a visitor they may think I'm insulting them.
I still don't know why the Scots united with Great Britain

In 1603 James VI became King of both Scotland and England. Although they were still separate countries the king pretty much tied them together. The formal union was about a hundred years later by which time the King was less powerful and the parliaments were more important. Scotland lost a lot of money trying to set up an American colony of their own in Panama to compete with England, France and Spain and was broke. The English offer was join together and your debts become our debts.

England got a stable northern border and all the Scottish troops that had been a threat for centuries whenever English armies went to France became the people going to France. It also helped that the Scots produced a number of talented inventors and engineers who were now colleagues instead of rivals.
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Man, that's retarded. No cyclist, EVER, in the history of the world, has traveled above 10mph, and frequently go at 5mph or less. Why the FUCK should that be in the road?

1) cyclists here routinely travel 15-20mph... sometimes faster.
2) It is a matter of common sense. Cars and bikes are most likely going to be moving with the flow of traffic... constantly. neither are likely to just stop suddenly in the middle of the road. On the other hand, pedestrians on the side walk do that frequently.

3) In most downtown areas you have speed limits of 25-30mph. Car going 30, bike going 20... differential 10mph. Bike going 20, walker going 3... differential 17... not to mention the walkers stopping for no reason/to look in a window etc... and the fact the walkers have no protection... yeah... bikes belong on the road.
1) cyclists here routinely travel 15-20mph... sometimes faster.
2) It is a matter of common sense. Cars and bikes are most likely going to be moving with the flow of traffic... constantly. neither are likely to just stop suddenly in the middle of the road. On the other hand, pedestrians on the side walk do that frequently.

3) In most downtown areas you have speed limits of 25-30mph. Car going 30, bike going 20... differential 10mph. Bike going 20, walker going 3... differential 17... not to mention the walkers stopping for no reason/to look in a window etc... and the fact the walkers have no protection... yeah... bikes belong on the road.

My only pet peeve about cyclists is when they act like they can have it both ways. I don't mind them being on the road and taking a lane. But when they do that AND ignore stop signs or traffic lights, it pisses me off. Either you are on the road and following the rules or you need to be off the roadway. My g/f is as quick to get mad about it as I am, and she was a serious cyclist for a long time.
Have you EVER seen a cyclist do that? Ever? That wasn't in a race? My Marauder can get up to 140+, doesn't mean it ever has.

68mph was the fastest I have gone, but that is coming down a mountain pass... you have to have a long steep straight incline to hit 80+