The remora of JPP
Apparently Hamas does not want to screw with Trump.

Apparently Hamas does not want to screw with Trump.
If President Trump hadn't spoken up there's a very good chance none of those hostages would be coming home alive...
WE know it because we're not morons like yourself.
I'm sure you believe that...If netanyahu hadn't held back long enough to give his buddy trump a chance to take credit for shit he had nothing to do with, they would've been home months ago.
For sure, Biden also been fighting them tooth and nail. Whatever, did anyone really expect Biden to pass up a chance to claim some glory before he shuffles off? He's desperate for a win. Plus, who knows what kind of shit they've been whispering in the ear of that old, senile bastard. lol They jabbed him with a shot of cocaine and told him, "You did it, Joe!" Absolutely hilarious.They're trying to take credit for Netanyahu's successes; he achieved those by running circles around those idiots.
If we don't blow up their nuke facility they will end up nuking Israel eventually. Use a stealth bomber blow their nuke facility up and say they had an accidental explosion. Say we told them nukes were dangerous to make.
I'm sure you believe that...
I'm sure you believe that...More believable than the goober headed shit you spout.
If netanyahu hadn't held back long enough to give his buddy trump a chance to take credit for shit he had nothing to do with, they would've been home months ago.And Biden and Blinken have tried multiple times to reach a deal over the past 467 days. They got nothing until Trump threatened Hamas and their supporters.
Exactly...And Joe is such a class act... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/01/biden-snaps-reporter-asking-if-trump-deserves-credit/
Hmmmmm - that sure sounds like pure speculation
What formula are you using to calculate "good chance?" What supports that conclusion?
It's too painful for them to give President Trump any credit... It's going to be
a long four years...
If netanyahu hadn't held back long enough to give his buddy trump a chance to take credit for shit he had nothing to do with, they would've been home months ago.
I've known drop-dead gorgeous girls who could spout off about anything, and of course, guys would swarm around, nodding like bobbleheads at every piece of nonsense they spewed. We all know why, and most of the time, the girls knew it too, often giving a quick "thank you" in return, if you catch my drift. Sad, really. But Catbox? I highly doubt she's got any of that going for her. I'm picturing a Rosie O thing going on, that is, after Rosie puts on a few more lb's and has a serious long term crack problem.Shades of Carter, Reagan, and the Iran hostages, isn't it
Is CatBox Owl?I've known drop-dead gorgeous girls who could spout off about anything, and of course, guys would swarm around, nodding like bobbleheads at every piece of nonsense they spewed. We all know why, and most of the time, the girls knew it too, often giving a quick "thank you" in return, if you catch my drift. Sad, really. But Catbox? I highly doubt she's got any of that going for her. I'm picturing a Rosie O thing going on, that is, after Rosie puts on a few more lb's and has a serious long term crack problem.
So what the hell gives Catbox the confidence to say the dumbest shit imaginable and still think she's the Einstein of the chat? Is it the constant back-patting from fellow libtards? Or maybe she's rolling in dough from... who knows, perhaps she hid a webcam in some unsuspecting girl's shower and is now banking on the creepshow? I'm genuinely stumped. I've made a study of human nature, and Catbox is on my short list of subjects that are in that 10% of people with an IQ below 80. Yet, it's still a mystery. Anyone else got theories beyond the low IQ and possible ill-gotten gains? No wrong answers here.
That's hilarious, I think it was a combination of Dutchy boys stories of his cat turd smell attraction and maybe a general similarity of Owls brain and a cat box. I don't know but I'm cracking up now.Is CatBox Owl?