Phase one

That's hilarious, I think it was a combination of Dutchy boys stories of his cat turd smell attraction and maybe a general similarity of Owls brain and a cat box. I don't know but I'm cracking up now.

I will give you my theory on what is wrong with Owl:

I think this is one of the many former Left Liberals who were successfully brainwashed into their opposite...the illiberal WOKE Death Cult...who has people very close to her, perhaps a husband, who have not been so brainwashed....and she has a lot of anger about that.....which she takes out on us.

I also think that she has some sense of how much she has rotted out over this life, and that she is running from this awareness as hard as she can.

I will give you my theory on what is wrong with Owl:

I think this is one of the many former Left Liberals who were successfully brainwashed into their opposite...the illiberal WOKE Death Cult...who has people very close to her, perhaps a husband, who have not been so brainwashed....and she has a lot of anger about that.....which she takes out on us.

I also think that she has some sense of how much she has rotted out over this life, and that she is running from this awareness as hard as she can.
Awww, it's like when those girls I mentioned earlier, who've coasted on their looks, start to see the first wrinkle. Suddenly, they're in panic mode, with bitterness, anger, fear, and barrels of regret. They go from "I'm the queen" to "I'll take whatever I can get" in record time. Do you think this desperation and lowered expectations vibe meshes with your theories too?
Awww, it's like when those girls I mentioned earlier, who've coasted on their looks, start to see the first wrinkle. Suddenly, they're in panic mode, with bitterness, anger, fear, and barrels of regret. They go from "I'm the queen" to "I'll take whatever I can get" in record time. Do you think this desperation and lowered expectations vibe meshes with your theories too?
"Near as I can figure it WOKE is revenge against God for the crime of being"
Jordan Peterson

"America is being burned to the ground so that UTOPIA can spring from the smoldering ashes via magic"
Hawkeye the Wise

Which is to say I think you must dig deeper to understand why they have allowed themselves to be brainwashed, and why if they dont actually promote Evil they excuse it.
I'm for a preventative strike against the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East. A Regime change in Iran might be a good thing.
The Pentagon is very much trying to avoid striking Iran, knowing that given its weakened state humiliation is likely.
I'm all in with that. Of course, if there's a way to eliminate or minimize fallout without putting any American or Israeli lives at risk, do that, but if not, it must be done to save many more lives in the future. Again, clarifying for the benefit of those who jump to the worst conclusions before even attempting to think first.
I'm sure Iran is feeling naked right now after Israel destroyed their air defense system.
"Near as I can figure it WOKE is revenge against God for the crime of being"
Jordan Peterson

"America is being burned to the ground so that UTOPIA can spring from the smoldering ashes via magic"
Hawkeye the Wise

Which is to say I think you must dig deeper to understand why they have allowed themselves to be brainwashed, and why if they dont actually promote Evil they excuse it.
LOL, I get it. While I agree with you on the myriad reasons a drone might let in the propaganda loop in their heads, I was definitely oversimplifying for a laugh and to highlight some comical surface-level issues. But yeah, the deeper dive into the causes of the libtard drones' deep-seated brainwashing could be a hoot in a special group thread maybe. We could explore all the reasons, look at some unexpected possible side effects, and maybe even come up with some home remedies to tackle their laundry list of issues. If we pitch it right, it could even be an elective course in Jordan Peterson's new online university. Just throwing ideas out there.
If you had a minuscule fraction of the brains you think you do, you'd know that their nuke facilities are so deep underground and so hardened, that even our biggest, most powerful bombs can't penetrate them.
Actually their nuke facility runs on electricity. I'd first destroy their above ground power plants that supply their processing facility . If we dropped a nuke the site would be contaminated and unusable for years. A 30,000 pound MOP can penetrate 200 feet of earth and 60 feet of reinforced concrete. We could drop multiple bombs in the same exact spot.

Iran's Fordow plant is between 80-90 meters deep and their Natanz Nuclear Facility 40-50 meters underground.
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I'm sure Iran is feeling naked right now after Israel destroyed their air defense system.
Agreed, and I don't think things will get better for them anytime soon. lol Bet they wish that little scrawny goober they hired had spent a couple more bucks on target ammo.
Actually their nuke facility runs on electricity. I'd first destroy their above ground power plants that supply their processing facility .
So you think they're so stupid they'd leave their electric power generation source for their hyper protected nuka facility exposed to attack?

You're a real genius aren't you? <<sarcasm>>
If we dropped a nuke the site would be contaminated and unusable for years. A 30,000 pound MOP can penetrate 200 feet of earth and 60 feet of reinforced concrete. We could drop multiple bombs in the same exact spot.
So you advocate starting a nuclear war?

You're a real genius aren't you? <<sarcasm>>
Iran's Fordow plant is between 80-90 meters deep and their Natanz Nuclear Facility 40-50 meters underground.
And impermeable to the effects of any of our bombs.

Otherwise the US or Israel would have obliterated it by now.

You're a real genius aren't you? <<sarcasm>>
When this came across the network news today, the first thing I and my 90 yr. old father almost said in unison; "Watch the Trumpers tried to claim this as a victory for him".
You both realized Trump's victory too. You both were probably anticipating it since the first time Trump issued his "warning."
If you had a minuscule fraction of the brains you think you do, you'd know that their nuke facilities are so deep underground and so hardened, that even our biggest, most powerful bombs can't penetrate them.

lol they have to get to it somehow, and such places are easy to turn into tombs that take years to get dug out, dumbass. They don't have years.