Pictures, ok

Please. It's "Leftist Vermin." See, it's right there under my name.

Please be nice. Bill has a limited vocabulary. "Leftist Vermin" is one of the few words he can spell and few phrases he can remember.

He also likes to blame others for his lack of advancement in life. Sad.
Yes it's called "enhanced pervasive non committal non ignoring" ignoring. This was covered while at the psycho neurotic institute for the very very nervous.
How long were you there? Was it rehab or a psychotic break?

<-- for you and Matt. :thup:

For everyone else:

I have was one of the mental health providers. I got tired of that so I went to work in a prison and then retired. I may see if I can hire back on at the prison.

Spend less money and you won't have to come out of retirement.

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Thanks but we have enough to live one. I was considering going back cause I'm bored, actually.

As long as it's for a good cause. Lots of volunteers are needed for various groups. I used to travel for a living and would come across elderly hotel van drivers. Most didn't need the money, they just needed out of the house for a few hours a few days a week.


