Pink to Give Away Banned Books at Florida Tour Stops

Lol... wrong every...single...time...each a d every... perfect record though:laugh:


And perhaps a spot of dressing? You're hilarious when you get verklempt. Or is it drunk -- again? :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:
I do love this and everyone who reads them adores the Love Letters as they call them...:loveu::loveu::loveu:
And all the books that Pink gave out... wonderful...books are always a lovely gift...but those are also available in Miami to anyone who wants to read them... so I'm not exactly sure why all the fuss....
Given your age, which is very close to my own at 70, that would make your sibling roughly in her 60s, and her kids in their 30s or 40s, but you're claiming that she has kids young enough to be in public school? Or are you claiming that they're teachers?

You are, as always, wrong about what's going on in Red states because 1) you see nothing wrong with censorship and the promotion of bigotry, and 2) you refuse to access actual nonbiased news.

FL and TX are indeed pushing a conservative political agenda in their public schools. Although CRT is NOT taught at that grade level, they have passed laws not only forbidding it, they've also banished honors classes on African-American studies. They forbid corporate or school policies that mention racism either past or present -- in fact, the mention of *anything* that might upset the tender white snowflakes' feelz. Here, get one of the dogs to read this to you.

Florida bill to shield people from feeling ‘discomfort’ over historic actions by their race, nationality or gender approved by Senate committee

We've been over this before about CRT. No, CRT is not taught as a course in K to 12 schools in the US but it is widely used as a basis, a pedagogy, for developing curricula, textbooks, teaching aids, and the like. So, the whole "CRT is NOT taught..." tautology is a bullshit lie gaslighting the subject. It is used, and trying to deny that is just disingenuous on your part.
We've been over this before about CRT. No, CRT is not taught as a course in K to 12 schools in the US but it is widely used as a basis, a pedagogy, for developing curricula, textbooks, teaching aids, and the like. So, the whole "CRT is NOT taught..." tautology is a bullshit lie gaslighting the subject. It is used, and trying to deny that is just disingenuous on your part.

CRT is college level legal studies.
We've been over this before about CRT. No, CRT is not taught as a course in K to 12 schools in the US but it is widely used as a basis, a pedagogy, for developing curricula, textbooks, teaching aids, and the like. So, the whole "CRT is NOT taught..." tautology is a bullshit lie gaslighting the subject. It is used, and trying to deny that is just disingenuous on your part.

Nope. It is a theory (note its very name) taught in sociology majors, law majors, and in some universities, public health and poli-sci majors. Now, most rational people who believe in equal education for all Americans see no problem in assuring future teachers, social workers, attorneys, and public health workers that some groups in our country have been under-served in the past. We also see no problem in teaching that some minorities have had very different experiences than the majority when it comes to learning, access to education, health and health outcomes, the justice system, and so forth. After all, we expect our public school educators, social workers, etc. to serve *all* the children in their classrooms and clinics, not just certain groups.

If you have a problem with that, then you have a much bigger problem than a college students being exposed to the concepts found in CRT. Learn about what your masters want you to panic about, before hitting that panic button.
Funny thing I can't find anyone protesting her giving out books... just a lot of people trying to make a big deal where there really isn't any controversy at all.... that may not have been the big promotional stunt she wished it to be...
It is harder to teach your children to hate and fear the same people that you hate and fear if they have access to educational materials that teach them that "those people" are just fine.

When it comes to people,
I don't personally believe that educational materials
can really teach that any of us is fine.

Education is about information, not value judgements.

Proper education doesn't teach good and bad.
What it does, however,
is let you decide for yourself with the possession of accurate, useful facts.

If you want the answer to every question
to be what you already believe it is,
facts or evidence can be very inconvenient.

Hence, the fear of educational freedom.
Funny thing I can't find anyone protesting her giving out books... just a lot of people trying to make a big deal where there really isn't any controversy at all.... that may not have been the big promotional stunt she wished it to be...

Who said that?
We've been over this before about CRT. No, CRT is not taught as a course in K to 12 schools in the US but it is widely used as a basis, a pedagogy, for developing curricula, textbooks, teaching aids, and the like. So, the whole "CRT is NOT taught..." tautology is a bullshit lie gaslighting the subject. It is used, and trying to deny that is just disingenuous on your part.

CRT is taught as part of legal school curricula. It is not touching your precious children who need shielding from the truth. It is not widely taught. but the premise is being absorbed by all as it should. It is an elective unless you specialize in minority racial discrimination in our institutions.
CRT is taught as part of legal school curricula. It is not touching your precious children who need shielding from the truth. It is not widely taught. but the premise is being absorbed by all as it should. It is an elective unless you specialize in minority racial discrimination in our institutions.

Can you give me an example of CRT as an elective... and please include the syllabus... (What truths in school are not being addressed? Are you an educator? And if not how are you aware of what's happening in the classrooms?)
CRT is taught as part of legal school curricula. It is not touching your precious children who need shielding from the truth. It is not widely taught. but the premise is being absorbed by all as it should. It is an elective unless you specialize in minority racial discrimination in our institutions.

You must be seriously retarded... How many times do I have to repeat that it is used as a pedagogy, methodology, for developing lesson plans, curricula, textbooks, and other educational materials and methods for use in K to 12 education. CRT itself is not taught.

Can you even grasp the difference between it being taught and being used as a pedagogy? I guess not...
When it comes to people,
I don't personally believe that educational materials
can really teach that any of us is fine.

Education is about information, not value judgements.

Proper education doesn't teach good and bad.
What it does, however,
is let you decide for yourself with the possession of accurate, useful facts.

If you want the answer to every question
to be what you already believe it is,
facts or evidence can be very inconvenient.

Hence, the fear of educational freedom.

Fictional stories for children about a heroic dog who goes around saving people, or a group of kind Muslims helping a neighbor whose house burned down, or a Black child who gets bullied by non-Black classmates, or a little Hispanic girl who saves a kitten from drowning, or a boy who has two dads -- they can all influence how the reader feels about dogs, Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics, gays. These are the kinds of books -- esp. the ones with the bullied Black kid and the boy with two dads -- that some RWNJs want banned.
You must be seriously retarded... How many times do I have to repeat that it is used as a pedagogy, methodology, for developing lesson plans, curricula, textbooks, and other educational materials and methods for use in K to 12 education. CRT itself is not taught.

Can you even grasp the difference between it being taught and being used as a pedagogy? I guess not...

You have never ever given any example of it being used in K-6 classrooms.