Leftist Vermin
Who said that?
Toxic. She knows everything you don't, you know. It's on ̶F̶o̶x̶ Breitbart.

Who said that?
Nope. It is a theory (note its very name) taught in sociology majors, law majors, and in some universities, public health and poli-sci majors. Now, most rational people who believe in equal education for all Americans see no problem in assuring future teachers, social workers, attorneys, and public health workers that some groups in our country have been under-served in the past. We also see no problem in teaching that some minorities have had very different experiences than the majority when it comes to learning, access to education, health and health outcomes, the justice system, and so forth. After all, we expect our public school educators, social workers, etc. to serve *all* the children in their classrooms and clinics, not just certain groups.
If you have a problem with that, then you have a much bigger problem than a college students being exposed to the concepts found in CRT. Learn about what your masters want you to panic about, before hitting that panic button.
I am not a college-educator... not something I ever wanted to do...Elective,.
You are not a college educator either. And you certainly are not keeping up with CRt which after your career ended.
Can you give me an example of CRT as an elective... and please include the syllabus... (What truths in school are not being addressed? Are you an educator? And if not how are you aware of what's happening in the classrooms?)
You have never ever given any example of it being used in K-6 classrooms.
You must be seriously retarded... How many times do I have to repeat that it is used as a pedagogy, methodology, for developing lesson plans, curricula, textbooks, and other educational materials and methods for use in K to 12 education. CRT itself is not taught.
Can you even grasp the difference between it being taught and being used as a pedagogy? I guess not...
And, yet, another idiot chimes in... CRT is a theory that has been put into practice, just like say the Pythagoreion theorem. It is used as a pedagogy in education now.
You can repeat a lie 10,000 times and it still won't become truth.
Why are you and the fake teacher so obsessed about it anyways? Is it going to harm little white kids to learn that some ppl were discriminated against (and some still are) because of their race? If we don't teach about that part of our past, will it magically go away?
Because CRT teaches both lies and racism at its core.
And yet still no example of said "methodology" being taught in K-6.![]()
And yet still no example of said "methodology" being taught in K-6.![]()
Let's start with the comment I just made to Owl Woman:
Do you even know how CRT works? Do you grasp the theory behind it? If you can't do that, then you can't recognize that I have provided examples.
It does not. But now we finally get to the kernel of truth in the center of your hissy fit about CRT. You're afraid that learning that some groups in American history were marginalized and mistreated, and that some still are, will hurt little white kids' feelz. You're afraid that teachers, aware of the past, will play favorites with minority children over white children. You're afraid that when the day comes that we white ppl are no longer the majority, we'll be treated as we treated others. THAT'S why you're upset. At the core, you're racist.
Thanks for playing.
No you did not. An example would be a lesson plan or the like. Or even a textbook.
Yes I have, you just don't understand how CRT works so you can't grasp what's been presented. Explain to me how CRT works as a theory.
Fictional stories for children about a heroic dog who goes around saving people, or a group of kind Muslims helping a neighbor whose house burned down, or a Black child who gets bullied by non-Black classmates, or a little Hispanic girl who saves a kitten from drowning, or a boy who has two dads -- they can all influence how the reader feels about dogs, Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics, gays. These are the kinds of books -- esp. the ones with the bullied Black kid and the boy with two dads -- that some RWNJs want banned.
You're the one who claimed to be an expert on CRT and that "methodology" is being used in K-12. I have not heard one single word about it elsewhere except from you and RWNJs.
I gave examples, you just can't grasp them because you clearly have no idea how CRT works.