Plague to Democracy: Mail In Ballots

Knuckles Neanderthal

Verified User


The chilling mail-In ballot theory involving Walmarts, strip malls, and gas stations that could doom Trump…​

As we inch closer to election day, it’s natural for panic to set in over the dreaded mail-in ballots—the left’s favorite election weapon. Many on the right believe that with enough poll watchers and people standing guard, keeping an eye on every ballot, we’ll be safe. But a chilling new theory suggests we’re living in a false sense of security. This theory is built around something most people have never heard of—something so incredibly crafty and dangerous that it could doom Trump’s chances all over again.

So, what is this sinister plot? It revolves around Walmarts, strip malls, and gas stations, forming the backbone of the left’s mail-in ballot scheme. This theory argues that if Trump doesn’t address this issue and focuses only on poll watchers, he will lose the election.
Mail-in Ballot Rules by Country
Based on the provided search results, Switzerland is the only country that allows unlimited mail-in ballots for federal elections. According to the snippet from “Trump’s assertion that only two European nations allow mail-in voting - The Washington Post”, Switzerland sends ballots to all eligible voters, who can either mail them back or bring them to polling booths, weeks before elections. This implies that all eligible voters in Switzerland receive a mail-in ballot and can cast their vote by mail without any restrictions.

No other country mentioned in the search results allows unlimited mail-in ballots for federal elections. Some countries, like Mexico, allow mail-in voting for specific groups, such as overseas voters, while others, like the United States, have varying rules and deadlines for requesting and returning absentee ballots. Many countries, including France, Poland, and Russia, have bans on mail-in ballots or have made exceptions only for specific circumstances, such as illness or pandemic-related restrictions.

It’s essential to note that the search results do not provide information on the specific voting systems or regulations of all countries, but rather highlight instances where mail-in voting is allowed or restricted. Therefore, this answer is based on the available information and might not be exhaustive or definitive.

Source: Brave AI


The chilling mail-In ballot theory involving Walmarts, strip malls, and gas stations that could doom Trump…​

As we inch closer to election day, it’s natural for panic to set in over the dreaded mail-in ballots—the left’s favorite election weapon. Many on the right believe that with enough poll watchers and people standing guard, keeping an eye on every ballot, we’ll be safe. But a chilling new theory suggests we’re living in a false sense of security. This theory is built around something most people have never heard of—something so incredibly crafty and dangerous that it could doom Trump’s chances all over again.

So, what is this sinister plot? It revolves around Walmarts, strip malls, and gas stations, forming the backbone of the left’s mail-in ballot scheme. This theory argues that if Trump doesn’t address this issue and focuses only on poll watchers, he will lose the election.
Mail-in Ballot Rules by Country
Based on the provided search results, Switzerland is the only country that allows unlimited mail-in ballots for federal elections. According to the snippet from “Trump’s assertion that only two European nations allow mail-in voting - The Washington Post”, Switzerland sends ballots to all eligible voters, who can either mail them back or bring them to polling booths, weeks before elections. This implies that all eligible voters in Switzerland receive a mail-in ballot and can cast their vote by mail without any restrictions.

No other country mentioned in the search results allows unlimited mail-in ballots for federal elections. Some countries, like Mexico, allow mail-in voting for specific groups, such as overseas voters, while others, like the United States, have varying rules and deadlines for requesting and returning absentee ballots. Many countries, including France, Poland, and Russia, have bans on mail-in ballots or have made exceptions only for specific circumstances, such as illness or pandemic-related restrictions.

It’s essential to note that the search results do not provide information on the specific voting systems or regulations of all countries, but rather highlight instances where mail-in voting is allowed or restricted. Therefore, this answer is based on the available information and might not be exhaustive or definitive.

Source: Brave AI
the US allows it de facto.


The chilling mail-In ballot theory involving Walmarts, strip malls, and gas stations that could doom Trump…​

As we inch closer to election day, it’s natural for panic to set in over the dreaded mail-in ballots—the left’s favorite election weapon. Many on the right believe that with enough poll watchers and people standing guard, keeping an eye on every ballot, we’ll be safe. But a chilling new theory suggests we’re living in a false sense of security. This theory is built around something most people have never heard of—something so incredibly crafty and dangerous that it could doom Trump’s chances all over again.

So, what is this sinister plot? It revolves around Walmarts, strip malls, and gas stations, forming the backbone of the left’s mail-in ballot scheme. This theory argues that if Trump doesn’t address this issue and focuses only on poll watchers, he will lose the election.
Mail-in Ballot Rules by Country
Based on the provided search results, Switzerland is the only country that allows unlimited mail-in ballots for federal elections. According to the snippet from “Trump’s assertion that only two European nations allow mail-in voting - The Washington Post”, Switzerland sends ballots to all eligible voters, who can either mail them back or bring them to polling booths, weeks before elections. This implies that all eligible voters in Switzerland receive a mail-in ballot and can cast their vote by mail without any restrictions.

No other country mentioned in the search results allows unlimited mail-in ballots for federal elections. Some countries, like Mexico, allow mail-in voting for specific groups, such as overseas voters, while others, like the United States, have varying rules and deadlines for requesting and returning absentee ballots. Many countries, including France, Poland, and Russia, have bans on mail-in ballots or have made exceptions only for specific circumstances, such as illness or pandemic-related restrictions.

It’s essential to note that the search results do not provide information on the specific voting systems or regulations of all countries, but rather highlight instances where mail-in voting is allowed or restricted. Therefore, this answer is based on the available information and might not be exhaustive or definitive.

Source: Brave AI
Utter bullshit. Mail in ballots are safe and secure. Some states only have mail in and soon many more will go that way too.
Nothing wrong with mail-in voting.
The Gestapo and I vote in person, but the Avatar always mails in her ballot.

Where we live we have a great mail-in ballot system and we always use it. It's brilliant, it works and it isn't the fucking death of democracy as some mouthbreathers would have it.

These people will lap up ANY fear mongering around their precious "vote"...but ironically the ones most animated by non-existent vote fraud are the ones who actively want to elect a man who has a LONG HISTORY of fraud.

Mail-in ballots are processed the same way that in-person ballots are. I feel sorry that you rightys can be so easily fooled.

Oh it's almost pathological! You can show them data the live-long day that PROVE voter fraud is almost non-existent but it SOUNDS scary and their CONVICTED FELON LEADER (who has a LONG history of fraud) tells them to fear it and they fear it.

A better example of thoughtless followers could not be manufactured.
Mail-in ballots are processed the same way that in-person ballots are. I feel sorry that you rightys can be so easily fooled.
Really? In--person ballots are handled by numerous unknown people between the time the voter gets it and it gets counted? I did not know that...

Are in-person ballots allowed to be uncontrolled for days, even weeks, at a time where nobody knows where that ballot actually is?
Really? In--person ballots are handled by numerous unknown people between the time the voter gets it and it gets counted? I did not know that...

Are in-person ballots allowed to be uncontrolled for days, even weeks, at a time where nobody knows where that ballot actually is?

Iit's so interesting to see someone duped by a naked political maneuver. There's literally NO EVIDENCE of any significant vote fraud in our elections. None, zip nada. IT sure SOUNDS like one could IMAGINE a scenario where someone MIGHT be able to POSSIBLY interject some fraud, but the problem is: they apparently almost never do.

Which means you need to ask why this "issue" is so important for you to "fix" (do you fix somethign when it's not broken normally?)

The answer is obvious: the people who are selling you this myth are the ones who are the leaders in attempting to delegitimize enrolled legal voters across the board. They know that if they take out certain demographics they will have a better chance at winning. Which is shown to be a real threat to voting integrity ever year.

But no, you want to focus on ridding the house of "ghosts" before you fix the gas leak in the kitchen.
Iit's so interesting to see someone duped by a naked political maneuver. There's literally NO EVIDENCE of any significant vote fraud in our elections. None, zip nada. IT sure SOUNDS like one could IMAGINE a scenario where someone MIGHT be able to POSSIBLY interject some fraud, but the problem is: they apparently almost never do.

Which means you need to ask why this "issue" is so important for you to "fix" (do you fix somethign when it's not broken normally?)

The answer is obvious: the people who are selling you this myth are the ones who are the leaders in attempting to delegitimize enrolled legal voters across the board. They know that if they take out certain demographics they will have a better chance at winning. Which is shown to be a real threat to voting integrity ever year.

But no, you want to focus on ridding the house of "ghosts" before you fix the gas leak in the kitchen.
Way to change the argument. Nice to see you have no rebuttal, just injecting a strawman because you have nothing else to reply with.
Way to change the argument. Nice to see you have no rebuttal, just injecting a strawman because you have nothing else to reply with.

Actually I'm not changing the argument. I'm showing you how this ENTIRE ARGUMENT is a made-up threat just to manipulate people EXACTLY LIKE YOU.

And you fell for it, hook, line, sinker, fishing pole, fisherman, boat and ocean.
Actually I'm not changing the argument. I'm showing you how this ENTIRE ARGUMENT is a made-up threat just to manipulate people EXACTLY LIKE YOU.

And you fell for it, hook, line, sinker, fishing pole, fisherman, boat and ocean.
You are changing the argument. The original one was that mail in balloting is rife with opportunities for fraud and that's why they aren't used anywhere else in the world.

You changed that argument to one of There's no proof of fraud so there's no reason to question or worry about fraud.

I'm in the camp of Let's eliminate the potential for fraud, and even the potential reasons someone might have to doubt our elections are fair and honest. That means eliminating mail-in balloting except in very exceptional cases, mandatory voter ID to register and to vote, and voting in person, among other things.
You are changing the argument. The original one was that mail in balloting is rife with opportunities for fraud and that's why they aren't used anywhere else in the world.

EVERYTHING ON EARTH can have opportunities for fraud. The issue is has any significant fraud happened with this? The answer is a resounding NO.

There's medical we eliminate doctors?

You changed that argument to one of There's no proof of fraud so there's no reason to question or worry about fraud.

There's medical fraud. Do you propose eliminating all doctors?
I'm in the camp of Let's eliminate the potential for fraud,

Then you better start a campaing in which you eliminate all things in the world that could POSSIBLY have ANY POTENTIAL fraud.

That's a long list.

and even the potential reasons someone might have to doubt our elections are fair and honest.
That means eliminating mail-in balloting except in very exceptional cases, mandatory voter ID to register and to vote, and voting in person, among other things.

So you are of the opinion you shoudl fix problems that don't exist just because they COULD with some imagination exist?

Tell me, how many times have you "fixed" your car when it is fully serviced and running fine? It COULD break down at any minute! Engines are a lot of moving parts.

Better take your car into the garage on Monday to have it "fixed". Just tell them that there's a POTENTIAL problem with some system in there and you'd like it eliminated so it won't cause any problems
EVERYTHING ON EARTH can have opportunities for fraud. The issue is has any significant fraud happened with this? The answer is a resounding NO.

There have been elections--usually local and state--that have had the outcome affected by fraud. So, the problem is real.
There's medical we eliminate doctors?

This is a canard, a fallacy. Most medical fraud is over billing and payment and for gain by those committing it, not over medical practice. Where medical fraud of the sort similar to voter fraud occurs, we take it very seriously. That occurs when a doctor or other practitioner is doing so without licensing or the prerequisite skills.
Then you better start a campaing in which you eliminate all things in the world that could POSSIBLY have ANY POTENTIAL fraud.

That's a long list.

Now you are trying to use a reductio ad absurdum fallacy to validate your argument. If you can't eliminate ALL fraud why bother at all? That is a worthless argument.
So you are of the opinion you shoudl fix problems that don't exist just because they COULD with some imagination exist?

Fraud does exist, and the potential for fraud exists. By your standards, we shouldn't bother to put in checks and other systems to prevent credit card fraud, identity theft, or whatever because it isn't serious enough to bother with. We do use such systems because we recognize that fraud can and will occur and we should try and prevent it before it happens.
Tell me, how many times have you "fixed" your car when it is fully serviced and running fine? It COULD break down at any minute! Engines are a lot of moving parts.

Another canard. This time it's a fallacy fallacy. You start with a fallacious idea then draw a conclusion. The correct version would be, I know my car could breakdown, and these are the most likely causes. I should implement a system of checks to determine if that likelihood is growing and replace a worn or old part before it completely fails.
There have been elections--usually local and state--that have had the outcome affected by fraud. So, the problem is real.

This is a canard, a fallacy. Most medical fraud is over billing and payment and for gain by those committing it, not over medical practice. Where medical fraud of the sort similar to voter fraud occurs, we take it very seriously. That occurs when a doctor or other practitioner is doing so without licensing or the prerequisite skills.

Now you are trying to use a reductio ad absurdum fallacy to validate your argument. If you can't eliminate ALL fraud why bother at all? That is a worthless argument.

Fraud does exist, and the potential for fraud exists. By your standards, we shouldn't bother to put in checks and other systems to prevent credit card fraud, identity theft, or whatever because it isn't serious enough to bother with. We do use such systems because we recognize that fraud can and will occur and we should try and prevent it before it happens.

Another canard. This time it's a fallacy fallacy. You start with a fallacious idea then draw a conclusion. The correct version would be, I know my car could breakdown, and these are the most likely causes. I should implement a system of checks to determine if that likelihood is growing and replace a worn or old part before it completely fails.

I get it. You bought the lie and it fits in with your world view anyway (disenfranchising voters).
No, you don't. It is YOU that has bought the lie and think we should have open elections where anyone who wants to vote should be able to on demand with no verification whatsoever.

Nope. I'm perfectly happy with the elections we have right now. Just remember: when your side loses it MIGHT be because your guy sucks.

Just a thought. I know it couldn't be so. The man who consistently ran his businesses into bankruptcy over and over and over and over and over again, the man who mocked the disabled, attacked America's fallen soldiers as losers, who sided with Putin over his own intelligence agency, who so grossly mishandled a pandemic that thousands upon thousands of needless excess deaths occurred, how could THAT man NOT be the perfect President?

Honestly you guys are the worst losers I've ever seen. It's like your daddies didn't teach you anything about sportsmanship.

If you can't assimilate to American values I would invite you to go back to whatever shithole you came from. :)