Plague to Democracy: Mail In Ballots

Mail-in ballots are processed the same way that in-person ballots are. I feel sorry that you rightys can be so easily fooled.
No they are not. How in the world do we know that the person's name on the ballot actually cast the vote? Signatures can be forged or not even checked as goes on in Democrat areas. Signatures alone are very poor identifiers. Over time a person's signature changes with age.
No they are not. How in the world do we know that the person's name on the ballot actually cast the vote? Signatures can be forged or not even checked as goes on in Democrat areas. Signatures alone are very poor identifiers. Over time a person's signature changes with age.
Because when the person whos name IS on the ballot goes to vote both will be negated.
No they are not. How in the world do we know that the person's name on the ballot actually cast the vote? Signatures can be forged or not even checked as goes on in Democrat areas. Signatures alone are very poor identifiers. Over time a person's signature changes with age.
You do not even know that and are writing about it? They send a letter to eligible previous mail-in voters and ask them if they want to vote mail in this year. If they send the info back saying yes, they will be sent a ballot. When you vote mail in. you have to sign and date it. The first act is checking the signature . If that fails, it is tossed. But the mail-in ballot are only sent to eligible voters who have requested one.
The ballot is sent to the precinct where the voter is assigned. Every voter is assigned a precinct and his name put in the precinct log book.
I could go on, but you are a righty and if the facts go against your vulpine preconceptions, you scream and call them lies.
Utter bullshit. Mail in ballots are safe and secure. Some states only have mail in and soon many more will go that way too.
I live in the 99502 zip code which has been a Republican stronghold continuously except in 2020.
What changed in 2020? Mail in voting exclusively.
No one that I knew of in that zip cope registered republican or (in my case) libertarian received mail in ballots.
To vote we had to stand in a line to vote at one of two polling station at the main public library. I waited about 15 minutes and the line hadn’t moved an inch. The line wrapped around the block.
I then went to the only other polling station downtown. Same thing but an even longer line.
I gave up and for the first time in my memory I didn’t vote.
You do not even know that and are writing about it? They send a letter to eligible previous mail-in voters and ask them if they want to vote mail in this year. If they send the info back saying yes, they will be sent a ballot. When you vote mail in. you have to sign and date it. The first act is checking the signature . If that fails, it is tossed. But the mail-in ballot are only sent to eligible voters who have requested one.
The ballot is sent to the precinct where the voter is assigned. Every voter is assigned a precinct and his name put in the precinct log book.
I could go on, but you are a righty and if the facts go against your vulpine preconceptions, you scream and call them lies.
So you are a disonformationist.
During Covid, many voting precincts sent out ballots to ALL voters on record.
I live in the 99502 zip code which has been a Republican stronghold continuously except in 2020.
What changed in 2020? Mail in voting exclusively.
No one that I knew of in that zip cope registered republican or (in my case) libertarian received mail in ballots.
To vote we had to stand in a line to vote at one of two polling station at the main public library. I waited about 15 minutes and the line hadn’t moved an inch. The line wrapped around the block.
I then went to the only other polling station downtown. Same thing but an even longer line.
I gave up and for the first time in my memory I didn’t vote.
That is one of the primary reasons for mail in voting. Just why the hell should people stand in line for hours to vote when they don't have to? What if the weather is horrible? What if those who intend to vote have a medical condition that precludes them from going outside much less standing in line for hours? You want as many people voting as you possibly can and there is nothing unsafe or insecure about a mail in ballot.
So you are a disonformationist.
During Covid, many voting precincts sent out ballots to ALL voters on record.
What the fuck is wrong with that? I got a notice asking if I wanted to vote by mail this time and how to get one sent to me. If I got it and voted and then went to vote they would say sorry but you got yours in the mail. If I say I never got it then the ballot that went to me would be found and not counted. Every mail in ballot is verified as coming from a registered voter there is no way to have a counterfeit, they are all verified.

If someone steals your ballot out of your mailbox and sends it in then the person it belongs to shows up saying I never got it they will find that ballot and it won't count. There is no way thousands could be stolen and sent in without it being easily identified and corrected.

That is one of the primary reasons for mail in voting. Just why the hell should people stand in line for hours to vote when they don't have to? What if the weather is horrible? What if those who intend to vote have a medical condition that precludes them from going outside much less standing in line for hours? You want as many people voting as you possibly can and there is nothing unsafe or insecure about a mail in ballot.
So you’re saying The primary reason for mail in voting is to NOT mail the ballots to non democrat registered voters so as to inconvenience them to the point of not voting.
Apparently you agree with me.
So you’re saying The primary reason for mail in voting is to NOT mail the ballots to non democrat registered voters so as to inconvenience them to the point of not voting.
Apparently you agree with me.
No that is not what I am "saying" and how the fuck you drew that stupid conclusion god only knows.

I don't know where you live but in my state every registered voter gets those instructions on how to be sent a ballot. It has nothing to do with what political party you happen to belong to. I do not belong to any political party and never have belonged to one. If they are only going out to democrats how did I get one?
No that is not what I am "saying" and how the fuck you drew that stupid conclusion god only knows.

I don't know where you live but in my state every registered voter gets those instructions on how to be sent a ballot. It has nothing to do with what political party you happen to belong to. I do not belong to any political party and never have belonged to one. If they are only going out to democrats how did I get one?
You obviously didn’t pay attention to this post:

Reread it and respond appropriately.
We did not receive our ballots.
You obviously didn’t pay attention to this post:

Reread it and respond appropriately.
We did not receive our ballots.

"Alaska is a No Excuse voting state. Anyone can apply to vote absentee by mail, fax, or online delivery. Applications open January 1st of every year. Anyone may vote using the early and in person voting options."

It seems in Alaska you have to apply for your ballot, maybe you and your republican friends are just too fucking stupid to have done it?
You obviously didn’t pay attention to this post:

Reread it and respond appropriately.

"Alaska is a No Excuse voting state. Anyone can apply to vote absentee by mail, fax, or online delivery. Applications open January 1st of every year. Anyone may vote using the early and in person voting options."

It seems in Alaska you have to apply for your ballot, maybe you and your republican friends are just too fucking stupid to have done it?
So why did those in democrat strongholds not have to apply? They somehow received their mail in ballots.
There was definitely voter suppression in 2020, at least in our zip code.
You obviously didn’t pay attention to this post:

Reread it and respond appropriately.
We did not receive our ballots.
Which you think proves no Trumpy got one? How can you construe that into a plot?
The plague to Democracy is American ignorance, a specialty on the Right. Mail in ballots simplify honest voting. Of course if you don't understand the system you may be prone to fear mongering, a la this thread.
Which you think proves no Trumpy got one?
Of course they did.
Which you think proves no Trumpy got one? How can you construe that into a plot?
In the end it doesn’t matter. The fact that so many in my zip code didn’t receive ballots and the fact there were only two polling places for on site voting in a city shows the faults of mail in voting.

I could walk to my polling station in less than five minutes from my house when they had it.
It was the first time in memory that I didn’t vote. I simply couldn’t wait the two hours as I had to be at work.
I get that mail in is good so we can take time to read and understand muni ballot measures.
I’m ok with mail in for muni elections. Not for individual candidates though.
You are changing the argument. The original one was that mail in balloting is rife with opportunities for fraud and that's why they aren't used anywhere else in the world.

You changed that argument to one of There's no proof of fraud so there's no reason to question or worry about fraud.

I'm in the camp of Let's eliminate the potential for fraud, and even the potential reasons someone might have to doubt our elections are fair and honest. That means eliminating mail-in balloting except in very exceptional cases, mandatory voter ID to register and to vote, and voting in person, among other things.
If you are for eliminating fraud from our elections then do you support removing anyone who has been found to have committed fraud from the election process?