Plague to Democracy: Mail In Ballots

IF there is in person voting, that person is told they already voted.

Which is exactly what happened.

It did, Poorboy.
You are full of shit. There were not many people showing up to vote and told they had already voted. If it had happened those ballots would have been found and the results cleared up.
You Democraps are a bunch of dishonest propagandists. You are liars and cheaters.
It is because mail-in ballots are much easier to be filled out fraudulently that they were PREVIOUSLY only used for the
elderly or infirm and military abroad. Now because they are easily subject to fraud, Democraps laud them as safe and secure.
You guys on the right claim mail-in ballots aren’t processed like in-person ones. Wrong. Every single one of them—whether it’s dropped off in person or mailed—is subjected to strict security measures. Do you think officials just toss them into a pile and take their word for it? Signature verification, ID checks, and barcodes are part of the process in most states. But no, that’s not enough for you. You want to conjure up this fantasy of ‘forged signatures’ being passed off like it’s the Wild West. Who benefits from that? I’ll tell you—no one. If you really cared about facts, you'd know that states audit these ballots. Some states even allow you to track your ballot from submission to counting, just like you’d track a package from Amazon. Doesn’t get much more transparent than that.

And about changing signatures? That's rich. Election workers are trained to account for those minor differences that naturally occur. You think they’re going to confuse a shaky pen stroke with some elaborate conspiracy?

The only fraud here is the myth you're perpetuating. You’re peddling fear without a shred of evidence. If there’s one thing you should be ‘fooled’ by, it’s this notion that your unfounded paranoia about mail-in voting deserves any serious consideration. Newsflash: It doesn’t. Facts over fear, Knuckles."
So you can't prove anything. That's what I figured but it's good to have confirmation
You Democraps are a bunch of dishonest propagandists. You are liars and cheaters.

Because we don't want to spend taxpayer money to fix a problem that exists only in your imagination?

It is because mail-in ballots are much easier to be filled out fraudulently that they were PREVIOUSLY only used for the
elderly or infirm and military abroad. Now because they are easily subject to fraud, Democraps laud them as safe and secure.

I totally agree that any issue should be fixed! Expend whatever is needed to fix our elections and make them safe. Right now there is virtually NO DATA showing ANY evidence of systemic fraud with mail-in ballots. None.

Now, if you want to fix this non-existent problem it WILL COST MONEY. So you will have to justify the expenditure. And your "imagination" is insufficient to get the country to spend money to fix a non-existent problem.
EVERYTHING ON EARTH can have opportunities for fraud.
False. My hikes in the desert had no opportunities for fraud.

The issue is has any significant fraud happened with this?
You just conceded TA's point, which is to eliminate the potential, whether or not it has happened in the past. I don't need to have ever fallen down an elevator shaft to see the value in eliminating all potential for falling down an elevator shaft.

There's medical we eliminate doctors?
Illogical. The elimination of service providers does not eliminate fraud in an industry.

So you are of the opinion you shoudl fix problems that don't exist
False premise. The 2020 election was, in fact, stolen brazenly in plain view and in slow motion over a couple of weeks. The premise that the election was somehow NOT stolen is FALSE and is discarded, as is your argument.

Also, to TA's point, even entertaining your TDS-driven delusion of no election fraud ever, one does not need to justify removal of fraud potential.

I think everyone can understand your support for the maintenance and optimization of election fraud potential for what it is.
Illogical. The elimination of service providers does not eliminate fraud in an industry.

Yes it does. By definition. But more importantly it is EXACTLY what you folks want: the ELIMINATION of mail-in ballots. So that's your answer.

False premise. The 2020 election was, in fact, stolen brazenly in plain view and in slow motion over a couple of weeks.

OK. I keep forgetting you are one of those "counter-reality" debators. Sorry I wasted my time...

The premise that the election was somehow NOT stolen is FALSE and is discarded, as is your argument.

Also, to TA's point, even entertaining your TDS-driven delusion of no election fraud ever, one does not need to justify removal of fraud potential.

I think everyone can understand your support for the maintenance and optimization of election fraud potential for what it is.

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Yes it does. By definition.
Nope. It does not. Your response is dismissed.

But more importantly it is EXACTLY what you folks want: the ELIMINATION of mail-in ballots.
Elimination of mail-in ballots is the the elimination of fraud potential and does not eliminate voting in elections. Your claim is dismissed.

OK. I keep forgetting you are one of those "counter-reality" debators. Sorry I wasted my time...
You wasted everyone's time with your advocacy for election fraud.
Nope. It does not. Your response is dismissed.

Elimination of mail-in ballots is the the elimination of fraud potential and does not eliminate voting in elections. Your claim is dismissed.

You wasted everyone's time with your advocacy for election fraud.

You are part of the problem in this nation. You are incapable of disagreement with people without characterizing the opposition as advocating for evil.
You are part of the problem in this nation.
I agree. I walked by the problem every day without doing anything about it. When patriots peacefully protested on Jan-6th in an effort to save the republic, I did not join them out of cowardice.

You are incapable of disagreement with people without characterizing the opposition as advocating for evil.
You are not capable of holding back your evil.

You support government tyranny through election fraud and scientific pretense. You celebrate the deaths of patriots who peacefully protest, and desecrate their memory through your demonization. That is evil.

You support the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die. That isn't just shitty; it is evil.

Fuck you. You are the problem. If you'd like, you can say that cowards like me are the problem as well. You'll get no argument from me.
I agree. I walked by the problem every day without doing anything about it. When patriots peacefully protested on Jan-6th in an effort to save the republic, I did not join them out of cowardice.

You mean you weren't brave enough to join a "peaceful protest" that wound up violently breaking into the US Capitol, a few badly beaten cops and one dead woman?

Maybe you aren't quite clear on what the phrase "peaceful protest" means.

You are not capable of holding back your evil.

That's not helpful.

You support government tyranny through election fraud and scientific pretense. You celebrate the deaths of patriots who peacefully protest, and desecrate their memory through your demonization. That is evil.

You support the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die. That isn't just shitty; it is evil.

Fuck you. You are the problem. If you'd like, you can say that cowards like me are the problem as well. You'll get no argument from me.

And to think you "intuited" that solely based on the fact that I see things somewhat differently than you do. Huh. That's pretty expansive.

One of the thing I think we ALL need to remember is: when this election is done we will have to live together in the same country. Obviously if both sides continue to overly dramatically demonize the other we will be in a world of hurt.

I will admit it is hard to see what the MAGA movement is turning into but that's only because I've read some history. But really I think it might be best if we all tried to calm down just a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit.
You are part of the problem in this nation. You are incapable of disagreement with people without characterizing the opposition as advocating for evil.
But calling people you disagree with "deplorable" and saying put your opponent "in a bullseye" is not a problem and promotes unity right? And you know what? Its not that you leftists are such evil bastards that bothers me, it really isn't, it's all the pretending that makes you most evil.
But calling people you disagree with "deplorable" and saying put your opponent "in a bullseye" is not a problem and promotes unity right? And you know what? Its not that you leftists are such evil bastards that bothers me, it really isn't, it's all the pretending that makes you most evil.

And calling the President of the United States a pedophile is just, you know, chit chat. Calling your opponent a Marxist who is going to start world war three is just a little funning. Got it. You have endangered thousands of people with your disgusting rhetoric. There is no equivalency here.
But calling people you disagree with "deplorable"

I will agree. That was a bad misstep for Hillary. But c'mon, you also have to remember the kind of rhetoric your side undertakes every single day. Just look now at the non-stop demonization of Haitians using a false story that everyone has been told is false but keeps getting repeated. And it has resulted in countless bomb threats in Springfield.

The rhetoric on both sides has to be dialed back a bit but both sides need to take responsibility for what their side is saying.

and saying put your opponent "in a bullseye" is not a problem and promotes unity right? And you know what? Its not that you leftists are such evil bastards that bothers me, it really isn't, it's all the pretending that makes you most evil.

Let's set aside the stupid "teams" for a sec. I will readily grant that it IS inflammatory for us on the Left to constantly compare Trump to Hitler. Can you agree that calling Dems every evil name in the book and suggesting they are going to destroy America is also a bad approach?

Right now America is at a crossroads. We can give into our worse natures (and we ALL have them) and just devolve into a brutal civil war which will escalate to consume countless lives (as happened in the past) OR we can actually step back and take a breather.

I'm not arguing that both sides are morally equivalent (that would be absurd on its face) but we should at least attempt to lower the temperature.

Only problem is I think there's quite a few people in this nation who actually look forward to the shit hitting the fan. Perhaps the disaffected who feel that with a major shake-up they will wind up on top or something. I don't know. But I fear we're all responsible for it in our own little ways. We can either let it go full term and birth a set of truly horrible outcomes OR we can abort it now and try to return to civility.
And calling the President of the United States a pedophile is just, you know, chit chat. Calling your opponent a Marxist who is going to start world war three is just a little funning. Got it. You have endangered thousands of people with your disgusting rhetoric. There is no equivalency here.
I never called him a pedophile he's a child groper and that's a fact. Harris is too stupid to be a Marxist. that's a fact. Again it's not that you're an evil prick that bothers me it's the pretending, as shown in your post above, that your shit dont stink. They are exactly equivalent and do you know how I know that? I know it because if Trump uttered the exact same words you cockroaches would shit through your mouths and would squeal like the pigs you are for days over it. STFU asshole
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I never called him a pedophile he's a child groper and that's a fact. Harris is too stupid to be a Marxist. that's a fact. Again it's not that you're an evil prick that bothers me it's the pretending, as shown in your post above, that your shit dont stink. They are exactly equivalent and do you know how I know that? I know it because if Trump uttered the exact same words you cockroaches wouldn't through your mouths and would squeal like the pigs you are for days over it. STFU asshole

The irony literally drips off the page.

Evil prick. squeal like the pigs your are. Cockroaches. STFU asshole.

You are filled with hate and anger Your cult leader preys on your hate and triggers violence. It has happened over and over again. And then you laugh about it. This post tells anyone who is paying attention exactly where the problem is. It is your ignorance, your cowardice, your fear and your hate. It jumps off the page every time you post.