Plague to Democracy: Mail In Ballots

I will agree. That was a bad misstep for Hillary. But c'mon, you also have to remember the kind of rhetoric your side undertakes every single day. Just look now at the non-stop demonization of Haitians using a false story that everyone has been told is false but keeps getting repeated. And it has resulted in countless bomb threats in Springfield.
It's not a false story, idiot. What bomb threats?
The rhetoric on both sides has to be dialed back a bit but both sides need to take responsibility for what their side is saying.
You can't whitewash yourself out of your problem by trying to blame someone else.
Let's set aside the stupid "teams" for a sec. I will readily grant that it IS inflammatory for us on the Left to constantly compare Trump to Hitler.
Duh. It is also dead wrong. Hitler was a fascist and socialist, like Democrats.
Can you agree that calling Dems every evil name in the book and suggesting they are going to destroy America is also a bad approach?
Democrats are already destroying America. Your socialism is only part of it.
Right now America is at a crossroads.
That we are.
We can give into our worse natures (and we ALL have them)
and just devolve into a brutal civil war
Democrats WANT civil war. They've called for it multiple times.
which will escalate to consume countless lives (as happened in the past) OR we can actually step back and take a breather.
Democrats don't want to 'take a breather'. They WANT civil war.
I'm not arguing that both sides are morally equivalent (that would be absurd on its face) but we should at least attempt to lower the temperature.
Only problem is I think there's quite a few people in this nation who actually look forward to the shit hitting the fan. Perhaps the disaffected who feel that with a major shake-up they will wind up on top or something. I don't know. But I fear we're all responsible for it in our own little ways. We can either let it go full term and birth a set of truly horrible outcomes OR we can abort it now and try to return to civility.
Democrats don't WANT civility. They WANT civil war.
The irony literally drips off the page.

Evil prick. squeal like the pigs your are. Cockroaches. STFU asshole.
LIF. Grow up, Sybil.
You are filled with hate and anger Your cult leader preys on your hate and triggers violence. It has happened over and over again. And then you laugh about it. This post tells anyone who is paying attention exactly where the problem is. It is your ignorance, your cowardice, your fear and your hate. It jumps off the page every time you post.
Nope. Biden has already demonstrated pedophile behavior. Now, of course, he simply doesn't know what the hell is going on.

Biden, Kamala, and you are Marxists, Sybil.

It's closer than you think, Sybil; and caused by Democrats.


I support none of that. I believe the killing of Babbit was totally justified, yes
Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox, Sybil.
She was attempting to enter the Senate Chamber with a backpack that could have had anything in it. Deal with it.
You are hallucinating again, Sybil.
There was no election fraud.
Abortion is not the killing of a living human being.
You cannot define something to meet your agenda and then use that definition to accuse me of murder.
Simple as that. Quick, spam some more with your ITN account.
I support none of that.
You support all of it.

I believe the killing of Babbit was totally justified, yes.
Because you are an evil shit. Your lame rationalizations give you away. Ashlee Babbit merely jumped. The entire incident was captured on video. You simply enjoy the deaths of political opponents.

You are very evil.

There was no election fraud.
The election was stolen. There is no greater election fraud.

Abortion is not the killing of a living human being.
Presuming a heartbeat and human DNA, you cannot support your assertion.

You meet the definition of "evil.". Case closed.
You support all of it.

Because you are an evil shit. Your lame rationalizations give you away. Ashlee Babbit merely jumped. The entire incident was captured on video. You simply enjoy the deaths of political opponents.

You are very evil.

The election was stolen. There is no greater election fraud.

Presuming a heartbeat and human DNA, you cannot support your assertion.

You meet the definition of "evil.". Case closed.

And what should be done with evil people like me? Jail? Public hanging.

The case is not closed. Why a heartbeat? What made you choose that random milestone. Can it breath? Nope. Is it viable? Nope. You cannot make the rules for what constitutes murder. And your definition is not recognized by most states. What are you going to about them? Do you think everyone who supports a womans right to choose should be killed? Jailed? Lay it on us.
Agreed. I'm trying desperately to stop myself from continuing to be part of this problem.
Blatant lie.
Don't get me wrong. I'm actually seriously scared of Trump (but, again, I've probably read too much history and see the parallels) but I honestly think both sides need to cool it.
It is DEMOCRATS calling for civil war, idiot. It is DEMOCRATS taking shots at Trump. It is DEMOCRATS that riot and burn and loot cities. It is DEMOCRATS that hate children. It is DEMOCRATS that hate women. It is DEMOCRATS that caused the 2020 election to fault. It is DEMOCRATS that persecute and imprison political prisoners. It is DEMOCRATS that caused the current economic depression. It is DEMOCRATS pushing tyranny. It is DEMOCRATS that discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. It is DEMOCRATS that imported so many illegal immigrants, including the Haitians causing a problem in Springfield. It is DEMOCRATS blaming Trump on Russia.

Now you say you want to 'cool it'?????!?
It is pretty demonstrable that both sides sling the same sort of shit at each other. Both sides are calling the other an existential threat.
See the previous paragraph, moron.
And it does pain me to ignore the vile rhetoric from the side that seems to be seeking their own "Herschel Grünspan" to help their base mobilize but I think we have to.
You are now locked in paradox. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox. It's irrational.
How about the bipartisan border bill that Trump helped kill for political gain?
It wasn't 'bipartisian'. It was not a 'border bill'. It was a stupid attempt to legalize the invasion of the United States caused by Biden and Kamala.
But I'm also kind of afraid you may be right. I think there's something built into humans that drives us to take any division to ultimate completion. Once we get angry with each other the only solution we seem to allow is for us to slaughter each other until the blood is so much we repulse ourselves and finally seek peace.
Democrats do not WANT peace. They WANT civil war. They've called for it multiple times.
That's how it's always gone, it seems. Whether it's the fight to own slaves or the fight to stop the systematic murder of ethnic scapegoats.
DEMOCRATS support slavery. DEMOCRATS are racist and bigoted. Go stuff your racism up your butt.
Apparently the blood has to flow sufficiently before we choke on it.
It does matter. We are not going back. I have a shirt that says that. There is only one of us who believes the other person should be jailed for making a political contribution. What exactly is evil about me? Specifically what makes me an ‘evil prick’. Try to answer seriously and without ten adhom attacks. I’m curious, so tell me.
And what should be done with evil people like me? Jail? Public hanging.
If you're lucky. If Democrats are successful in starting a civil war, you will probably not be so lucky.
The case is not closed.
You have no case.
Why a heartbeat?
Irrelevant. Murder is murder.
What made you choose that random milestone. Can it breath? Nope. Is it viable? Nope.
Irrelevant. Murder is murder.
You cannot make the rules for what constitutes murder.
Inversion fallacy.
And your definition is not recognized by most states.
What are you going to about them? Do you think everyone who supports a womans right to choose should be killed? Jailed? Lay it on us.
Murder is not a right.
And what should be done with evil people like me? Jail? Public hanging.
The Constitution protects all minorities, even the evil minorities.

The case is not closed. Why a heartbeat?
It's the universally accepted axiom: where there is a heartbeat, there is life .

You cannot make the rules for what constitutes murder.
I never used the word "murder.

And your definition is not recognized by most states.
The axiom is recognized as intuitive in all States, in all countries, in all medical communities, and throughout biological science.

Only evil people refuse to acknowledge this.

I bet you refuse to acknowledge the axiom, don't you?
The Constitution protects all minorities, even the evil minorities.

It's the universally accepted axiom: where there is a heartbeat, there is life .

I never used the word "murder.

The axiom is recognized as intuitive in all States, in all countries, in all medical communities, and throughout biological science.

Only evil people refuse to acknowledge this.

I bet you refuse to acknowledge the axiom, don't you?

Then this country has tens of millions of evil people. But your false assumption does not prove anything. Honestly, what you think is evil is completely irrelevant given your self created baseline. No one cares.
Then this country has tens of millions of evil people. But your false assumption does not prove anything. Honestly, what you think is evil is completely irrelevant given your self created baseline. No one cares.
He did not create the baseline. He is simply pointing out that the taking of an innocent life by force is murder.
So you can't prove anything. That's what I figured but it's good to have confirmation
Educate yourself. The information is out there. What I expressed is public information.

If you are going to hold a position on something, it's your duty to educate yourself about the subject.
I never called him a pedophile he's a child groper and that's a fact.
It's not a fact. It's a lie.

Harris is too stupid to be a Marxist. that's a fact.
She's smarter than you.

Again it's not that you're an evil prick that bothers me it's the pretending, as shown in your post above, that your shit dont stink. They are exactly equivalent and do you know how I know that? I know it because if Trump uttered the exact same words you cockroaches would shit through your mouths and would squeal like the pigs you are for days over it. STFU asshole

Trump is a moron.

moron-idiot-etc (2).jpg