Plague to Democracy: Mail In Ballots

Those who want stolen elections are naturally entirely dismissive. We have to restrict voting to "in-person" ballots only.

And that would stop people on active duty in the military from voting. And those who are homebound, for whatever reason, would also be disallowed if we stop mail-in ballots.

You want to prevent a sizeable portion of the population from voting, for no real reason. There has not been the massive fraud you want to claim.
And that would stop people on active duty in the military from voting.
Incorrect. You should research the topic more.

"In-person"includes having the voter show up, in-person, to a polling place, which could be overseas, present a valid ID to a properly designated vote-taker, which could be military or consular, who has the voter's name/information on a list, following strict ballot-casting procedures.

The ballot can be moved/transported after being cast.

Mail-in voting means "OPTIMIZED FRAUD" i.e. no voter ID shown to anyone comparing to any list.

And those who are homebound, for whatever reason, would also be disallowed if we stop mail-in ballots.
Incorrect. Those numbers are so infinitesimally small that local officials can establish mobile polling to have special vote takers go to the registered bed-ridden, immobile or otherwise home-bound.

No fraud permitted. We shall not provide the DNC with a vehicle for stealing elections, as they have demonstrated they will not hesitate to do, just in the name of ensuring that even dead people aren't disenfranchised.
Incorrect. You should research the topic more.

"In-person"includes having the voter show up, in-person, to a polling place, which could be overseas, present a valid ID to a properly designated vote-taker, which could be military or consular, who has the voter's name/information on a list, following strict ballot-casting procedures.

The ballot can be moved/transported after being cast.

Mail-in voting means "OPTIMIZED FRAUD" i.e. no voter ID shown to anyone comparing to any list.

Incorrect. Those numbers are so infinitesimally small that local officials can establish mobile polling to have special vote takers go to the registered bed-ridden, immobile or otherwise home-bound.

No fraud permitted. We shall not provide the DNC with a vehicle for stealing elections, as they have demonstrated they will not hesitate to do, just in the name of ensuring that even dead people aren't disenfranchised.

So you think 15 million is an infinitesimally small number? Who is paying to have election officials visit each of those 15 million people? Tell me about the logistics of doing that on a single day.

How fucking stupid. Cue ITN.
And that would stop people on active duty in the military from voting.

Oh, you mean the "suckers" and "losers" who joined the military to fight (and possibly die) on our behalf? I don't think Trump necessarily cares if losers vote for him. He even thinks that POW's are less worthy of his time than people who "didn't get caught".

And those who are homebound, for whatever reason, would also be disallowed if we stop mail-in ballots.

I believe that those people might be considered "lesser people" poisoning our blood if they are homebound, so, again, Trump really isn't going after their vote.

You want to prevent a sizeable portion of the population from voting, for no real reason. There has not been the massive fraud you want to claim.

The existence or lack thereof of the problem is NO REASON to not FIX the problem ASAP.

Now unending school shootings? That can't be fixed. That's just life. But we are LASER focused on even the MOST TINY possibility of a CHANCE of there being a POTENTIAL of vote fraud. If some people's rights accidentally get infringed, that's just the cost of doin' business.

Without this we are nothing but a live-ammo shooting range.
So you think 15 million is an infinitesimally small number?
I'm not going down that rabbit hole with you. You aren't interested in any sort of honest discussion; you simply want to ensure the DNC has optimized election-stealing mechanisms, and I can't do that.

I dispute your numbers and I dispute that providing the DNC a mechanism to steal elections is somehow the solution to making elections fair for everyone.

No mail-in ballots. 100% in-person voting.

Who is paying to have election officials visit each of those 15 million people?
Then don't implement it. You can explain to the home-bound why you consider them sufficiently unimportant.
Then this country has tens of millions of evil people.
Yes. The DNC has successfully corrupted tens of millions of people into legitimizing contract killings and to ramp up plans for the mass killings of those children that manage to be born.

Honestly, what you think is evil is completely irrelevant given your self created baseline.
I created neither human physiology nor medical community guidelines. Your denial of established medical standards in pursuit of your lust for killing is duly noted.

No one cares.
You do not speak for anyone but yourself, much less for everyone else.
Oh, you mean the "suckers" and "losers" who joined the military to fight (and possibly die) on our behalf? I don't think Trump necessarily cares if losers vote for him. He even thinks that POW's are less worthy of his time than people who "didn't get caught".
You are delusionaly insane.
No mail-in ballots. 100% in-person voting.

LOL. You live in Imagination Land. That isn't even rational.

You can explain to the home-bound why you consider them sufficiently unimportant.

How do you square the homebound with your demand for 100% in-person voting. Does the word "home-bound" mean anything to you? Look at each individual word and hit up the dictionary. I'm sure you might see a minor flaw in your plan.

Or are you proposing a multi-billion dollar fix for a non-existent problem?
I'm not going down that rabbit hole with you. You aren't interested in any sort of honest discussion; you simply want to ensure the DNC has optimized election-stealing mechanisms, and I can't do that.

I dispute your numbers and I dispute that providing the DNC a mechanism to steal elections is somehow the solution to making elections fair for everyone.

No mail-in ballots. 100% in-person voting.

Then don't implement it. You can explain to the home-bound why you consider them sufficiently unimportant.

No, YOU can explain that to them. I believe they should have access to mail-in ballots. You don't think they should be allowed to vote. The logistics of your proposal are literally impossible.