Plague to Democracy: Mail In Ballots

I will agree. That was a bad misstep for Hillary. But c'mon, you also have to remember the kind of rhetoric your side undertakes every single day. Just look now at the non-stop demonization of Haitians using a false story that everyone has been told is false but keeps getting repeated. And it has resulted in countless bomb threats in Springfield.

The rhetoric on both sides has to be dialed back a bit but both sides need to take responsibility for what their side is saying.

Let's set aside the stupid "teams" for a sec. I will readily grant that it IS inflammatory for us on the Left to constantly compare Trump to Hitler. Can you agree that calling Dems every evil name in the book and suggesting they are going to destroy America is also a bad approach?

Right now America is at a crossroads. We can give into our worse natures (and we ALL have them) and just devolve into a brutal civil war which will escalate to consume countless lives (as happened in the past) OR we can actually step back and take a breather.

I'm not arguing that both sides are morally equivalent (that would be absurd on its face) but we should at least attempt to lower the temperature.

Only problem is I think there's quite a few people in this nation who actually look forward to the shit hitting the fan. Perhaps the disaffected who feel that with a major shake-up they will wind up on top or something. I don't know. But I fear we're all responsible for it in our own little ways. We can either let it go full term and birth a set of truly horrible outcomes OR we can abort it now and try to return to civility.
It's amazing to see someone slinging shit telling me their slinging shit isn't as bad as other people doing shit. The whole "equivalency" argument is retarded bullshit.

I can agree the temperature should be lowered but I doubt someone who thinks their shit doesnt stink is really interested in doing so.

Sadly having the shit hitt the fan may be the only way to ultimately sort things out. I am trying to remember the last thing leftists compromised on. Can you help me with that?
The irony literally drips off the page.

Evil prick. squeal like the pigs your are. Cockroaches. STFU asshole.

You are filled with hate and anger Your cult leader preys on your hate and triggers violence. It has happened over and over again. And then you laugh about it. This post tells anyone who is paying attention exactly where the problem is. It is your ignorance, your cowardice, your fear and your hate. It jumps off the page every time you post.
Yes I'm angry about and hate your lies. Guilty as charged. I also really dislike evil pricks. if you dont like being called an evil prick try not acting like an evil prick.
You mean you weren't brave enough to join a "peaceful protest" that wound up violently breaking into the US Capitol, a few badly beaten cops and one dead woman?
You have no idea what you are talking about.

Many separate, individual peaceful protestors arrived at the capitol to protest the stolen election.

Many peaceful protestors were allowed entry into the capitol building by the police who opened the doors for them, allowing them to enter and walk around.

During the peaceful protests outside the capitol building, DNC-hired agitators began initiating violence ... and departing. Capitol police, in turn, simply felt justified in being violent with peaceful protestors, having already demonized all of them as evil, crazed, insane, violent, irrational TRUMP SUPPORTERS. As a result, none of the people captured on video actually committing violence against other people were ever arraigned, and none of the people arraigned for violence actually committed any violence against other people (leftists quibble that some glass breaking constitutes "violence" since it can be attributed to an apparent Trump supporter).

Inside the capitol building, a cowardly police officer unnecessarily shot Ashlee Babbit, just because he had already been assured that he could shoot anyone he wanted and get away with it. Fortunately we have it all on video.

I will admit it is hard to see what the MAGA movement is turning into but that's only because I've read some history.
I don't think you understand anything about anything. DNC operatives inciting violence on cue has no bearing on people who want to make America great again. The MAGA movement is pushing for a republic free of tyranny.

Maybe the question should be why you can't see this.
It's amazing to see someone slinging shit telling me their slinging shit isn't as bad as other people doing shit. The whole "equivalency" argument is retarded bullshit.

Agreed. I'm trying desperately to stop myself from continuing to be part of this problem.

Don't get me wrong. I'm actually seriously scared of Trump (but, again, I've probably read too much history and see the parallels) but I honestly think both sides need to cool it.

It is pretty demonstrable that both sides sling the same sort of shit at each other. Both sides are calling the other an existential threat.

And it does pain me to ignore the vile rhetoric from the side that seems to be seeking their own "Herschel Grünspan" to help their base mobilize but I think we have to.

Sadly having the shit hitt the fan may be the only way to ultimately sort things out. I am trying to remember the last thing leftists compromised on. Can you help me with that?

How about the bipartisan border bill that Trump helped kill for political gain?

But I'm also kind of afraid you may be right. I think there's something built into humans that drives us to take any division to ultimate completion. Once we get angry with each other the only solution we seem to allow is for us to slaughter each other until the blood is so much we repulse ourselves and finally seek peace.

That's how it's always gone, it seems. Whether it's the fight to own slaves or the fight to stop the systematic murder of ethnic scapegoats.

Apparently the blood has to flow sufficiently before we choke on it.
You have no idea what you are talking about.

Many separate, individual peaceful protestors arrived at the capitol to protest the stolen election.

Many peaceful protestors were allowed entry into the capitol building by the police who opened the doors for them, allowing them to enter and walk around.

During the peaceful protests outside the capitol building, DNC-hired agitators began initiating violence ... and departing. Capitol police, in turn, simply felt justified in being violent with peaceful protestors, having already demonized all of them as evil, crazed, insane, violent, irrational TRUMP SUPPORTERS. As a result, none of the people captured on video actually committing violence against other people were ever arraigned, and none of the people arraigned for violence actually committed any violence against other people (leftists quibble that some glass breaking constitutes "violence" since it can be attributed to an apparent Trump supporter).

Inside the capitol building, a cowardly police officer unnecessarily shot Ashlee Babbit, just because he had already been assured that he could shoot anyone he wanted and get away with it. Fortunately we have it all on video.

I don't think you understand anything about anything. DNC operatives inciting violence on cue has no bearing on people who want to make America great again. The MAGA movement is pushing for a republic free of tyranny.

Maybe the question should be why you can't see this.
Leftists can't see it because they don't have functioning brains.
That's not helpful.
... because it was totally obvious. I get it.

Obviously if both sides continue to overly dramatically demonize the other we will be in a world of hurt.
All demonization is overly dramatic, per the definition.

Explaining exactly why a shitty and/or evil person is shitty and/or evil is not demonization; it is an observation. Supporting election fraud is objectively evil and shitty. Supporting the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die, is evil and shitty.

There is no demonization here.
Because we don't want to spend taxpayer money to fix a problem that exists only in your imagination?
I totally agree that any issue should be fixed!
Blatant lie.
Expend whatever is needed to fix our elections and make them safe.
Some States are doing just that, and YOU whine about it!
Right now there is virtually NO DATA showing ANY evidence of systemic fraud with mail-in ballots. None.
Blatant lie.
Now, if you want to fix this non-existent problem
No, it doesn't.
So you will have to justify the expenditure.
What 'expenditure'?
And your "imagination" is insufficient to get the country to spend money to fix a non-existent problem.

* Mail in ballots have only a 'signature verification' at best, and those are often not even checked. Once the ballot is opened, there is NOT signature verification at all.
* Mass mail in ballots do NOT verify if the 'voter' is even eligible to vote. They are mailed to anywhere and everywhere. Election workers are NOT verifying every signature or even eligibility.

Now let's look at other fraud by Democrats:
* Voting machines that 'mysteriously' malfunction on election day in conservative dominant precincts.
* After hours 'counting' without any observers present.
* Mathematical improbability that all after hours 'counting' is for Democrats, as has been reported.
* Numerous affidavits testifying of election fraud by workers from BOTH parties.
* Changing election law ex-post facto DURING an election.
* Election day modified by a election officials in an unconstitutional manner, such as Pennsylvania's 'election week'.
* Security camera footage of election workers running ballots through the machine multiple times.
* Security camera footage of election workers unpacking ballots out of their own suitcases, then running them through the machine.
* Registration of more voters than are of voting age in the precinct.
* Registration of illegal immigrants.
* Calling the results of an election BEFORE any significant counting of votes.
* Security camera footage of election workers filling out ballots and running them through the machine multiple times.
* Demonstrable security flaws in voting machines and counting machines.
* The use of 'mules' to gather ballots from others and delivering to a drop box without any line of secure transfer or monitoring.
* Persecution and intimidation used against conservatives.
* Election workers calling the election results without authority.
* Choosing electoral college members by unauthorized personnel.

This isn't about 'data', idiot. It's about fraud. You've been caught at it. You can't deny what Democrats have done and what they continue to do.
Agreed. I'm trying desperately to stop myself from continuing to be part of this problem.

Don't get me wrong. I'm actually seriously scared of Trump (but, again, I've probably read too much history and see the parallels) but I honestly think both sides need to cool it.

It is pretty demonstrable that both sides sling the same sort of shit at each other. Both sides are calling the other an existential threat.

And it does pain me to ignore the vile rhetoric from the side that seems to be seeking their own "Herschel Grünspan" to help their base mobilize but I think we have to.

How about the bipartisan border bill that Trump helped kill for political gain?

But I'm also kind of afraid you may be right. I think there's something built into humans that drives us to take any division to ultimate completion. Once we get angry with each other the only solution we seem to allow is for us to slaughter each other until the blood is so much we repulse ourselves and finally seek peace.

That's how it's always gone, it seems. Whether it's the fight to own slaves or the fight to stop the systematic murder of ethnic scapegoats.

Apparently the blood has to flow sufficiently before we choke on it.
I am right and it's directly because of leftists. You don't actually give shit about any of the stuff you claim to care about. The supposed party that's defending democracy planned and executed a coup against a sitting President. Then they installed a candidate that no one in that asinine party even wanted as she couldn't win one delegate when she ran for the office democratically. Look in really do wish I could take you people seriously but all your pretending makes more untrustworthy everyday.
Yes I'm angry about and hate your lies. Guilty as charged. I also really dislike evil pricks. if you dont like being called an evil prick try not acting like an evil prick.

You don't know anything about me. I am a retired white guy living in a gated community. I contribute to a number of charities, I have three grandkids and a beautiful wife. I am financially very successful. I enjoy life. I stand up against hate whenever I see it. And you are a hateful person. It's sad.
You don't know anything about me. I am a retired white guy living in a gated community. I contribute to a number of charities, I have three grandkids and a beautiful wife. I am financially very successful. I enjoy life. I stand up against hate whenever I see it. And you are a hateful person. It's sad.
I bet you think all that shit matters. You're lying evil prick. That's not my fault.
You mean you weren't brave enough to join a "peaceful protest" that wound up violently breaking into the US Capitol, a few badly beaten cops and one dead woman?
He's not a Democrat. It was Democrats that were rioting. No cop was 'beaten up'.
Maybe you aren't quite clear on what the phrase "peaceful protest" means.
Democrat riots are not "peaceful protest". Conservatives escorted into the Capitol Building is peaceful protest.
That's not helpful.

And to think you "intuited" that solely based on the fact that I see things somewhat differently than you do. Huh. That's pretty expansive.

One of the thing I think we ALL need to remember is: when this election is done we will have to live together in the same country. Obviously if both sides continue to overly dramatically demonize the other we will be in a world of hurt.
Democrats are already in the process of committing election fraud AGAIN. People are ALREADY in a world of hurt, thanks to the Democrats.
I will admit it is hard to see what the MAGA movement is turning into but that's only because I've read some history. But really I think it might be best if we all tried to calm down just a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit.
You deny history.

No, people are NOT going to calm down and let Democrats fault this election like they did in 2020 and again for some local elections in 2022.
You are playing with fire, and you WILL get burned.

People are NOT going to calm down and let Democrats wage civil war.

People are NOT going to calm down and let Democrats steal another election.
You don't know anything about me. I am a retired white guy living in a gated community. I contribute to a number of charities, I have three grandkids and a beautiful wife. I am financially very successful. I enjoy life. I stand up against hate whenever I see it. And you are a hateful person. It's sad.
Stop pretending, Sybil.

I bet you think all that shit matters. You're lying evil prick. That's not my fault.

It does matter. We are not going back. I have a shirt that says that. There is only one of us who believes the other person should be jailed for making a political contribution. What exactly is evil about me? Specifically what makes me an ‘evil prick’. Try to answer seriously and without ten adhom attacks. I’m curious, so tell me.
It does matter. We are not going back. I have a shirt that says that. There is only one of us who believes the other person should be jailed for making a political contribution. What exactly is evil about me? Specifically what makes me an ‘evil prick’. Try to answer seriously and without ten adhom attacks. I’m curious, so tell me.
I've told you already. Are you stupid AND blind?
He's not a Democrat. It was Democrats that were rioting. No cop was 'beaten up'.

Democrat riots are not "peaceful protest". Conservatives escorted into the Capitol Building is peaceful protest.

Democrats are already in the process of committing election fraud AGAIN. People are ALREADY in a world of hurt, thanks to the Democrats.

You deny history.

No, people are NOT going to calm down and let Democrats fault this election like they did in 2020 and again for some local elections in 2022.
You are playing with fire, and you WILL get burned.

People are NOT going to calm down and let Democrats wage civil war.

People are NOT going to calm down and let Democrats steal another election.

No one is afraid of your threats. I will be at my polling place making sure you don’t harass anyone. Go ahead, try US.
But c'mon, you also have to remember the kind of rhetoric your side undertakes every single day.
Nope. I do not so acknowledge. The racism and the dishonesty all comes from the left.

Just look now at the non-stop demonization of Haitians using a false story
Not a false story. Your empty declarations do not establish reality. The fact is that there were some unfortunate incidents of animals being eaten by Haitian immigrants, and leftists simply pounced on the mere mention of such as RACIST! because those incidents highlight a glaring symptom of the embarrassing failure of Kriminala's open border.

The topic was Kriminala's open border leading to tens of millions of unvetted immigrants entering our country. Leftists made it all about how they could call Trump RACIST! and demonize his supporters.

Leftists only know one thing, i.e. demonize those who hold differing views. It's the left that always goes full bore in calling people RACIST! or MISOGYNIST! or HOMOPHOBE! or TRANSPHOBE! etc., just over a disagreement over taxation, or sports or whatever topic.

My reaction is to just say "fuck you" and to point out that leftists are the way they are because they are all observably undereducated and should have paid greater attention in school. Show me someone who believes in Global Warming and I'll show you a scientifically illiterate moron who thinks he's a science genius. Show me a leftist and I'll show you an evil supporter of contract killings. I could go on and on, so whenever I notice a leftist disparraging others, I get right to work setting the record straight.

that everyone has been told is false
Everyone? ... has been told? You are a gullible moron.

The only people of importance in this case are not the undereducated leftists intent on demonizing all Trump supporters, but the people who observed Haitians eating animals and reported such. I believe the eyewitnesses, not the dishonest leftist historical-revisionists.

And it has resulted in countless bomb threats in Springfield.
... a result of all the leftist HATE-speech and violence-speech. It certainly isn't coming from Trump supporters.

The rhetoric on both sides has to be dialed back a bit
Nope. Only the irrational demonization from the left needs to be attenuated. Trump supporters are merely discussing issues and those discussions need to happen.

but both sides need to take responsibility for what their side is saying.
Sure, but Trump supporters don't need to take responsibility for leftist fabrications or leftist dishonesty.

I will readily grant that it IS inflammatory for us on the Left to constantly compare Trump to Hitler.
The left sees it as inflammatory, because that is how it is intended by the left. Educated people, however, see such slurs for the extreme undereducation and ignorance that it is. Hitler was a leftist, very much like Kamala Harris, and the Nazis were almost indistinguishable from today's DNC. The Nazis were far left, and leftists who imply Trump is bad for being on their side is hilariously absurd.

Can you agree that calling Dems every evil name in the book and suggesting they are going to destroy America is also a bad approach?
Trump supporters aren't the ones calling opponents RACIST! MISOGYNIST! HOMOPHOBE! TRANSPHOBE! HITLER! NAZI! GUN NUTS! MAGATTS! That is all leftist garbage.

Leftists ARE destroying the country. JPP has many threads detailing such.

OR we can actually step back and take a breather.
We will all do this, with a deep breath of heavy relief, once Trump gets into office.

I'm not arguing that both sides are morally equivalent (that would be absurd on its face) but we should at least attempt to lower the temperature.
I have a problem with your use of the pronoun "we" when the problem is only "you."

You take care of your side first ... and then let's talk. You'll find that getting your side to ease down will be all that is needed to solve the problem.

Only problem is I think there's quite a few people in this nation who actually look forward to the shit hitting the fan.
Like the DNC fabricated the COVID hoax.

Perhaps the disaffected who feel that with a major shake-up they will wind up on top or something.
Too funny! This line exactly expresses how the fascism flavor of socialism differs from normal, ordinary vanilla socialism.

We can either let it go full term and birth a set of truly horrible outcomes OR we can abort it now and try to return to civility.
This doesn't make a lot of sense, but I'd be very interested in seeing you get the left to be civil. I really don't think you can. Further, I don't believe you'll give up blaming Trump supporters for fabrications about Trump supporters by leftists.
What exactly is evil about me? Specifically what makes me an ‘evil prick’.
You support the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime.

You justify the killing of a true patriot who peacefully protested the stealing of an election as being totally deserved because she was a Trump supporter.

You support election fraud.
You support the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime.

You justify the killing of a true patriot who peacefully protested the stealing of an election as being totally deserved because she was a Trump supporter.

You support election fraud.

I support none of that. I believe the killing of Babbit was totally justified, yes. She was attempting to enter the Senate Chamber with a backpack that could have had anything in it. Deal with it.

There was no election fraud. Abortion is not the killing of a living human being. You cannot define something to meet your agenda and then use that definition to accuse me of murder. Simple as that. Quick, spam some more with your ITN account.
And calling the President of the United States a pedophile is just, you know, chit chat.
Nope. Biden has already demonstrated pedophile behavior. Now, of course, he simply doesn't know what the hell is going on.
Calling your opponent a Marxist
Biden, Kamala, and you are Marxists, Sybil.
who is going to start world war three is just a little funning.
It's closer than you think, Sybil; and caused by Democrats.
Got it. You have endangered thousands of people with your disgusting rhetoric. There is no equivalency here.