Plague to Democracy: Mail In Ballots

No they are not. How in the world do we know that the person's name on the ballot actually cast the vote? Signatures can be forged or not even checked as goes on in Democrat areas. Signatures alone are very poor identifiers. Over time a person's signature changes with age.
Signatures can be forged but what happens when the person whose signature was forged shows up to vote in person?

If there was rampant fraud by forging signatures we would see many instances of people showing up to vote and being told they had already voted which would certainly make the news and start an investigation. And yet what might happen in your mind doesn't seem to be happening in the real world.
Signatures can be forged but what happens when the person whose signature was forged shows up to vote in person?

If there was rampant fraud by forging signatures we would see many instances of people showing up to vote and being told they had already voted which would certainly make the news and start an investigation. And yet what might happen in your mind doesn't seem to be happening in the real world.
It would make the news? Really? Like the hunter laptop made the news? Russian "disinformation" until it wasn't? So would make the news like that?
It would make the news? Really? Like the hunter laptop made the news? Russian "disinformation" until it wasn't? So would make the news like that?
How many laptops were there? Hundreds? Thousands?
If it never made the news then how was called Russian disinformation?
Your arguments make no sense in light of reality. You should try joining the rest of us here some time.


The chilling mail-In ballot theory involving Walmarts, strip malls, and gas stations that could doom Trump…​

As we inch closer to election day, it’s natural for panic to set in over the dreaded mail-in ballots—the left’s favorite election weapon. Many on the right believe that with enough poll watchers and people standing guard, keeping an eye on every ballot, we’ll be safe. But a chilling new theory suggests we’re living in a false sense of security. This theory is built around something most people have never heard of—something so incredibly crafty and dangerous that it could doom Trump’s chances all over again.

So, what is this sinister plot? It revolves around Walmarts, strip malls, and gas stations, forming the backbone of the left’s mail-in ballot scheme. This theory argues that if Trump doesn’t address this issue and focuses only on poll watchers, he will lose the election.
Mail-in Ballot Rules by Country
Based on the provided search results, Switzerland is the only country that allows unlimited mail-in ballots for federal elections. According to the snippet from “Trump’s assertion that only two European nations allow mail-in voting - The Washington Post”, Switzerland sends ballots to all eligible voters, who can either mail them back or bring them to polling booths, weeks before elections. This implies that all eligible voters in Switzerland receive a mail-in ballot and can cast their vote by mail without any restrictions.

No other country mentioned in the search results allows unlimited mail-in ballots for federal elections. Some countries, like Mexico, allow mail-in voting for specific groups, such as overseas voters, while others, like the United States, have varying rules and deadlines for requesting and returning absentee ballots. Many countries, including France, Poland, and Russia, have bans on mail-in ballots or have made exceptions only for specific circumstances, such as illness or pandemic-related restrictions.

It’s essential to note that the search results do not provide information on the specific voting systems or regulations of all countries, but rather highlight instances where mail-in voting is allowed or restricted. Therefore, this answer is based on the available information and might not be exhaustive or definitive.

Source: Brave AI
You realize that mail in ballots have been around since the civil war, right. Only since Trump have they become a problem.
No they are not. How in the world do we know that the person's name on the ballot actually cast the vote? Signatures can be forged or not even checked as goes on in Democrat areas. Signatures alone are very poor identifiers. Over time a person's signature changes with age.
Let's take this slowly since you seem hell-bent on perpetuating this absurd myth.

You claim mail-in ballots aren’t processed like in-person ones. Wrong. Every single one of them—whether it’s dropped off in person or mailed—is subjected to strict security measures. Do you think officials just toss them into a pile and take their word for it? Signature verification, ID checks, and barcodes are part of the process in most states. But no, that’s not enough for you. You want to conjure up this fantasy of ‘forged signatures’ being passed off like it’s the Wild West. Who benefits from that? I’ll tell you—no one. If you really cared about facts, you'd know that states audit these ballots. Some states even allow you to track your ballot from submission to counting, just like you’d track a package from Amazon. Doesn’t get much more transparent than that.

And your comment about changing signatures? That's rich. Election workers are trained to account for those minor differences that naturally occur. You think they’re going to confuse a shaky pen stroke with some elaborate conspiracy?

The only fraud here is in the words you're spewing out. You’re peddling fear without a shred of evidence. If there’s one thing you should be ‘fooled’ by, it’s this notion that your unfounded paranoia about mail-in voting deserves any serious consideration. Newsflash: It doesn’t. Facts over fear, Knuckles.

You guys on the right claim mail-in ballots aren’t processed like in-person ones. Wrong. Every single one of them—whether it’s dropped off in person or mailed—is subjected to strict security measures. Do you think officials just toss them into a pile and take their word for it? Signature verification, ID checks, and barcodes are part of the process in most states. But no, that’s not enough for you. You want to conjure up this fantasy of ‘forged signatures’ being passed off like it’s the Wild West. Who benefits from that? I’ll tell you—no one. If you really cared about facts, you'd know that states audit these ballots. Some states even allow you to track your ballot from submission to counting, just like you’d track a package from Amazon. Doesn’t get much more transparent than that.

And about changing signatures? That's rich. Election workers are trained to account for those minor differences that naturally occur. You think they’re going to confuse a shaky pen stroke with some elaborate conspiracy?

The only fraud here is the myth you're perpetuating. You’re peddling fear without a shred of evidence. If there’s one thing you should be ‘fooled’ by, it’s this notion that your unfounded paranoia about mail-in voting deserves any serious consideration. Newsflash: It doesn’t. Facts over fear, Knuckles."
You guys on the right claim mail-in ballots aren’t processed like in-person ones. Wrong. Every single one of them—whether it’s dropped off in person or mailed—is subjected to strict security measures. Do you think officials just toss them into a pile and take their word for it? Signature verification, ID checks, and barcodes are part of the process in most states. But no, that’s not enough for you. You want to conjure up this fantasy of ‘forged signatures’ being passed off like it’s the Wild West. Who benefits from that? I’ll tell you—no one. If you really cared about facts, you'd know that states audit these ballots. Some states even allow you to track your ballot from submission to counting, just like you’d track a package from Amazon. Doesn’t get much more transparent than that.

And about changing signatures? That's rich. Election workers are trained to account for those minor differences that naturally occur. You think they’re going to confuse a shaky pen stroke with some elaborate conspiracy?

The only fraud here is the myth you're perpetuating. You’re peddling fear without a shred of evidence. If there’s one thing you should be ‘fooled’ by, it’s this notion that your unfounded paranoia about mail-in voting deserves any serious consideration. Newsflash: It doesn’t. Facts over fear, Knuckles."
Prove to a reasonable degree the signature is valid.

Prove that the signature wasn't forged.

Prove that the person to whom the ballot was issued actually filled it out.

Prove no one tampered with the ballot between being issued and returned.

Go for it. Prove those things in 100% of the cases with mail-in ballots. Hell, prove those things in 90% of the cases.
You do not even know that and are writing about it? They send a letter to eligible previous mail-in voters and ask them if they want to vote mail in this year. If they send the info back saying yes, they will be sent a ballot. When you vote mail in. you have to sign and date it. The first act is checking the signature . If that fails, it is tossed. But the mail-in ballot are only sent to eligible voters who have requested one.
The ballot is sent to the precinct where the voter is assigned. Every voter is assigned a precinct and his name put in the precinct log book.
I could go on, but you are a righty and if the facts go against your vulpine preconceptions, you scream and call them lies.
Signatures can be forged, Sybil. Mail-in ballots are sent out en masse.
No that is not what I am "saying" and how the fuck you drew that stupid conclusion god only knows.

I don't know where you live but in my state every registered voter gets those instructions on how to be sent a ballot. It has nothing to do with what political party you happen to belong to. I do not belong to any political party and never have belonged to one. If they are only going out to democrats how did I get one?
Blatant lie.
That was a unique circumstance caused by Trump's mishandling of Covid. Mail-in is as well checked as in-line voting. The election was fair and honest. The systems work.
Trump did not create Covid19 nor does he control it.
There was no 2020 election. It faulted due to Democrat election fraud, Sybil.
Signatures can be forged but what happens when the person whose signature was forged shows up to vote in person?
IF there is in person voting, that person is told they already voted.
If there was rampant fraud by forging signatures we would see many instances of people showing up to vote and being told they had already voted which would certainly make the news and start an investigation.
Which is exactly what happened.
And yet what might happen in your mind doesn't seem to be happening in the real world.
It did, Poorboy.