Planned Parenthood Announces They'll Now Vaccinate Unborn Babies Before Killing Them

cancel2 2022

NEW YORK, NY—Planned Parenthood today announced that in the interest of public health, the organization would begin vaccinating unborn babies before killing them.

"Everyone needs to be vaccinated, including the inconsequential clumps of cells we're murdering-- um, I mean aborting," said a Planned Parenthood spokesperson. "With deadly COVID on the loose, we can't be too safe. We need to make sure unborn babies don't give our abortionists COVID while they're being murdered-- um, I mean, aborted."

The spokesperson was quickly fired for accidentally using the word "murder" twice.

According to sources, Planned Parenthood will use a government grant to immunize both mothers and their babies to ensure health and safety before the baby is prematurely removed from its mother's womb and killed.

"We do this because we care about human lives," said a brand-new Planned Parenthood spokesperson. "We will always go the extra mile to ensure our murders are completed safely. Oh no! I mean abortions!"
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Dishonest wanker tries to hide source with fake URL because it's satire, not real. Wankers gonna wank. Real source:
leave it to the liberal asswipes to do this

Satire(n): the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

It must be horribly painful to be so stupid. What drugs do they give you for that?
NEW YORK, NY—Planned Parenthood today announced that in the interest of public health, the organization would begin vaccinating unborn babies before killing them.

"Everyone needs to be vaccinated, including the inconsequential clumps of cells we're murdering-- um, I mean aborting," said a Planned Parenthood spokesperson. "With deadly COVID on the loose, we can't be too safe. We need to make sure unborn babies don't give our abortionists COVID while they're being murdered-- um, I mean, aborted."

The spokesperson was quickly fired for accidentally using the word "murder" twice.

According to sources, Planned Parenthood will use a government grant to immunize both mothers and their babies to ensure health and safety before the baby is prematurely removed from its mother's womb and killed.

"We do this because we care about human lives," said a brand-new Planned Parenthood spokesperson. "We will always go the extra mile to ensure our murders are completed safely. Oh no! I mean abortions!"
Guess which JPP'er donated $ to PP in my "memory"? Your first two guesses are wrong...;)
Central office was a bit "perplexed" at that type of say the least....:laugh:
Satire(n): the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

It must be horribly painful to be so stupid. What drugs do they give you for that?

keep killing those babies you liberal killer
Guess which JPP'er donated $ to PP in my "memory"? Your first two guesses are wrong...;)
Central office was a bit "perplexed" at that type of say the least....:laugh:

Not really, they appreciated it so much that they sent me a thank you note which I showed you, along with multiple other requests. Looks like it's time to send them another, eh, KathysKrazyKrewleader? :laugh:
PP is still chuckling over that one...I think we chatted for well over an hour....any future funds will go directly to a very specific program....;)
NEW YORK, NY—Planned Parenthood today announced that in the interest of public health, the organization would begin vaccinating unborn babies before killing them.

"Everyone needs to be vaccinated, including the inconsequential clumps of cells we're murdering-- um, I mean aborting," said a Planned Parenthood spokesperson. "With deadly COVID on the loose, we can't be too safe. We need to make sure unborn babies don't give our abortionists COVID while they're being murdered-- um, I mean, aborted."

The spokesperson was quickly fired for accidentally using the word "murder" twice.

According to sources, Planned Parenthood will use a government grant to immunize both mothers and their babies to ensure health and safety before the baby is prematurely removed from its mother's womb and killed.

"We do this because we care about human lives," said a brand-new Planned Parenthood spokesperson. "We will always go the extra mile to ensure our murders are completed safely. Oh no! I mean abortions!"

there never has been a murder of an unborn baby during any legal discretionary abortion, there are only two human beings involved- the woman and her doctor. is this supposed to be funny?