Planned Parenthood Announces They'll Now Vaccinate Unborn Babies Before Killing Them

Well you stink at logic. So it's pretty hard to believe. ;)
I'm sorry you feel that way...This isn't about "logic" it's about terminating developing lives.
Do you have children? Were they not your children until they were "born"?
I'm sorry you feel that way...This isn't about "logic" it's about terminating developing lives.
Do you have children? Were they not your children until they were "born"?

So now we're moving to the appeal to emotion fallacy?
So now we're moving to the appeal to emotion fallacy?
So you have no emotional "connection"? I respect no need for any more "debate".... It's not an "appeal", you know.... just something taken into consideration when making such an important decision...
So you have no emotional "connection"? I respect no need for any more "debate".... It's not an "appeal", you know.... just something taken into consideration when making such an important decision...

Now you're starting to put words in my mouth? Of course there's emotional "connection" to abortion.
Absolutely...I've always dealt with it as such whenever it was necessary....

Yep. I respect your emotional involvement in it. It's a very important issue. As for me, I wish there isn't abortion, but it exists and here to stay, regardless.
Yep. I respect your emotional involvement in it. It's a very important issue. As for me, I wish there isn't abortion, but it exists and here to stay, regardless.
Thanks...we deal with it as such.....always have..on a very individual basis... for many, many years....