Planned Parenthood Announces They'll Now Vaccinate Unborn Babies Before Killing Them


Dishonest wanker tries to hide source with fake URL because it's satire, not real. Wankers gonna wank. Real source:

sounds like something a half witt like you would do.
Like releasing prisoners so they wont get covid but can murder others or commit more crimes . or scream bloodly hell about amer8cans not being vaxed but ignoring the thousands od illegals comming in every month un vaxed and postive with covid. Only morons would do that foul thing and your a perfect example of a moron supporting another moron such as blow hole joe and dutch boy. Fouls of a feather stick together.
You should try for some plastic surgery . after ai saw your photograph anoter poster put on the net O think it would help you look less like the thing from the fanstatic 4 and more like a human