Planned Parenthood Announces They'll Now Vaccinate Unborn Babies Before Killing Them

Satire(n): the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

It must be horribly painful to be so stupid. What drugs do they give you for that?

And pmp the moron thanked the farangs post :laugh:

Stupid goyim
It was quite the "silly" move....they agreed...but I don't think they'd call the donor a "stupid goyim"...that would be just rude...and unprofessional...We did have a good laugh over the "donation", though....;)

Stupid goyim

You have no idea how close to the truth you are.

That cunt has followed me around the Innernetz for over 10 years now. Every time she would signal her virtue by bashing gays, blacks, #MeToo women and other targets of sexual assault, BLM, abortion rights, SSM, etc. I send out a donation in her name to a worthwhile charitable organization working to protect the rights that she wants to deny others. And let her know about it, as well. I cannot fix stupid, but I sure as hell can help others fight it, eh?
It was quite the "silly" move....they agreed...but I don't think they'd call the donor a "stupid goyim"...that would be just rude...and unprofessional...We did have a good laugh over the "donation", though....;)

"We." :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

There is no "we." There's just you and a bunch of mutts, living in an unkempt hovel in Bexley. Nice try though, fraudster. lol
They don't get too many cyber-stalker donations..especially ones that tiny and in memory of a person who is still alive...;)
Another thread is mine.. Gentle rule reminders to all....especially to the fallen from grace stalker/doxxers....;)
Another thread is mine.. Gentle rule reminders to all....especially to the fallen from grace stalker/doxxers....;)

You mean when you dox and stalk yourself? Bwahahahahaha!

Interesting email this morning...just got a link to liberal with a very detailed discussion of the permabans here for posting my personal info (MAGAT, for one;)...some very familiar names....:laugh:
Good stuff.....
"No holds barred" any more;)

and your former friends call you on it?

Good morning all. Rained all day yesterday. Could it be Mother Nature taking pity on those hung over partiers?

Top not one of your better ideas posting that forum.


When you gave the web site name the rest was easy. It took me about a minute to start seeing posts with your info in them.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

And now you can't whine to your pet mod when someone says Bexley, Kathy, hovel, etc. "Pricelies." lol
Good work, SF....that's another reminder and the 45th forum where the NASA info was "Passed along"....;) You might be a bit surprised who turned you
NEW YORK, NY—Planned Parenthood today announced that in the interest of public health, the organization would begin vaccinating unborn babies before killing them.

"Everyone needs to be vaccinated, including the inconsequential clumps of cells we're murdering-- um, I mean aborting," said a Planned Parenthood spokesperson. "With deadly COVID on the loose, we can't be too safe. We need to make sure unborn babies don't give our abortionists COVID while they're being murdered-- um, I mean, aborted."

The spokesperson was quickly fired for accidentally using the word "murder" twice.

According to sources, Planned Parenthood will use a government grant to immunize both mothers and their babies to ensure health and safety before the baby is prematurely removed from its mother's womb and killed.

"We do this because we care about human lives," said a brand-new Planned Parenthood spokesperson. "We will always go the extra mile to ensure our murders are completed safely. Oh no! I mean abortions!"

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