Please ,please ,please dont let this be true


And they can read your thoughts unless you wrap your house and head in foil....

They really are lizards in disguise, and along with the yeti will take over and put us all in the camps we already have built everywhere when they drive the Chinese into America. They'll use those signs on the highway, the nonsense signs...

Then they'll make us all paint ourselves green and run around with plastic baggies to catch our farts to feed their spaceships.

What is all this talk about some buy option, or put option, basically, someone putting billions of dollars down betting the market is going to tank before the 21st? I ask because it is mentioned in a comment at the link here, and also because, the nut I have talked about that I have to deal with in my group, has done nothing but send out 18 page emails about this. It is driving me crazy.
If they fake a big attack and then say see it was Iran and them nuke them within days what would the US people do?

Wait, when you say fake a big attack Desh, do you mean that they would actually attack a city here? Like, another 9/11, and then blame it on the Iranians, or, do you mean like a Gulf of tonkin attack, a total fake all together.
What is all this talk about some buy option, or put option, basically, someone putting billions of dollars down betting the market is going to tank before the 21st? I ask because it is mentioned in a comment at the link here, and also because, the nut I have talked about that I have to deal with in my group, has done nothing but send out 18 page emails about this. It is driving me crazy.
You put a stop option on your stock, you would buy a put option if you were betting the stocks would go higher.

A stop option sets the price whomever bought the put would have to pay for the stock regardless of whether it goes up or down.
You put a stop option on your stock, you would buy a put option if you were betting the stocks would go higher.

A stop option sets the price whomever bought the put would have to pay for the stock regardless of whether it goes up or down.

But what is the rumor about that someone, a large entity, did that, betting 4 billion that the market tanks before the 21st? That is not true right?
Wait, when you say fake a big attack Desh, do you mean that they would actually attack a city here? Like, another 9/11, and then blame it on the Iranians, or, do you mean like a Gulf of tonkin attack, a total fake all together.

who knows?
While Americans were fixated over Craig and bathrooms, your US Senate just passed the Lieberman Amendment 97 - 0, which gives Bush the green light to attack Iran.

Both Clinton and Obama approved it.

97 - ZERO

And Americans act surprised that this nation is going to engage in another idocy even greater than the attack on Iraq.
While Americans were fixated over Craig and bathrooms, your US Senate just passed the Lieberman Amendment 97 - 0, which gives Bush the green light to attack Iran.

Both Clinton and Obama approved it.

97 - ZERO

And Americans act surprised that this nation is going to engage in another idocy even greater than the attack on Iraq.

Fuck ! we are going to attack Iran next week.

I hate these people.
Fuck ! we are going to attack Iran next week.

I hate these people.


it just gives them something to do so they can feel important...or maybe an excuse to stay in office

i would bet on tacticl nukes and watch the reports on strength and direction of winds

while iran does not have anything that can reach the us of a, they can reach europe...oh wait, we installed that anti-missile defense system that the russians do not like...after all, the iranians have weapons that can reach russia
While Americans were fixated over Craig and bathrooms, your US Senate just passed the Lieberman Amendment 97 - 0, which gives Bush the green light to attack Iran.

Both Clinton and Obama approved it.

97 - ZERO

And Americans act surprised that this nation is going to engage in another idocy even greater than the attack on Iraq.

Yeah, here's a link:

Notice that The Venerable Senator from the Great State of Denial, Senator Tapper, is one of the co-sponsors of the bill.
Yeah, here's a link:

Notice that The Venerable Senator from the Great State of Denial, Senator Tapper, is one of the co-sponsors of the bill.

That synopsis doesn't tell us exactly what powers they gave the president. Agreeing to confront Iran is not the same as an authorization to use force. The president has already said he believes he doesn't need authorization from congress to attack Iran because it's covered under his original authorization, he says.

I don't yet see how this is a big deal. Look at what the link says the bill does:

"...detailed the publicly available evidence about Iran's proxy attacks against American soldiers in Iraq. It also stated that the murder of U.S. service members by a foreign government or its agents is an intolerable and unacceptable act against the United States by that government, and establishes a regular report to Congress on Iran's anti-coalition attacks in Iraq."

I don't see an authorization of force.
That synopsis doesn't tell us exactly what powers they gave the president. Agreeing to confront Iran is not the same as an authorization to use force. The president has already said he believes he doesn't need authorization from congress to attack Iran because it's covered under his original authorization, he says.

I don't yet see how this is a big deal. Look at what the link says the bill does:

"...detailed the publicly available evidence about Iran's proxy attacks against American soldiers in Iraq. It also stated that the murder of U.S. service members by a foreign government or its agents is an intolerable and unacceptable act against the United States by that government, and establishes a regular report to Congress on Iran's anti-coalition attacks in Iraq."

I don't see an authorization of force.
What it provides him with, will be a reason. It speaks of the attacks on US soldiers supported by a foreign government.

I was just providing a link to it, it certainly isn't a foregone conclusion. I don't believe, other than reason, that it gives the President anything.
The president did not need congress to provide him with a reason in the form of a regular report on the attacks and a public condemnation of what everyone obviously condemns.

Yet you sit there and say "oh my god Clinton and Obama voted for it!" They voted to condemn the action, which is hardly worth getting excited about. If they had voted against it, that would have been news. Man bites dog situation.

Okay, and one correction, this bill was passed before the Thumper fiasco.
The president did not need congress to provide him with a reason in the form of a regular report on the attacks and a public condemnation of what everyone obviously condemns.

Yet you sit there and say "oh my god Clinton and Obama voted for it!" They voted to condemn the action, which is hardly worth getting excited about. If they had voted against it, that would have been news. Man bites dog situation.

Okay, and one correction, this bill was passed before the Thumper fiasco.
I didn't say anything of the sort.
That synopsis doesn't tell us exactly what powers they gave the president. Agreeing to confront Iran is not the same as an authorization to use force. The president has already said he believes he doesn't need authorization from congress to attack Iran because it's covered under his original authorization, he says.

But he needs one to "confront" them???
The president did not need congress to provide him with a reason in the form of a regular report on the attacks and a public condemnation of what everyone obviously condemns.

Yet you sit there and say "oh my god Clinton and Obama voted for it!" They voted to condemn the action, which is hardly worth getting excited about. If they had voted against it, that would have been news. Man bites dog situation.

Okay, and one correction, this bill was passed before the Thumper fiasco.

The bill adds credibility to the drumbeat for war. And based on what are we condemning Iran? This administration's word?