Please pray for my Cocker Spaniel, Jake


Jake is having a rough time lately. He had cataract surgery a few years ago. Now his right eye has an ulcer and then he got an eye infection on top of that. He's been back and forth to the vet a dozen times in the last 2 weeks. He's on two different kinds of antibiotics and morphine.

He lost his best buddy, Tommy, a black cat, a few months ago and has just been down in the dumps. Tommy used to let Jake hump him anytime he wanted to. Jake just looks lost.
Jake is having a rough time lately. He had cataract surgery a few years ago. Now his right eye has an ulcer and then he got an eye infection on top of that. He's been back and forth to the vet a dozen times in the last 2 weeks. He's on two different kinds of antibiotics and morphine.

He lost his best buddy, Tommy, a black cat, a few months ago and has just been down in the dumps. Tommy used to let Jake hump him anytime he wanted to. Jake just looks lost.

How old is Jake?
Jake is having a rough time lately. He had cataract surgery a few years ago. Now his right eye has an ulcer and then he got an eye infection on top of that. He's been back and forth to the vet a dozen times in the last 2 weeks. He's on two different kinds of antibiotics and morphine.

He lost his best buddy, Tommy, a black cat, a few months ago and has just been down in the dumps. Tommy used to let Jake hump him anytime he wanted to. Jake just looks lost.
Buy him an Obama chew toy. That oughta cheer the old fella up! :)
Jake is having a rough time lately. He had cataract surgery a few years ago. Now his right eye has an ulcer and then he got an eye infection on top of that. He's been back and forth to the vet a dozen times in the last 2 weeks. He's on two different kinds of antibiotics and morphine.

He lost his best buddy, Tommy, a black cat, a few months ago and has just been down in the dumps. Tommy used to let Jake hump him anytime he wanted to. Jake just looks lost.

Put it out of its misery and get on with something useful. It's a dog for goodness sake. It has an intelligence equal to that of a republican. Keep its ashes in a bottle and say hello every morning.
Put it out of its misery and get on with something useful. It's a dog for goodness sake. It has an intelligence equal to that of a republican. Keep its ashes in a bottle and say hello every morning.

His crap has more brain cells than in your entire noggin. A person who will not care for his animals will not care for a human being. Thanks for a very revealing post.
His crap has more brain cells than in your entire noggin. A person who will not care for his animals will not care for a human being. Thanks for a very revealing post.

So you think that caring for a dying animal is more important than moderating your views for your fellow man. From your posts here, sir, your 'care' for human kind is extremely well hidden.
Your dying cocker spaniel is of value to you and to you alone. To entreat intelligent people to raise their hands to the sky in the ridiculous assumption than the animal will suddenly 'pick up its bed and walk' suggests to me that it is high time for you to book yourself into somewhere trained to care for you.
So you think that caring for a dying animal is more important than moderating your views for your fellow man. From your posts here, sir, your 'care' for human kind is extremely well hidden.
Your dying cocker spaniel is of value to you and to you alone. To entreat intelligent people to raise their hands to the sky in the ridiculous assumption than the animal will suddenly 'pick up its bed and walk' suggests to me that it is high time for you to book yourself into somewhere trained to care for you.

Why ya gotta be a dick?
Jake is having a rough time lately. He had cataract surgery a few years ago. Now his right eye has an ulcer and then he got an eye infection on top of that. He's been back and forth to the vet a dozen times in the last 2 weeks. He's on two different kinds of antibiotics and morphine.

He lost his best buddy, Tommy, a black cat, a few months ago and has just been down in the dumps. Tommy used to let Jake hump him anytime he wanted to. Jake just looks lost.

I am sorry for your loss and I am sorry for your Jake. My cocker was named Roxy and she was a loving and faithful companion. I know what you mean about their eyes being bad, and she had ear troubles, later in life, skin problems, but she was the sweetest little lady.

I hope Jake gets better. Buy him a kitten...
So you think that caring for a dying animal is more important than moderating your views for your fellow man. From your posts here, sir, your 'care' for human kind is extremely well hidden.
Your dying cocker spaniel is of value to you and to you alone. To entreat intelligent people to raise their hands to the sky in the ridiculous assumption than the animal will suddenly 'pick up its bed and walk' suggests to me that it is high time for you to book yourself into somewhere trained to care for you.
is this extremely limited insight on the worthiness of animals lives indicative of all liberal thought? so much for your enlightenment.....
all life is precious and whether you choose to believe in a higher power or not is one of OUR basic freedoms. this would be a good time for you to consider the old saying, better to be quiet and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt....
is this extremely limited insight on the worthiness of animals lives indicative of all liberal thought? so much for your enlightenment.....
all life is precious and whether you choose to believe in a higher power or not is one of OUR basic freedoms. this would be a good time for you to consider the old saying, better to be quiet and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt....

I see liberal boogie men.
is this extremely limited insight on the worthiness of animals lives indicative of all liberal thought? so much for your enlightenment.....
all life is precious and whether you choose to believe in a higher power or not is one of OUR basic freedoms. this would be a good time for you to consider the old saying, better to be quiet and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt....

If I wasn't a fool I would not waste my time talking to the likes of you, dear boy.
The 'humanising' of animals is as cruel as their beating. The tears are shed, not for the dog, but for the owner who has lost something he should have treated with respect not stupid and immature love. Grow up. All life is worthy of respect, preciousness is a completely wrong concept. That dog is, by the description, suffering. It does not know why, it does not have the intelligence to 'know' anything. It reacts to certain stimuli. Respect it for what it is. A dog.
The hurt is with the owner so if anyone wishes to pray then pray for him.
You have the freedom to be ignorant and you have the freedom to weep. The dog has no such freedoms. Its 'dogness' has been bred out of it and it is now totally dependent upon its master. That is not care for one's fellow creatures. That is a baseness that in time we will learn to overcome.
Dogs are the only animal that was designed by a long history of interaction with man to be able to read people better than other humans can.

If you so lightly deal with the emotions that are present in a relationship between a dog and a person then you deal lightly with human emotion.

Human emotion is not a bad and base thing as you seem to suggest by your callous treatment of the very real human pain the OP is feeling at the pain of his companion then you fail to understand the depth of human emotion.

Dogs have been proven to have the intelligence of a two year old child.

Would you treat an ailing two year old child and their parents with the same callousness?

I dont know who you are lowicuie, I dont know if you are really from China or not.

But I do know one thing about you, you are a cold stone hearted fool.

Internspecies bonds are real and one of the amazing things about humans is our ability to love.

This person LOVES their dog.

That love is real and that dog knows it.

That dog returns that love.

The only person who should deside when that dog needs help leaving this earth is the person with nothing but love in their heart for this dog.

That person is NOT you, your heart is a cold stone.

Mind you own damned business and see if there isnt some girl child who needs aborting in your own country.
Jake is having a rough time lately. He had cataract surgery a few years ago. Now his right eye has an ulcer and then he got an eye infection on top of that. He's been back and forth to the vet a dozen times in the last 2 weeks. He's on two different kinds of antibiotics and morphine.

He lost his best buddy, Tommy, a black cat, a few months ago and has just been down in the dumps. Tommy used to let Jake hump him anytime he wanted to. Jake just looks lost.

You've got to be kidding. I wouldn't pray for you...much less your animal. Go to Hell.
And realize that it's "Karma", coming back to you.
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is this extremely limited insight on the worthiness of animals lives indicative of all liberal thought? so much for your enlightenment.....
all life is precious and whether you choose to believe in a higher power or not is one of OUR basic freedoms. this would be a good time for you to consider the old saying, better to be quiet and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt....

Thank you for appropriating the phrase I initiated around here...and getting it "wrong". The correct phrase is "Better to be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. Nothing about being quiet. Geez. DimmerThanMost.