Humor needs 'U' to be funny.
Humour is not simply the ability to laugh. Few Americans understand that.
He should sell those soggy train station sandwiches then. Nothing spreads misery like a soggy British train station sandwich.
Dear God,
Please help Alias's Cocker Spaniel, Jake.
Dear God,
Please help Alias's Cocker Spaniel, Jake.
Dogs are the only animal that was designed by a long history of interaction with man to be able to read people better than other humans can.
If you so lightly deal with the emotions that are present in a relationship between a dog and a person then you deal lightly with human emotion.
Human emotion is not a bad and base thing as you seem to suggest by your callous treatment of the very real human pain the OP is feeling at the pain of his companion then you fail to understand the depth of human emotion.
Dogs have been proven to have the intelligence of a two year old child.
Would you treat an ailing two year old child and their parents with the same callousness?
I dont know who you are lowicuie, I dont know if you are really from China or not.
But I do know one thing about you, you are a cold stone hearted fool.
Internspecies bonds are real and one of the amazing things about humans is our ability to love.
This person LOVES their dog.
That love is real and that dog knows it.
That dog returns that love.
The only person who should deside when that dog needs help leaving this earth is the person with nothing but love in their heart for this dog.
That person is NOT you, your heart is a cold stone.
Mind you own damned business and see if there isnt some girl child who needs aborting in your own country.
Low is a UK ex-pat living in Hong Kong. He's also a bit of a dick. I am saying this as a person who is also a bit of a dick.
You've got to be kidding. I wouldn't pray for you...much less your animal. Go to Hell.
And realize that it's "Karma", coming back to you.
Please please please. You'll be believing your own clap trap next.
How does one measure the intelligence of a dog? numerical sequence? Shape patterns? or is it simply its ability to loll its tongue and pant excitedly when its master bids it react.
No sir, stone hearted I am not - a fool maybe as are most people on occasion. You are confusing love as a human condition and bond, which may be between anything where exists some give and take. I feed the dog. The dog eats the food I provide. I refuse to feed the dog unless it rolls over. The dog rolls over for it knows only that it must eat. Show a dog a mirror: does it recognise the image as itself?
Yes, some people love dogs - some love pigs or horses or cats or gerbils but the emotion returned by a gerbil or a dog is, I'm afraid, entirely in the imagination of the human being. Often that human is deprived of the kind of love he or she craves from their fellows.
Strange that the same people who fawn and weep over dogs fight with everything they have against relationships of human beings of the same gender, of different colour or of different ethnicity.
You are entitled to your opinion. In this instance you are sadly mistaken. If it was a question of man loves dog as the animal it evolved into then why has he bred out almost all of its dogness and bred in as many human attributes as time and money has allowed.
I am sure there are many abortions every day in my country and in yours. How is that relevant to a man begging his fellow man to pray to an imaginary figure, invented by him for just such a purpose, for the return to health of a dog?
Recent studies on dogs show that their level of intelligence is about equal to a 2 year old human.
They also show that dogs read human emotion better than other humans do.
Dogs are living beings and do create bonds just like all other pack animals.
Humans also are pack animals.
To degrade love in this messy world is to me about the stupidest thing a human can do.
Love is one of the things that makes this spinning ball worth camping on.
Yes I know am defending the love of someone here who also hates me becasue I refuse to share their silly religion or their backassed propaganda based political beliefs but that doesnt diminish the love the dog has for them and they have for their dog.
I am happy as a clam to find some level of human connectedness to this guy.
At least he loves his dog and his dog loves him.
why would I try to make him feel worse when I at last have found something about him to admire.
Dont fight people when they are showing goodness only fight them when they are wrong.
Even if everything you were saying were entirely correct (and I am not saying that it is) it would be completely and utterly tactless to choose this of all moments to go on your rant about it. As Aristotle said, a virtue is a mean between two vices. Honesty is the mean, too little of this quality and you are a liar, too much and you are simply tactless.
I'll favour dogs when they are bred to give eggs or pull ploughs. Until then they are the biggest waste of time, money and emotion ever. Money in at one end, shit out at the other and its not even good for the garden! Oh. and when was the last time a two year old stuck his nose up another two years old's arse just to say hello?