
It's a myth that all our presidents have been stately. Some of our most exhalted founding fathers fought some of the most bitter campaigns in history:

Of course, you can have your own personal preferences. But if that's going to be the case, I would suggest you still inform yourself a bit more sufficiently. You clearly had no idea why Trump called her pocahontas. When you know the broader context it makes much more sense. It was a joke. Some humans tell jokes to win a crowd over. Many presidents do this.

Racists aren't human. Stop referring to them as such.
I think I'm going to have to establish an alternative to JPP that bans racist subhumans, this sub is being taken over by fascists.

Racists aren't human!
We need to genocide the racists. We need gas chambers for racists. We need a new holocaust. Racists must be totally eliminated from society if we are to survive as a nation. They are a cancer on our national soul. It's either America, or the racists.

do these racists that deserve to die include people who declare themselves as a minority to get the advantages that should go to that minority?
We need to genocide the racists. We need gas chambers for racists. We need a new holocaust. Racists must be totally eliminated from society if we are to survive as a nation. They are a cancer on our national soul. It's either America, or the racists.

You need a stick shoved up your ass; but I doubt there's room for a second one, seeing as how one has already been inserted.
I find it interesting that you are more embarrassed about Trump saying Pocahontas than Elizabeth Warren claiming ancestry that doesn't exist. I understand being embarrassed by a Presidential candidate insulting people, but more embarrassed than white people trying to claim ancestry of somebody they feel was downtrodden to bolster themselves? Seriously.

Wow, you hit the nail on the head way back when! It is racist for a white to wear blackface at a party, but it isn't racist for Pocahontas to claim being full American Indian on that TX Bar form. She is white and stole another race, and the left is ok with that. It's kinda neat to look back in time once in awhile and find home run posts like yours. Nice post.
I mean, seriously?

One of the leading candidates for POTUS. In 2016.


That is not her name. Daffy pinned that on her with his childish ways. I assume you are talking about Warren, the very highly educated and experienced legislator and college professor before she became a senator. Quite impressive, isn't she?
Not like a guy who paid off hookers to run, is it?
I think that FAUXCAHONTAS is an even better name for her!

I would be indifferent about which term is most appropriate, especially since Pocahontas was in use before Trump came along, but it seems that Trump has really locked in the Pocahontas term. Trump is good at locking in nick names.
I would be indifferent about which term is most appropriate, especially since Pocahontas was in use before Trump came along, but it seems that Trump has really locked in the Pocahontas term. Trump is good at locking in nick names.

I just love the way Trump picks such appropriate nicknames. And it pisses off dim dems and loony libs, which is a nice bonus!