
She absolutely admitted having a separate server was a mistake... Ill have to find you the link. Man, you are blind!

She only admitted it, AFTER she got caught.
That's usually seen as a CYA.

Unless you're trying to say she was too stupid to understand protocol.
right whatever you say is politically correct, and therefore logically correct :rolleyes: (though you can take potshots and not engage)..

And I'm supposed to Give a Fuck?? You got nothin'....except this stupidity. "'I hate women"

there is only a smidgen of truth in what you write, and even there you get it wrong:

completely missing the idea that Hillary has very high negatives and has been shown to be arrogance of power/warmonger/liar.
Why would any SANE PERSON support this woman?
Obviously you do because she is a woman...which is prima facie stupid. Congrats. continue your worthless ad homs.

It's all because of the (D) that follows her name and political affiliation.
Then, even after being told by a member of the press that was female and a Native American, that it was offensive, he used it, again. Unbelievable! Seriously, unbelievable.

Elizabeth Warren claimed to be part native American. Nothing was shown to prove it. When the two pieces of evidence offered up by her campaign to back up the claim were debunked, she made excuses by blaming her family saying they told her that they were.

Sad part is none of you lefties found her claims without proof offensive. I guess being offended is a selective for you.
Elizabeth Warren claimed to be part native American. Nothing was shown to prove it. When the two pieces of evidence offered up by her campaign to back up the claim were debunked, she made excuses by blaming her family saying they told her that they were.

Sad part is none of you lefties found her claims without proof offensive. I guess being offended is a selective for you.

Whatever gave you that idea lol?

I'm on board with whoever it was [several pages ago] that said they can't comprehend what's so bloody offensive about it. I wonder how such people make it through the day. But their ideological offspring are populating college campuses and turning them into a parody on political correctness.

Imagine what it will be like when they come into their own in about a decade.
NO, I simply find it funny that an opportunist like Trump would find fault in Warren taking every advantage she could get. In a different context Dangerous Donald would be respecting Warren for being intelligent enough to find a way to exploit the system.
do you think he believes you should exploit the system by lying about whether you fit the system?.......that sounds more like a Hillary tactic......
grandmother? No.. it was a distant relative who none of my family knew, and she didn't ask me for help, she asked my parents. She also faked having cancer and stole from church collection plates.

You mean that someone lied about you and the situation/
I would have never expected someone to do that. :D