Your a dumbass dropout. Your too fucking stupid to know who's on your side. You called me bitch one time to many asshole.
You are the only one on your side topstoner.
Your a dumbass dropout. Your too fucking stupid to know who's on your side. You called me bitch one time to many asshole.
Fuck off Zap.
Poet is the one that continually gives out the CLUES to his life, whereabouts, and everything else.
So tell me what CLUE I gave out.
Would that be Madam Dominique de Menil?
With this information, I wonder how hard it would be to locate your address; dumbass.
Very well. I stand corrected. In various and sundry places it is also written : soup d'jour.
Not in France though, which was my original point. To be even more pedantic, it should be soupe du jour.
i JEALOUS of a 5 yr senior like you fag
Shoot, that's no surprise, you're jealous of anybody who can spell.
well, in case you hadn't noticed...Texas isn't France...
well, in case you hadn't noticed...Texas isn't France...
You even ADMIT it wouldn't be hard to find poet's KNEW when you posted this you were giving out another thinly veiled clue to poet's address.
Why would you be pretentious and use French, only to spell it incorrectly?
First off, you myopic twit, he stated that the neighbor was a male; as in, "his".
Second, maybe I was doing exactly what Poet does (and you haven't said anything about) and that is "appropriate buttons pushed".
Now go suck up to Poet, who's an admitted possible abuser of women; but remember, he's in a committed relationship and you don't have a chance.
Make all the excuses you like...justify it til the cows come doesn't change the fact your post points people in a direction that may allow someone to figure out who poet really is.
Make all the excuses you like...justify it til the cows come doesn't change the fact your post points people in a direction that may allow someone to figure out who poet really is.
It's's probably just a byproduct of your spending so much time in redneck Heaven...a.k.a. Texas!
I know being a voiceover guy, it's a bitch living here and not letting the idiotic Texas drawl slip into my speaking voice.