Have you ever been to New York? Not exactly the friendliest place on planet earth, huh? Trash mouth is New Yorker's accent on English.
Trump is polarizing! I never argued he wasn't. So are one hell of a load of New Yorkers in general. He was raised there and ran his businesses there. "MOST" polarizing, is the issue of this thread. I know because it's my thread. I say the leftist media, the Democrat politicians and Democrat party put Trump to shame when it comes to "POLARIZING."
Well, that makes us even because in all of my 82 years on earth I have never seen a national media, Democrat politicians and the Democrat Party so bleeping obnoxious, nasty, uncivil and POLARIZING toward a United States President, his cabinet and his family.. They promote advocate and cheer for actual violence, they ignore his great economy, his jobs creation for all, especially blacks and Hispanics, his getting in the face of the Europeans who have shirked their NATO support, his efforts to denuclearize North Korea, His getting us out of the outrageous, stupid Iran deal. His defeating ISIS and they fight against his attempts to secure our borders.
It's nobody's job to attempt to crucify and frame this President with false accusations, and fake news and promotions and advocating violence on an American President, his cabinet and family I don't give a rat's ass who he is, and that's exactly what leftist media, Democrat politicians and the Democrat Party is doing!
I am in New York frequently, so that shoots down your first observation, and I am a Red Sox fan
Trump is polarizing by design, it is part of his shtick, he is reality TV, as I noted, he has to create and perpetuate a melodrama to be successful, and every melodrama needs a bad guy, of which Trump won't hesitate to provide regardless of the consequences. Never in American History have you ever seen a President, the leader of the Nation, of either party, ever label those that criticize or question him as pure "evil," or "enemies" of the people
And your blind if you don't think the right wing media or GOP wasn't, if not more vicious, toward Obama than what Trump sees daily. Yet to see a Democrat leader say they were going to do their best to make sure Trump is a failure, nor, question Trump's citizenship or legitimacy of his Presidency.
The remainder of your post is just talk radio rhetoric