Sorry Skippy, you're confusing the lipstick on the pig. That Sarah.
Too stupid for prime time eh sparky? Nothing can be more boring, or stupid, than a liberal empty headedly parroting DNC talking points.
Sorry Skippy, you're confusing the lipstick on the pig. That Sarah.
She was attacked, and she attacked. That is exactly my point. She was no better than those who used character assassination against her.
I am not the one who claimed one of the major parties did not do that kind of stuff.......
"We see America as the greatest force for good in this world, Our opponent though, is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country."
Id like to see a meaningless personal attack this bad coming from the mouth of a member of a Democratic presidential ticket in the last 20 years.
"Turns out, one of his (Barak Obama) earliest supporters is a man who, according to the New York Times, was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, 'launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol.' These are the same guys who think patriotism is paying higher taxes." - Sarah Palin
Too stupid for prime time eh sparky? Nothing can be more boring, or stupid, than a liberal empty headedly parroting DNC talking points.
. Are you trying to assert that Ayers was not a domestic terrorist and supporter of Obummers?
Now, lets compare Palin's statements to President Obama's comments about Palin's family.
Let me be as clear as possible," I think people's families are off-limits, and people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as governor or her potential performance as a vice president." _ Barak H. Obama
You got to be shittin me? From the same guy who runs around here spewing the latest Fake News hysteria du jour? Priceless.
Do I need to go into the personal attacks on John Kerry, and how he was called Lurch. Do we need to discuss the Republicans party's swift boating attempts?
I remember GHWB calling Clinton and Gore.... Bozo and the Ozone man.. is name calling a personal attack?
When you find some of this presumed "fake news" I post, get back to me Mkay sparkles?
Just what the forum needs, another moron.
LMAO; yes, he uttered these comments after the vicious Democratic attacks on Palin's family. It is not as though he was genuine other than thinking about the ramifications it could have on his own kids being dragged through the mud like Democrats did with Palins personal life.
Here's an example:
Another liberal website, Paliban Daily, published a piece by Chris Smith entitled, Sarah Palin’s Retarded Platform: More Trigs!, that mocked Palin and her son Trig in language eerily similar to the master race language of the Nazis:
-That’s right. Palin is about to embark on a career of causing babies to be born retarded. Down Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, crack addiction, or a good old-fashioned kick to the pregnant tummy, it doesn’t matter to Palin. She wants the world to have more Trigs.
Other than fueling a greater need for social services, think how this could benefit Palin politically. She already tests well with the Retarded demographic, and also the Retarded Sympathizer demographic.
Imagine the world Palin is trying to create, in which instead of a superior race, Palin breeds a stupider race. 20 years from now, she’ll only be in her late 60s. She’ll be able to run for President on the Retard ticket . . . no doubt with full support of Retardeds, Retarded Sympathizers, and the Politically-Correct.
Next time around, when Palin is told “Your platform is completely retarded”, she will be able to say, “You betcha! That’s just what my constituents want!”
This appears to be outright bullshit and a lie; that is not GHWB's style. I am sure you can provide a credible citation to support this claim?
This appears to be outright bullshit and a lie; that is not GHWB's style. I am sure you can provide a credible citation to support this claim?