You're a walking talking point. I can pick any of them.
Because you say so Sparky? Compelling.
But of course you're not parroting. Only those on the left do that. Honestly you right wing knuckledraggers are entertaining.
The only knuckle-draggers I see on this forum are leftist twits like you who never add anything substantive to any debate other than parrot their loony leftist talking points and engage in schoolyard bullshit.
Hell, you dunces aren’t entertaining; you’re a sad testament to how badly the Liberal left teachers Unions have dumbed down the society to the lowest common denominator.
Buying your own bullshit and then turning around and trying to polish the turds for the rest of us. Amusing to say the least.
You’re welcome to point out what “bullshit” I am talking about sparky? Or are you another simple minded lefttard who thinks “just saying so” make things so?
Come on sparky; blind us with some of your brilliance and show where anything I post is just bullshit and cannot be supported by any facts or the historic record!!
You and your ilk have a strangle hold on that label son.
My “Ilk”? Son? Are you another one of them OLD lefttards that never grew up and still naively think that BIG Government is your buddy?
Wanna bet who this genius relates to?
That picture has to be one of your relatives because you certainly don’t have sufficient intelligence to debate anything beyond your leftist meme’s and dimwitted talking points. Hell, for all I know your family tree has no branches from what I am seeing so far.
But hey, I have an open mind; dazzle me with your brilliance!!