Political Correctness

Which holiday does this country get a day off for ?
And everyone gets it, Christian or not.
If you want to wish an individual a happy some other day that is significant to them, feel free.
But don't use your laziness in learning if soneone has other traditions as an excuse.

Here in Palm Beach County the Courthouse is closed for Jewish and Christian holidays.
Which holiday does this country get a day off for ?
And everyone gets it, Christian or not.
If you want to wish an individual a happy some other day that is significant to them, feel free.
But don't use your laziness in learning if soneone has other traditions as an excuse.

So you are insisting everyone do it your way, no differing opinions should be heard... I understand. You are PC!
How so? How is wishing someone a happy holiday, mind control?

No. Telling people they can't say Merry Christmas because it may be offensive to some and then threatening to fire any employee who does it anyway is mind control, or more accurately social conditioning.
No. Telling people they can't say Merry Christmas because it may be offensive to some and then threatening to fire any employee who does it anyway is mind control, or more accurately social conditioning.

Who said you cant say Merry Christmas? Are private employers not free to have their employees present the image they chose?
Who said you cant say Merry Christmas? Are private employers not free to have their employees present the image they chose?

This why people think you're a joke. The whole point of PC is to unofficially regulate that which can't be officially regulated. And you know that.
This why people think you're a joke. The whole point of PC is to unofficially regulate that which can't be officially regulated. And you know that.

Explain, because I don't, and I don't think you can.
This why people think you're a joke. The whole point of PC is to unofficially regulate that which can't be officially regulated. And you know that.

Explain what you mean by the claim that PC is to unofficially regulate that which can't be officially regulated.
Thus far, nobody has been able to explain to me what it really is and why it upsets the Conservatives so much....

But I saw a thing today that strengthened my understanding, it explains to me what some are so upset with it.

Political Correctness is respect for others!

For the life of me I cannot understand why someone would be upset with me telling them "Happy Holidays" unless they are so egotistical that they insist on the entire world pretending that their way is the only way, and that their way is the only correct way. Why do you want to insist that everyone is just like you?
It's fascism disguised as manners.
Explain what you mean by the claim that PC is to unofficially regulate that which can't be officially regulated.

The government can't tell you what to say or think, officially, but political types know that in any given population roughly 90% of the people will want to be seen as "part of the group". That means that they will do, say, act the way they think they are expected to.
The government can't tell you what to say or think, officially, but political types know that in any given population roughly 90% of the people will want to be seen as "part of the group". That means that they will do, say, act the way they think they are expected to.

Is that not the choice of an individual?

So the government wants us to say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas? Why? The government cares? Silly?
Its up to individuals to refuse if they feel peer pressure.

Give me an example of the government orchestrating an effort to control people with PCness.
Is that not the choice of an individual?

So the government wants us to say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas? Why? The government cares? Silly?
Its up to individuals to refuse if they feel peer pressure.

Give me an example of the government orchestrating an effort to control people with PCness.

Once again your turdishness shows through. I didn't say government. I said political types but I can give examples of the government getting in on the act too. Let's start with...

Hate crime legislation.