Yes it is a great site full of truth you should check it out
Trumpian truth you mean.
Yes it is a great site full of truth you should check it out
It has delegitimized itself. Thomas is on the take. Alito is sharing decisions ahead of time with his pals. Roberts sits there with a thumb up his ass as he destroys his legacy.
Stop whining.
Oh, c'mon ... I'm not buying your fake "alarm" nor am I buying your implication that Nordberg has any other kind of statement. It was a completely standard Nordbergism that met all requirements and it is completely inappropriate for you to pretend to be "shocked" somehow. It ain't no sa'prize!what a complete crock of unadulterated and biased horseshit statement from [Nordberg].
Correct. We need to fire the current batch of justices and start over with a new batch that will, in fact, support and uphold the Constitution instead of merely abandoning their oaths to do so.The simple fact is that BOTH the left and the right have broken the courts
Notice how the Democrats are selling us out to china
Once again? Thomas admitted he did what he was accused of. I wonder how many other Justices are into hinky shit? I think we should just hang them all.
Legal and right are not the same thing. I see a lot of problems with what he did and I don't give a flying fuck if it's legal, it was still wrong.
Samuel Alito pointed out that democrats are trying to assassinate SCOTUS justices.
{[h=1]Samuel Alito claims he has ‘pretty good idea’ who leaked Dobbs draft, says it made justices ‘targets of assassination’}[/h]
We know full well that Elana Kagan leaked the Dobbs decision.
If the Nazi democrats want to talk about ethics, let's start with that.
Yeah, that was a really stupid thing for him to say. I doubt anyone is dumb enough to think that makes sense.
It has delegitimized itself. Thomas is on the take. Alito is sharing decisions ahead of time with his pals. Roberts sits there with a thumb up his ass as he destroys his legacy.
Stop whining.
Once again the Democrat run media lie and deceive about conservative Supreme court members. Shows how desperate the Democrats are to make the court corrupt with Democrat Justices so they can once again make laws illegally with the court
Again, you fascists want to talk about ethics on the court? Elena Kagan leaked the Dobbs decision - creating massive violence and inciting attempted assassination of he fellow justices.
Will you join me in calling for her resignation from the bench? You have CCP puppet in the white house, the balance of the court won't change. But this leak is the first time in history a justice has openly betrayed the bench.
Kagan must go, and should be prosecuted.
Funny, Roberts said he did not know who or how it was leaked. But what did that change? It was a fact telling us they were going agaist choice. Roberts should have gotten in contact with you.
But again, it was a week or so before it was released. What did that change?
Not quite, bit of a reframe which would be expected in an opinion piece in the Federalist
What raised suspicion was that they had been trying to sell the property for years unsuccessfully, and once he gets the approved, the property is quickly sold in the matter of days. And sold to an unidentified buyer, who latter is found to be the head of a large law firm that is regularly involved in cases before the Supreme Court
Now did he break a law, no, technically neither did Thomas, Politico didn’t accuse him of violating any law, rather that the circumstances surrounding the whole affair raises questions of ethics, something any Supreme Court Justice is suppose to be above
Not a “hit job,” just another revelation, one of three, that raises concerns about the integrity of the Roberts Court
Once again the Democrat run media lie and deceive about conservative Supreme court members. Shows how desperate the Democrats are to make the court corrupt with Democrat Justices so they can once again make laws illegally with the court
There was nothing wrong with what Thomas did - nothing.
NOW Elena Kagan leaking internal court documents and endangering the lives of her fellow justices - THAT is some "hinky shit."
You are stupid, really stupid. The court has to have some respect. Intelligent and responsible judges recognize that the image of the court is very important. Thomas and his covering up and lying hurts the court badly. Since they do not have ethics rules, they should be more responsible. not less. Thomas has brought his decisions into question. He has hurt the court. But since the founders relied on the honesty and integrity of Supremes, Thomas's actions are even worse. We had Trump, who had no respect for decorum and respect for the past. He damaged the presidency. Thomas and the other judges who are on the take are harming the 2nd branch of the American government.
You are stupid, really stupid. The court has to have some respect. Intelligent and responsible judges recognize that the image of the court is very important. Thomas and his covering up and lying hurts the court badly. Since they do not have ethics rules, they should be more responsible. not less. Thomas has brought his decisions into question. He has hurt the court. But since the founders relied on the honesty and integrity of Supremes, Thomas's actions are even worse. We had Trump, who had no respect for decorum and respect for the past. He damaged the presidency. Thomas and the other judges who are on the take are harming the 2nd branch of the American government.
Before Kagan leaked the Dobbs decision, the fascist democrat Reich was already trying to intimidate the court with threats of "court packing" and other actions that you thought would coerce the court to bow to the left.
Then once Kagan leaked, there was open violence against the court as the left tried to use violent force to get your way. Now you have this parade of smears by the Nazi press - again meant to intimidate and coerce the court.
You Nazi thugs have a particular way of doing things. And it's disgusting.
you type the most ridiculous shit. If it were her leak, it was a story for a week. The Conservative Supremes are doing serious long-term damage to the court's reputation and truthfulness. It was not intimidation to talk about adding judges. It is actually a good response to Trump/McConnell cheating and packing the court.
It is the right who are Nazis and are willing to destroy the foundations of America.