The US Constitution, for better or worse, gave the SCOTUS a very important role in the conduct of our government.
It did not give the SCOTUS an army, however.
The Executive Branch, and only the Executive Branch, has that,
and thus in the end, it's the Executive Branch which decides what needs to be enforced and what doesn't.
Unlike the SCOTUS, the POTUS is answerable to the electorate.
Roberts is just your typical right of center oaf, not good by a long shot but not the worst.
Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh, however, all, without exception, are more appropriately clothed in orange jumpsuits than judicial robes.
As for Barrett, she was meant to be a nun, one from one of those orders that still wear the medieval era habits,
only with the dispensation to allow her to pop out stupid rug rats as that seems to have been her other main priority.
The three other broads, Sotomayor, Kagan, and even the new schwartza, Jackson, are all very serious and very accomplished jurists,
some of the brightest minds on the planet, and indicative of how Democratic presidents take the duty to appoint SCOTUS justices very seriously.
Republican presidents, who are invariably brain dead, make a point of finding candidates even dumber than themselves.
It's the only seriously difficult task at which they're ever successful,