Politico’s Hit On Neil Gorsuch Is Another Transparent Attempt To Delegitimize SCOTUS

Again, you fascist traitors have attacked the court for two years. This smear campaign is just the latest in a LONG train of abuses by you Nazi thugs.

The most SERIOUS ethical lapse in the HISTORY of the court is the leak of the Dobbs decision by Elena Kagan. Your attempt to lynch Justice Thomas pales with the stench of what Kagan did.

And you Nazis cheer her for it.


Dingo-fucking Down Under dumbasses need to work more and post less.
Someday Douche Duck will figure out I have him on ignore and will never give him the attention he so desperately craves.
Before Kagan leaked the Dobbs decision, the fascist democrat Reich was already trying to intimidate the court with threats of "court packing" and other actions that you thought would coerce the court to bow to the left.

Then once Kagan leaked, there was open violence against the court as the left tried to use violent force to get your way. Now you have this parade of smears by the Nazi press - again meant to intimidate and coerce the court.

You Nazi thugs have a particular way of doing things. And it's disgusting.

That is a lie, zero proof of the identity of who leaked the decision, like third time this poster has repeated the lie
The US Constitution, for better or worse, gave the SCOTUS a very important role in the conduct of our government.
It did not give the SCOTUS an army, however.

The Executive Branch, and only the Executive Branch, has that,
and thus in the end, it's the Executive Branch which decides what needs to be enforced and what doesn't.

Unlike the SCOTUS, the POTUS is answerable to the electorate.

Roberts is just your typical right of center oaf, not good by a long shot but not the worst.

Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh, however, all, without exception, are more appropriately clothed in orange jumpsuits than judicial robes.

As for Barrett, she was meant to be a nun, one from one of those orders that still wear the medieval era habits,
only with the dispensation to allow her to pop out stupid rug rats as that seems to have been her other main priority.

The three other broads, Sotomayor, Kagan, and even the new schwartza, Jackson, are all very serious and very accomplished jurists,
some of the brightest minds on the planet, and indicative of how Democratic presidents take the duty to appoint SCOTUS justices very seriously.

Republican presidents, who are invariably brain dead, make a point of finding candidates even dumber than themselves.
It's the only seriously difficult task at which they're ever successful,

While I obviously have the OP on ignore, the following was in a quote from a poster who does have a live mic:

"Once again the Democrat run media lie and deceive about conservative Supreme court members. Shows how desperate the Democrats are to make the court corrupt with Democrat Justices so they can once again make laws illegally with the court"

I only include this as an illustration of why I put so many deficient thinkers on ignore.
That is a lie, zero proof of the identity of who leaked the decision, like third time this poster has repeated the lie

When Justice Alito revealed that Kagan was the leaker, no one was really surprised. It had to be her or Sotomayor. And the "wise latina" is too fucking stupid to wipe her own ass, so Kagan was the odds on even before Alito confirmed it.

Once you fascists lost the majority on the court, you began attacking the court. This was just another of a LONG line of attacks by you traitors, trying to undermine the checks and balances of our Republic.
you type the most ridiculous shit. If it were her leak, it was a story for a week. The Conservative Supremes are doing serious long-term damage to the court's reputation and truthfulness. It was not intimidation to talk about adding judges. It is actually a good response to Trump/McConnell cheating and packing the court.
It is the right who are Nazis and are willing to destroy the foundations of America.

why do you retards have to lie all the time?

you don't pack the court by replacing retired people

that you have to lie shows how pathetic your argument is.
Again, you fascist traitors have attacked the court for two years. This smear campaign is just the latest in a LONG train of abuses by you Nazi thugs.

The most SERIOUS ethical lapse in the HISTORY of the court is the leak of the Dobbs decision by Elena Kagan. Your attempt to lynch Justice Thomas pales with the stench of what Kagan did.

And you Nazis cheer her for it.


That is a typical lie from you. Diversion and playing opposites is your childish game.
That is a typical lie from you. Diversion and playing opposites is your childish game.
You can always tell a Down Under dumbass...you just can't tell him much. LOL

Once again the Democrat run media lie and deceive about conservative Supreme court members. Shows how desperate the Democrats are to make the court corrupt with Democrat Justices so they can once again make laws illegally with the court


Spot on. If the dishonest, corrupt and lying idiots in the Democratic Party cannot stack the court, they will delegitimize and demagogue it.

Democrats, contrary to the lies they spread about Trump and MAGAs being the threat, are its greatest threat.
Sir! Do you have no shame? Do you understand what ethics are? Does any Republican these days?


I see you are still stuck on moron. Probably will always be stuck on moron. You're also an embarrassment to the human race. A maggot has more intelligence and honor than a leftist hack like you.
the liberals are disgusting. This will eventually be settled in war - we just are too far apart to actually live together

You're wrong, thank God. It will be settled at the ballot boxes where it must remain if we are to continue as a democratic light to the world.